Le silent autistic killers who suck at actually killing their target

>le silent autistic killers who suck at actually killing their target

It was these two that made it painfully clear this show would never be anything but mediocre at best

OP's autism aside, why do people consider 'Fly' to be the best episode in the series? it's boring as fuck and nothing actually happens

Probably the best villains until that point. The show was always shit.

this isn't capeshit you mouth-breathing retard there aren't supposed to be black and white 'villains' to every arc

and in what way are they even remotly good? They're not believable characters, at all. They make absolutely no sense, trying to mix a calm professional who's highly effective and a rage-driven retard who acts on a whim into a single personality. They're just extremely badly written. They stick out like a sore thumb

>Being this unable to understand metaphors

It's not considered the best but its considered an extremely effective episode for what it is. They managed to explore a ton of Walts personality and his relationship with Jesse at that point just by having them dick about in the lab for an hour.

There very obviously were black and white villais for the whole run of the show and the show itself is way below the tier of capeshit which is evidenced by even comically bad characters like those being better than anything before them.

Now fuck off to reddit.

>not being able to explain said metaphors

>why do people consider 'Fly' to be the best episode in the series?

They don't. Ozymandias is universally considered the best.

Walt's character will always be nonsensical gibberish

Apparently he was "too proud" to ask for help and "something happened" with Grey Matter but it's obvious that the writers were too fucking lazy to figure out just what that "something" was.

All in all Vince is a hack and he never delivered.

The Finale was the most disappointing hour of television and season 5a/b was the most disappointing season of television.

>There very obviously were black and white villais
there was Tuco, that's it. He served a purpose in character development of both Jesse and Walt, and Hank. He wasn't a 'villain' per se. He wasn't any kind of big bad of the season, he was just a character which they interacted with. And unlike these two jokes, Tuco was actually somewhat believable

>below capeshit
>muh reddit
I see you're just shitposting, don't bother replying anymore faggot

They're easy to explain, it wouldn't be worth my time though since they were so obvious in the show. If the show went over your head, then you're hopeless

yep, show went downhill after season 2 big time. the only things that saved it were the top notch cinematography and aaron paul

You want him to explain the entire episode for you? Jesus christ, Sup Forums

Jesus Christ just go back already.

Show went downhill after the second EPISODE buddy. You're a giant pleb if you enjoyed all the way into season 2.

wtf I hate vince now

Also what's wrong with walt killing jail guards. He's supposed to be breaking bad you fucking HACK.

Explain the main themes ye?

nah your the pleb, it went downhill after the pilots opening scene, everything after that was literally trash. stay pleb

The fly was Walter, and Walter was DEA

>I don't have an argument
>I know I'll call him the buzzword of the week
why even post at that point, do you think anyone takes you seriously? How the fuck do you think people will react other than think you're a complete utter fucking moron? Remove yourself from the genepool

The metaphors in The Fly couldn't have been more obvious than if Walt and Jessie broke the 4th wall and explained it

What a fucking hack Vince is

>uh, you don't get to not bring autism

Around the half time mark of the pilot is when the show jumps the shark.

That's when we learn that Walt's brother in law is in the DEA and that this is going to be a major plot point. Can you imagine if Tony Soprano's uncle was head of the FBI and they were cat and mousing each other during family dinners? It's fucking ridiculous soap/anime tier writing.

cause it was different and quirky and doing something with characters people already know, why do you think the comedy xfiles episodes are so popular?