Fuck this guy.
Fuck this guy
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>hating someone who has no idea you exist
Could you BE more pathetic?
you hate him because he's right.
i heard he has a big cock
Maher's pretty based honestly.
Thinks Trump is a fucking moron.
Knows Hillary is crooked.
Calls Islam what it is.
He's hardly the liberal posterboy you're implying that he is. A lot of liberals hate him for criticizing Clinton and saying that Islam is a religion of violence.
I hate this self-righteous cunt.
I like him.
wow this is easy!
His endorsement of Hilary and description of millenials who refused to vote for her, or even decided to vote for her as a "lesser of two evils", as "ignorant" was complete BS.
Honestly the worst segment I've ever seen him give.
He's ok. He's still far easier on Hillary than Trump, and in general he's easier on his pet issues vs their pet issues but he's certainly more grounded than shitters like Colbert or Oliver.
>samefag shill
What is there to shill? Actually think about that, you needle-minded sloth
Why because he calls trump and his supporters hysterical fascists?
He was right though
how come he hasn't been back on bill's show? is he that much of a pussy?
i bet he diddles kids
Got a link to it? I'm curious to see how he even tries to show Hillary as anything other than the lesser of two evils.
You sound jelly.
WHEW! Yep, either youre a creepy stalker of Bill's who will murder your own kids to defend Bill or youre a shill
There is no way that someone in his position could possibly think that hillary is the lesser of two evils. Unless he buys into the trump is a racist, mysoginist bullshit. At which point he basically agrees with hillary's rhetoric anyways.
he's an old guy that toes the line for all his dick sucking celebrity friends. the discussion never goes anywhere interesting, I don't know why anyone would still bother to watch it.
>I know we said it was the end of the world the last election even though we told you the election before that was suppose to end the world once the election before that failed to end the world as we keep saying, but this time is totally different, the world will really end if you Vote Trump.
He got fucking rekt and can't debate for shit
this guy has the humor of a middleschooler
yet he is so smug
can't watch it
>Unless he buys into the trump is a racist, mysoginist bullshit.
What does this even mean? Every thing thats come out of trumps mouth or typed by his fingers for years has been the definition of racist, misogynist, and a general mix of conspiracies and petty attacks against people who upset him. Pointing that out isn't empty rhetoric. The only thing people attack hillary for are literally national enquirer conspiracies
Please provide a quote from Donald Trump that is actually racist.
He has repeatedly hand waved away Hillary's scandals. If he "knows" Hillary is crooked, he certainly isn't saying it publicly.
He stopped being relevant after Bush's presidency. Now, smug unwarranted self-importance liberals are the establishment. His humor is no different than what you see on Reddit or on any of the other liberal late night talk shows.
He makes me laugh cause he's a cunt
So he knows what "DUMPFKIN HAHA" retards like you like to hear. Amazing guy.
Stop going to comedians for political insight, Sup Forums.
How are you posting from a year ago? He's gone full panicked shill mode as of late
>Bill Maher implores the media to do their job
Amusing considering how blatantly skewed and biased they have been against Trump this whole election.
You're right. This is next level panicked. He knows how biased they have been in favour of Hillary. The man isn't an idiot. He knows full well.
>be politically incorrect
>all his opinions are PC except expressed with vulgarity
>its not fuckin funny
what a bunch of dolts
Honestly he's on the right side of most things. He's a retard when it comes to anything remotely medical though.
Also I didn't like the part of the last episode where he basically called Donald an unwitting russian agent. Donald's a dumpster fire of a human being with nothing but failed copypasta republican policy, but he's not a russian agent. That's a scare tactic on par with what conservatives shit out every other day about Hillary and he didn't have to stoop to that level.
>and he didn't have to stoop to that level.
lol. yes he did. he knows who butters his bread.
at this point he is being told how to play this. he doesn't actually have a say in the matter.
Better put on your tinfoil hat so the big bad liberal mind control waves don't get you too.
His performance in DC Cab was alright
>Time Warner donates to Hillary
>Time Warner signs Maher's paycheck
hurr durr conspiracy theorist
Butthurt Sup Forums
Salty that their side don't have anyone witty and intelligent like BASED Bill Maher
The best they can come up is pic related
>he doesn't like based filter salesman
Wow you are #sobrave and contrarian
Thanks for correcting the record tumbledditor
>vaccines don't work
>all of modern medicine is faked
>lifelong drug use probably won't cause health problems, why are they illegal?
>you can cure yourself with good nutrition and exercise, honestly
>but hey it's the Republicans who are anti-science
He has a decent set of writers who can make obvious jokes about dumb things that people in the news did, that's about it. Whenever he actually tries to make a point it's always completely retarded, wrong, or meaningless, and then he cuts off his guests before they respond.
You can talk shit about Jon Stewart all you like, but when he was interviewing someone and actually trying to be serious, he let them get their message across. He didn't go on a 5 minute diatribe and then say "moving on"
>Over 9000% Projection
>ITT poltards sperging because Alt-Rightism is retarded unfunny bullshit
I actually find it kinda cool that he usually invites a Republican that isn't whining about >muh Jews >muh PC all the time but talks back.
>You can talk shit about Jon Stewart all you like, but when he was interviewing someone and actually trying to be serious, he let them get their message across. He didn't go on a 5 minute diatribe and then say "moving on"
>falling for Liberalism
Aren't you guys like embracing antagonism and polemics? Cause if you don't there is really is no way to justify Trump. But I guess asking Sup Forumslacks why they are thinking in the way they are thinking is pointless.
The only anguish Bill Maher really feels is when the whores fall asleep and the weed runs out.
How comes Sup Forums gets this mad when a comedian makes jokes about their favourite candidate? Are they just as thin skinned as tumblr by now?
>by now
They're the same thing to begin with albeit coming with a different flavor.
Literally pallette swaps of each other.
>Knows Hillary is crooked.
You know, literally since Bill Clinton first became Governor of Arkansas in the late '70s, people have been trying to pin something, anything on Hillary. Nearly every accusation that can be laid against her has been - everything from being a bad businesswoman to being a serial murderer of political enemies has been laid at her feet. Tens of thousands of man-hours of investigation have been carried out, thousands of pages of reports have been published, millions upon millions of dollars have been spent. And yet, even her sworn enemies can't create a solid case. At some point, you have to wonder - is she actually crooked, or is everyone just scared of her because she's ruthlessly honest?
>Maher's pretty based honestly.
No he isn't. H's extremely pro-Israel while encouraging open borders for the US and Europe, like every other Jewish "liberal".
When Trump wins he will put her in jail because she is so crooked
"You're fired Hilary!"
God bless USA and our freedoms
those "scandals" are literally national enquirer headlines to bait fucking retards like yourself. there's nothing to report on aside from the emails which have nothing criminal in them. what's wrong with you dumb people? why don't you know anything?
>objective about the Clinton's
It is just me or do jews start to look more "jewish" as they got older?
>tfw no christopher this election
He probably would've been a #nevertrump cuckservative, but still, he was the only major leftist to really go after the clintons
>over 9000
What did you fucking time travel from 2009 or something?