Can we all agree Doctor Strange is probably the top 3 best marvel of all time?
Can we all agree Doctor Strange is probably the top 3 best marvel of all time?
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I guess, if you're into that sort of thing.
pretty good if you're willing to accept time travel plot holes.
why didnt he just use the time turner to prevent le chiffre from stealing the page
Official Rankings:
1. Guardians of the Galaxy
2. Captain America: Winter Soldier
3. Avengers
But whenever you mess with time and space, you're always gonna end up with plot holes
I'll probably see it in like two weeks from now then I will let you know.
just came back from a screening and all i can say is
how do they consistently make the best movies. so compelling and creative. was like Inception mixed with magica space stuff. And the humor was just superb.
good gentlesirs, I beg you to see this cinematical feast for the senses!
I was a bit disappointed that the bad guys were so woefully mistaken about the quality of life in the dark dimension, I think it would have been better if they were genuinely putting forward a legitimate alternative to the heroes. But I did like that Strange atleast demanded Dormammu to accept his followers on Earth because he knew they would never be able to accept their failure and would keep trying to find a way into the dark dimension, instead of just killing/imprisoning them.
That's what I'm saying.
You have to accept the movie at face value and not think too hard about it if you want to enjoy it.
no Doctor Strange really isn't that great at all. The longer it's been since I've seen it, the worse and more generic it gets. Very forgettable and bland.
How stronf is the time stone? What does it do, so far?
will do, thanks
Strange used it to revive himself infinitely until his overwhelmingly strong opponent got tired of killing him.
If he fought someone lesser it would be like Dark Souls, he would fight until he learned how to win.
Did you know due to his Goatee our dimensions Dr Strange is in fact the evil one!
manchildren BTFO
>being the best out of a series of shitty films
The one true capekino
>repurposed Iron Man script
>D E E P themes and wacky quips
>dude cgi lmao
>not even sure what was accomplished the end of the movie. Humanity was kind of saved from the mirror dimension going awry
>bargaining is the new dance off
I'd rank it somewhere north of IM3 and south of Ant-Man. I like GotG, Cap2, IM1, and Ant-Man more. It was better than CW, though.
If you take away the cool the world warps like a puzzle sequences you get another formulaic marvel flick
also rachel mccadams was almost completely worthless.
Marvel's films do have flaws, but they are of a surprisingly consistent quality. There's strong characterization and they are frankly more faithful to the comics than the current comics.
Doctor Strange is not even the top five best marvel movies, let alone three.
Consistency is easy when you stick to the same formula over and over again.
>if you take away the most distinctive part of the movie, it's like other movies
You're a genius
thats literally what i said
Iron Man
Guardians of the Galaxy
Probably 4th or 5th after Winter Soldier.
If you're talking about marvel studios, sure. If you're just talking about marvel characters then no, spiderman 2, xmen 2, and winter soldier are all better
No, it is literally in the bottom 5 of MCU
> Let them change his origin from the comics so autists dont compare it to Ironmans origin.
They stuck true to the source material.
I know, I'm making fun of you
buying 5 tickets for me and my friends thanks to this post
i'm glad i could contribute to the marvel machine and help ensure many more quality films to come, and it's all because of you my friend
Sup Forums really is the best
>oh wow another superhero! best movie evar 10/10 if only I could give more shekels to the hollywood jews for muh capeshit....
>completely forgotten in three months
I definitely agree with this. Their strengths are their weaknesses though. It would be nice to see them develop characters more slowly, I thought Dr Strange's development stood out as particularly rushed.
I generally like the MCU films, and most of them are good popcorn movies that I can watch with the guys. There are a few things that I wish they would improve, though.
>homogeneous visual style
>forgettable music (honestly, didn't notice it until that youtube video, but once you notice it...)
>throwaway characters
>"cut-to-commercial" cliffhangers and aggressive sequel pandering
>shallow romances
>topical comedic style (Sup Forums's favorite term, "quippiness"
I get it- I understand why they make their movies this way. It's movies for guys 7-35. they want them all to fit together cutely so that it's more like a series and less like standalone films. They want them all to be consistent and approachable, so that you don't get discouraged from seeing any individual film.
But it's also a very safe style that merely tells a simple story. The earlier films felt like they were trying to push for a grander, thematic discussion- instead, the themes are mostly being presented in name only, or as sporadic plot points.
Anyway there's my 200 words on smelling my own farts while watching children's cartoons
really made me think
Summed up exactly how I feel.
Structure was by-the-numbers, but I always enjoy trippy Dr. Strange shit. Cumberbactht was kinda of a safe casting, but he was pretty good.
Dormammu could have been cooler, I would have liked more focus on the interdimensional mystic stuff.
Mads Mikkelsen was fucking WASTED.
I think the aggressive sequel/series pandering annoys me the most. Things start feeling really forced: is this scene/interaction here because it makes the movie better, or are they just setting up for the next group movie?
It used to be more limited to the post-credits scene, but now it's gotten pushed so far into the main acts that it's distracting.
I think the MCU would be more fun if it wasn't all so planned.
don't you niggas say this for every Marvel movie that have come out over the last 3 years?
you know "really made me think" is usually used sarcastically/ironically right
you're lucky i was actually serious or i could have totally BTFO you kid
I thought the dormammu finale was kind of dumb at anticlimactic. Also why are all the sorcerers who aren't strange, mordo and the ancient one such total jobbers? How could strange while he was training hold off and defeat 3 of the bad sorcerers when the 'masters' died in under a minute, like the librarian not even putting up a fight in the beginning? Even a sanctum full of masters died to those 3 fucks that strange could hold off in a mansion that he'd never been in?
The master of the sanctum doesn't even think to grab one of the relics he has there. Mads seemed scared of that one cup Strange grabbed and got btfo by the prison suit, but the master of these relics neglects to use them.
> only buying 5 tickets
i think you shortchange yourself my good sir
you should buy 10 and give out the extra tickets to passing strangers of good demeanor and diversity.
was honestly ROFL XDing when Strange dropped those humorous lines.
screenshot this post. Dr. Strange will sweep the oscars. Cumbersnatch is truly oscar level.
The villains were so weak, and Mordo's descent to evil was so hilariously bad
Mordo was never evil. He just abandoned the order because he thought it wasn't good enough.
but he cripples the basketball man post credits
he evil now
Relics choose their user. The masters may be unable to use most of those relics. Strange was referred to as a prodigy which is why he could use many of the relics with ease
I don't know why anyone expected Mads to be utilized well in this, you could tell from the first trailer that he was going to be a bland villain with little development or screentime
Everything about him, even on a purely visual level, is forgettable. He's like the live action version of a filler character in a shounen anime
>but he cripples the basketball man post credits
He was changing history so the basketball scene in Catwoman can never happen
Well shit. That's stupid.
He's lawful evil now.
And that whole magic bullshit. You know, the foundation of the whole fucking story. That magic is real and shit.
>every marvel movie climactic battle:
>amorphous rocky space setting
>giant beam of coloured light that needs to be stopped
well he doesn't kill him i guess, just sucks out his mojo. more of an antihero than a sociopath
Captain America?
>oh lawd, I hope no one on the internet hurts my feelings today!
Does basketballman channel dormammu to walk or something? Does he say something about how he abuses magic selfishly at least? In the movie Mordo is not a bad person, he just sticks to the exoteric code taught by TOA.
There was nothing interesting about it, for the most part. Even most of the cuhrazy magic sequences seem fairly bland in retrospect.
The exception to this was the intro sequence with Strange as a neurosurgeon. I thought that was the strongest part of the whole movie. Actually, up until he begins his training with the Ancient One was excellent. Shame that was only the first 20 minutes.
>not getting your feelings hurt by anonymous strangers
>that needs to be stopped
but... it isn't stopped? he just straight dies
>I liked the part everyone else hated
there is nothing of substance in those first 20 minutes other than setting up the most superficial layer of "this guy is arrogant" and you only like it just to be contrarian
Mordo has come to the conclusion, based on the Ancient Ones lies and Strange picking up exactly where she left off that ALL magic users are inherently disrupting the natural order
So he's going to stop them. By removing their ability to do so.
I think that's so lazy. If magic exists, it is then inherently part of the "natural order," which makes it neither more good or evil than anything else in nature. It's like saying that only spontaneously occurring fires are natural and all other fires must be extinguished.
They could have dropped hints that "too many sorcerers"(kek at that) all using (or arguably abusing)magic was eroding the "walls" between this dimension and others, making Mordo a truly "righteous" villain, but instead we get vague allusions to an even more nebulous natural order because Marvel.
and you're literally retarded
Mordo's not meant to be right, man. The Ancient One already pointed out to Strange that he's a good man but his past has made him inflexible to a fault.
And not fucking with dangerous shit comes up all through the movie. Strange saves the day with a power Mordo went bonkers at him for messing with earlier, and Mordo is right insofar as there WILL be consequences.
Like the big purple guy who is going to come calling for that thing he used to stop Dormammu.
>the best marvel film is one that apes christopher nolan's style
REALLY makes you think
>Humanity was kind of saved from the mirror dimension going awry
Confirmed for not watching the film.
>the complaint is literally that the time travel isn't realistic enough
Never thought I'd see the day.
yes Yes and YES
Yeah it's pretty strange how much this felt like a Nolan film, The influence is obvious, at least to me. Marvel must be aware that people think their films are assembly line/paint-by-numbers trash. It would explain the shift in tone/style.
my top 5
>Captain Amrica the First Avenger
It doesn't really, other than the city folding scenes.
It has above average cinematography for a Marvel movie but nothing even remotely on the level of a Nolan movie
Still, improvement is improvement
you can almost here the marvel execs saying "we want the nolan audience"
What can we expect from Strange in the future? Will he be held back by the bland love-interest like Thor was?
Will Mordo's character development continue or will he be twirling his mustache and killing puppies when we next see him?
How much stronger can Strange get?
I can't really tell. They are all kind of the same.
Funny, I bet the WB executives say that too.
He pretty much left his ex and old life behind at the end of this and embraced what he's become, so I doubt that
1. Winter Soldier
2. Doctor Strange
3. Captain America 1
You're alright, kid. I too enjoy The Star-Spangled Man with a Plan.
Probably the most underrated MCU movie. It has style and does a good job with Cap's origin story and characterization.
I think Strange will take more of a leadership role for Avengers 3 and beyond.
I think they learned their lesson with Portman and Thor. If anything McAdams will take a pure comedic relief slot, like Pepper Potts without any chance of Shane Black's stupid ideas.
Mordo is already twirling by the stinger. It'll be dumb anyways.
Strange already used an infinity stone in his origin movie, and he didn't even blow up or have a real fight with the main villain.
The Power Creep demands he has a flashier third act for his sequel movie, and then he won't have an Infinity Stone, and sequels demand that the visuals will have to go more over the top, so he'll have a million spells and hadokens and shit
I don't think power creep will be much of an issue, they made the point of stating Avengers and sorcerers deal with different threats for a reason, and Infinity Wars is the last "super conflict" movie for the forseeable future, the model is switching to Thor 3 style team ups of characters rather than long builds to Avengers conflicts.
NO. Marvel makes so much kino it's hard to choose.
Too far back maybe
He's not the supreme yet after all
It was easily as bad as Green Lantern.
Does not happen in Iron Man 1,2,3 or in CA 1,2,3 neither in both avengers, does not happen in thor 1, happens only in thor 2..what the fuck are you on about?
don't worry capecucks, it'll only hurt for a moment
It's easily in the top in terms of wasted potential. It was alright, but this movie could have been the one to really break the mold in terms of MCU cookie cutter movies. Instead it felt like every other MCU flick in terms of forced comedic tone, thin characters and generic "bad guy wants to take over the world just because" narrative thrust, only this time they threw in some neat psychedelic imagery two or three times. Imagine what this movie could have been if it wasn't beholden to the MCU formula. If they brought on a strong director and let him do whatever he wanted. It could have easily been one of the most interesting films of the genre. But instead it was Iron Man with a Harry Potter filter.
You could argue the space portal thing in Avengers counts, but otherwise yeah
(doesn't happen in Ant Man either)
It wasn't time travel, it was time control. Time control that Kaecilius was even able to escape due to the power that Dormammu had imbued him with.
You are the worst reviewer on the Internet. It astounds me. You have been spamming your garbage videos for months now and you haven't improved even slightly. You have no insight. It's like listening to a middle school student tell me what he thought of movies I have no interest in seeing.
If you eat shit sure
>>not even sure what was accomplished the end of the movie. Humanity was kind of saved from the mirror dimension going awry
The entire world was saved from imprisonment in the eternal agony of an interdimensional conquering being's realm. The mirror dimension wasn't even the main threat.