What are some other films people pretend to enjoy?
What are some other films people pretend to enjoy?
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> Pic unrelated
Anything by Bergman and Tarkovsky.
What did he mean by this?
Slant eye """cinema"""
>he doesn't like riki-oh
Plebian spotted
> everything Nolan ever made (minus Insomnia, a legit great film)
> everything post-Casino from Marty
> Gladiator
> Prometheus
> Terminator 2
> Rope (literally tips fedora: the flick)
> everything post-Jaws from Jewen Jewberg
> Amelie
> The Great Dictator ("I dedicate this movie to all the jews of the world")
> every capeshit from Marvel and DC
> Lost in Translation
> everything post-Jackie Brown from Hackantino
> Cast Away
> Slumdog Millionaire
> Heaven's Gate
It's funny because this type of a film is about the only thing I can sit through.
Last Year at Marienbad
Trois Couleurs: Bleu
I enjoyed it. Long and boring, but fun. Thanks for reminding me to go rewatch it
>le joo XD
One of the worst movies I've ever seen. Every American cunt says it's great... they're all fucking idiots.
>Pulp Fiction
Most people just say they like it because it's one of those movies that it's cool to say you like.
It's like people who say they hate Bono. Yes, Bono is an awful cunt, but the only reason they hate him, is because it's "cool" to hate him.
>Schindler's List
What can I say? It's just shit.
>Fight Club
I've met people who said yes to watching it, then when I asked them about the ending trying to get their opinion or whatever, they stared into space because, of course, they were lying
It's also one of those movies that everyone claims to have seen when they may not have done.
It's like Crime and Punishment... Everyone I've ever met claims to have read it, yet they all of a sudden "can't remember", any details or anything at all from the fucking book when asked.
>The Usual Suspects
>Reservoir Dogs
>A Clockwork Orange
>The Big Lebowski
>It's like Crime and Punishment... Everyone I've ever met claims to have read it, yet they all of a sudden "can't remember", any details or anything at all from the fucking book when asked.
WOW! This is just amazing.
Im,guessing op didnt understand there will be blood and has no attention span.
I hope, I don't meet anyone like them.
You are nothing but a contrarian. Look at that list lol.
when my sister was in highschool someone brought up pulp fiction and my sister started talking about her favorite scenes and how funny they were
just about everyone in her class disagreed with her and were outraged that she found the movie funny
the main argument was that it was a serious movie about drugs
she came home fuming and when she told me so was I
I don't understand how stupid someone can be to take anything tarantino seriously
walken literally monologues about keeping a pocket watch in his ass for ten minutes for crying out loud
>> Terminator 2
You have to be seriously deluded to think people pretend to like a fun action packed blockbuster.
That was the only place thw gooks werent ganna look.
Fuck you for adding gladiator to this list. Whats wrong with it?
These contrarian posts never get old.
>>A Clockwork Orange
>>The Big Lebowski
You honestly can't understand why someone would find these entertaining? I've seen TBL like a dozen times.
Gangs of New York
I went into that film afraid it was going to be extremely boring but I ended up loving it. Daniel Day Lewis' and Paul Dano's performances were very entertaining.
>> everything Nolan ever made (minus Insomnia, a legit great film)
Memento, The Prestige, The Dark Knight, Batman Begins >>> Insomnia
>> everything post-Casino from Marty
The Departed and The Wolf of Wall Street were fun flicks though.
>> Terminator 2
>> everything post-Jaws from Jewen Jewberg
What? You think people are pretending to like popcorn movies? Why would they do that? Pretending to like popcorn movies doesn't make you look like an intellectual.
>>The Big Lebowski
That film is hilarious.
Actually I'm with OP in this one. The movie fucking suck balls.
I don't like the Overratedfather
Tat movie,is underappreciated. I never hear pwople love or hate on it really.
I don't think so. It's just those movies were made specifically for the average person who watches something like "Gladiator" and says it's the best movie ever made.
They're the same people who genuinely like Dave Grohl.
They own all of the Transformers movies on DVD and call Breaking Bad, a """masterpiece"""
The Big Lebowski is boring, maaaan.
Batman v Superman
Man of Steel
>The Big Lebowski is boring, maaaan.
It's kino.
I watched this movie once, and thought it was ok, but didn't understand the fuzz. I saw it a second time and became obsessed with it, causing me to almost think about it constantly for weeks, and rewatching scenes on youtube. This alone makes me consider it a masterpiece. I don't care to defend this to a bunch of adults who's favourite films are produced by Disney though.
Interstellar is garbage. Fight club is over rated. Pulp fiction has grat acting, diologue, overall writing, was original. Schindlers list... well thats like saying i enjoy the oianist. Its super depressing but it tells a story that fuckin means shit. Anchorman is maybe not your sense of humor? The first one was funny and i see no reason its shity compared to other comedies people dig. 2 sucks obviously. Te big lebowski... one of the best filmed and well written comedy, let alone stoner genius. And acting lets not forger. A clockwork,organge i can see why people dont like it, i just like wierd stuff. Resevoir dogs... not as good as pulp fiction. It wasnt hard to figure out. Usual suspects also good but as with many twist movoes maybe overrated.
Meant to say pianist
low bait user kun
Nolan's Batman trilogy, particularly TDK and especially TDKR.
Also There Will Be Blood is amazing you fucking faggot.
Everything by Hackomy Urine
>Schindler's List
>"It tells a story"
>"Means something"
Hahahhahaaaha good one!
>"The first one was funny"
Yeah, if you don't understand comedy or if you are a dribbling retard.
>"I see no reason its shitty compared to other comedies people like"
Yes. Those are probably shit too, it doesn't make it any less shit or any funnier because people like even shitter shit.
What about it sucks?
Pretend to,like? Hot girls doing gangster shit? I dont think a single person,pretends to like this. I get a hard on when those chicks put on skimasks and go jack the diner. Unironicly the filming wasnt bad
I unironically enjoyed Mirror
look at you, not liking things that are generally liked. what a cool guy
The thing is, people genuinely enjoy these movies, they're just massive fucking plebs.
Ten why did you pick,anchorman if its just like all the other shit? Ok, sensing anitsematism wont argue there. No wil farrel is a comedic genius. He even has a movie where he speaks fluenly in spanish the wholw time.
If you don't understand why people enjoy TWBB you might either be autistic or underage. You don't even have to enjoy it yourself, but it should be blatantly fucking obvious why people love this movie.
Intstelar is garbage. The only one i said i didnt like. If you arent dumb youll understand why its a bad movie.
>everyone who disagrees with me is dumb.
i liked interstellar, wasn't great but was enjoyable
But the only thing he said he didn't like is Interstellar, which is understandable considering the god awful dialogue/exposition, its inability to focus on a central theme and the convoluted plot.
This. God, what a waste of my time.
I'm too pleb to even know who they are lol
>> everything Nolan ever made (minus Insomnia, a legit great film)
Agreed. Although Insomnia sucks too.
>> everything post-Casino from Marty
>> Gladiator
>> Prometheus
Haven't seen it but it looks bad.
>> Terminator 2
>> Rope (literally tips fedora: the flick)
>> everything post-Jaws from Jewen Jewberg
>> Amelie
This was gay. I turned it off.
>> The Great Dictator ("I dedicate this movie to all the jews of the world")
>> every capeshit from Marvel and DC
There's some good shit here and there. Raimi's Spider-Mans for example.
>> Lost in Translation
>> everything post-Jackie Brown from Hackantino
Some are okay but yeah they're often pretty fucking cringe. I did like Inglorious though. I hate the Kill Bills and Hateful 8 was so bad I ended up dropping it 3/4rths through.
>> Cast Away
>> Slumdog Millionaire
>> Heaven's Gate
I used to love this when I was a normal person. My m8s and I used to get stoned and watch it all the time and I fucking loved it then. Now I can't stand it. Must be the horrible 4chink influence turning everything to ash in your mouth.
>Pulp Fiction
lol contrarian pleb
>schidler's list
>Fight Club
more typical Sup Forums tryhard contrarianism
>The Usual Suspects
kind of agree. never thought this movie was that great.
>Reservoir Dogs
>A Clockwork Orange
>The Big Lebowski
Yeah. Leo can't act.
This movie had me biting my lip the whole time trying not to fap. So yeah, it's torture more than anything else, if you can't fap when watching it.
Everyone who disagrees with you is trying to,be a mean wannabe coolguy? Good luck. Cool, enjoy it. Enjoy anything you want even if the science makes no sense. I do it to. Lol still no bueno
>Never heard of Bergman or Tarkovsky
>Thinks he can call anyone else a pleb
Top fucking kek m80
>wil farrel
>comedic genius
Genuine mong or fucking god tier troll?
Hes trolling you
>when I was a normal person
You still are, you fucking moron.
>"Contrarian pleb"
You don't even know what that means, do you?
this thread is actually really good. its an example of the kind of content id like to see on me board.
>walken literally monologues about keeping a pocket watch in his ass for ten minutes for crying out loud
You've said "literally" and followed it up with quite a large exaggeration.
You're probably not hip enough to understand things like Spring Breakers. It's a giant criticism of very modern 'hip' culture so at a glance i think it looks really juvenile and stupid but once you see the little details it honestly tells one of the most relevant stories of youth in the millennial age. Which is why it's always looked down upon because Sup Forums is filled mostly with dorks who can't relate to the ideas because they look down on normalfags without realizing Korine does too.
spring breakers is amazing.
if you're a fucking retard who has only ever watched shit movies then yeah, i guess you're right
I DRINK your milkshake. I drink it up!
reddit pls go
nah senpai it's good. Learn to watch movies analytically rather than accepting whatever is directly in your face
Oh! Okay, because the first time I thought it was just a bunch of random characters who used to be in kids tv shows doing absolutely fuck all interesting while talking in silly accents and wearing silly "rapper" clothes, dancing around and sucking the barrels of guns to make it seem like it actually has some deep philosophical meaning to hide away from the fact that it's actually just a wank stain on the face of cinema.
I guess I got it all wrong huh?
you could call them 'classic'
Anyone who thinks the science in,interstellar is dumb. Its. Nothing personal.
Watch it.
Lawrenc of Arabia
Eyes wide shut
pretty as in choreography, but too long and boring films
People are stupid user. That shouldn't be a surprise anymore.
i enjoy this film, i'm a pleb and i don't give a fuck about your neet opinion, the soundtrack is fantastic the atmosphere is great
i just love everything about this film
plus i love desert, sun and dry places i don't know why, everybody loves the forest, i like stones and dust
>i enjoy this film, i'm a pleb
All TWBB fans are plebes 2bqh. Most can't even handle the less accessible films from the same director nevermind actual cinema.
Does anyone here discuss which were unrecognized masterpieces and which popular films are actually shit, IRL?
I do.