Why do people pretend game of thrones was ever good and not extremely boring?
Why do people pretend game of thrones was ever good and not extremely boring?
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I literally can't understand how anyone can support Hillary
It's pretty easy after the first Clinton check comes in the mail.
Trump = Stannis
Hillary = Cersei
Bernie = Eddard
Then you don't understand nearly half of the population. Get yourself checked out.
>not racist
>not retarded
>actually has political experience
yeah, it's just a mystery we'll never solve
>Bernie = Eddard
Dear god, no.
people just watch mainstream media who paints trump as the antichrist
Wow, voting for a war criminal is much better than voting for someone who just says mean things
I think you might have some kind of autism then, being entirely unable to understand the perspectives of others.
I can't stand Trump yet I can understand easily enough why people would support him. Then again, I'm not 18 and under the sway of this 'super polarization' that seems to be the thing among you young faggots. This whole 'if you're not with X, you support Y' philosophy is so fucking weird to me, being somewhere in the middle.
Get used to seeing her face more often the next four years
>voting for someone who has never held and elected office in his life
>voting for a supreme court full of conservatives
>voting for a racist
enjoy your meme candidate
First season was great and ranks as a classic, but it's all been downhill since then
>das raciss
This isn't the wild west, they don't hang WANTED posters everywhere anymore.
Her tax plan is good (more conservative than Trump's arguably).
Trump has no political experience
He is a draft dodger who has insulted POWs
He has barred blacks from renting his apartments
He has bragged about walking into teen girls dressing rooms
He has repeatedly said he would like to fuck his daughter
He is extremely thin skinned and bitches on twitter like a 15 year old girl
Despite his hundred million dollar inheritance, he is a poor businessmen too ashamed to share his tax records
He's a hypocrite eg criticising Hillary for being for the Iraq war, when there is audio of him espousing the same view
He stands trial for child rape and fraud
In general he comes across as a very ignorant man with a poor vocabulary, flying by the seat of his pants:
>I have a son. He's 10 years old. He has computers. He is so good with these computers, it's unbelievable. The security aspect of cyber is very, very tough. And maybe it's hardly do-able. But I will say, we are not doing the job we should be doing, but that's true throughout our whole governmental society. We have so many things that we have to do better, Lester and certainly cyber is one of them.
Hillary is a boring standard politician who used a private email server.
Hillary indirectly killed thousands of people, it's a lot more than just emails. Her crimes are far worse than trump
Her tax pan is to tax everything everywhere.
I understand why people vote Hillary. She's the state candidate.
This election isn't as special as people make it to be. There is the state candidate, supported by the current establishment (obviously, since they either are the state or its cronies, like Goldman "don't vote Trump" Sachs), and a less state candidate.
How come Trumptards never have anything but the tu quoque when it comes to defending their lad
Frim the thumb nail it looks like hes wearing a wizard hat
Believe it or not, indirectly killing people is part of politics. Conservative hero Nixon indirectly killed a lot more people than Hillary by prolonging the Vietnam war. Reagan had blood on his hands. Some of our best presidents have carried that weight. It's part of the job.
No one here gives a fuck about racism for one thing. Back to riddit.
>It's part of the job.
Not if you don't hold the position yet.
I'm not sure if you're unaware but she served in Congress and as Secretary of State. I know that you thought you were making some kind of clever point by vaguely (and of course without evidence) accusing her of murder outside of politics but you really didn't accomplish that.
Please go back to Sup Forums.
Because Hillary is worse. And did all of it as an official, which is much more damning than doing any of the supposedly awful things he did as a private person.
General Petraus was demoted and vilified for doing 1/100th of what Hillary did. And he did not take bribes from foreigners to determine foreign policy and arms deals.
Besides there is nothing here except saying Trump is a mean. Not even responding to the bizarre stuff like incest with Ivanka.
What a lazy fat asshole. This isn't real is it? Next GabeN will endorse Shillary.
The only thing stopping Don from being a war criminal is that he's never had the power to afford him the opportunity, and you know it
>I literally can't understand how anyone can support Hillary
Because they get paid to do so lmao
shes isnt a racist fuck like drumpf
she has experience
know the inner workings of the politics she will make feminism stronger
>>voting for someone who has never held and elected office in his life
Nobody trusts washington corrupt pigs anymore. Kill yourself.
>>voting for a supreme court full of conservatives
Sounds awesome.
>>voting for a racist
Fuck yeah.
Hillary has killed innocents
Trump has not
>not racist
>not retarded
Trump = Stannis
Hillary = Cersei
Bernie = Balon
>if you don't vote for hillary, you vote for trump!
fuck off, idiot
>still three more books to write
hell be fine
Do you believe in innocent until proven guilty? That's the cornerstone of our judicial system. That is American justice. It was one of the most important things established by the fathers of our country and I believe in it with all of my heart.
The fact is, all you guys have on Hillary are accusations which have to be proven in court for me to hold her accountable. I'm sorry but I can't stop supporting someone because a bunch of people on an anime image board say she's done a bunch of unproven horrible things.
On the other hand, Trump has been a terrible person openly and in public. The way he talks to people on Twitter, that shit in Scotland with the golf course, his general unpresidential demeanor and everything else are well documented and indisputable. Add that to the facts that he has no political experience and seems inept when speaking about matters of foreign policy makes him unelectable to me plain and simple.
Now, if Hillary has done half of the shit you guys accuse her of doing, it needs to be proven in court. If it is, it's not like the country is entirely without recourse. She can be removed from office easily enough and our system can continue to function as it should. However, if you're going to damn her without the backing of our judicial system for these heinous crimes, then you don't believe in that system. You don't believe in America. You don't believe in democracy.
Trump is a man way ahead of our time
really fires up the neurons
Bernie's more like Rob. Inherently good, but idealistic and too naive to realize that the world doesn't work that way.
But you don't understand.
Views on civil law, control by the state and independent foreign policy, and fighting corruption doesn't matter.
Haven't you heard that the big bad Drumpf is a misogynist rayciss?
>but idealistic and too naive
Clearly not since Jill Stein offered him the head seat of the Green Party but of course Bernie the Pussy declined.
>because she's a le woman and we need more vaginas in politics
Reminder that millennials will be the end of western civilization
Hillary is the most boring bitch I've ever seen. She's literally just an extra greedy Obama.
People are voting for her because Trump is super scary for actually having convictions.
Reminder that you're still a millenial whining about other millenials no matter how much you want to take the moral ground
wow he sure showed drumpf lol
>cant understand those were different times
face it drumpfkin youwill lose
Game of Thrones is the kind of edgy pop culture phenomenon of its particular moment that impressionable people get enthusiastic about... only to disavow in embarrassment years later when its lameness seems more apparent in hindsight.
In other words, it's basically the Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy, Fight Club, Tarantino, Jackass, Matrix, etc, of its day...
Edgy, shallow, juvenile, but somehow received as edgy and smart because it's grimdark, it pretends to be smarter than "your grandpa's Fantasy", is packed with cynical atheistic sentiments, gratuitous ultraviolence, and over-the-top sex that are blatantly just for fanservice.
Giving women the vote was a mistake
Naive is a spectrum, and while he might not be naive enough to jump onto a fringe party, he's too far on the outside of realistic to have a shot at the presidency.
Tamerlan was never proven guilty in court. Guess he dindu nuffin.
>inept when speaking about matters of foreign policy
Compared to the glorious heritage of the Clinton-Kerry diplomacy. Aren't you burgers going to be thrown out of South East Asia yet? Perhaps too much attention was given to putting in place the spying apparatus on your "allies", but I doubt it since you've been inept enough to get caught. Or perhaps it is about taking bribes from Arab princes, the very same that are funding ISIS. Like this one million dollar fee given directly to Clinton account (not even going through the foundation) mysteriously followed by a 80 billion dollars arm selling contract (biggest ever). Or perhaps her dedication to destroying Libya even when Qaddafi had clearly explained the African flow that would result?
Trump will make anime great again.
inb4 you claim trenchcoats now look ridiculous, therefore The Matrix does and missing the point entirely. It's probably the last great sci-fi film
I agree with your general point though, in 20 years people will look back at the capeshit/medieval fantasy era with absolute horror that they unironically invested themselves in these franchises
>expecting to discuss got
>instead it's another political conversation
BRAVO Sup Forums
The fact of the matter is Bernie is the only person who could've truly legitimized a third party but instead he decided to die for nothing. Fuck him so hard.
However bad you may believe her to be at foreign policy, I believe he will be much worse.
Also, Tamerlan? What kind of fucking point are you trying to make here? He died before he was able to be prosecuted. Obviously, he would've been convicted. I don't think Hillary would die in a fucking gunfight if the FBI ordered her arrest.
you numales have the privilege of a 24/7 thread
fuck off
I always found The Matrix really corny, from the start. But there were interesting enough bits to it, and I'm not putting you down if you like it.
Tbf, I did almost not include it in the list with those others (and those others aren't all completely without merit either).
But yeah my general point though, about it being a kind of teenage-tier exercise in edginess that gets taken way more seriously than it deserves to, I stand by. I don't believe there's even a remote chance people will continue to compare GRRM to Tolkien in the long run.
>he thinks "war criminal" means anything for the winning side, the American side.
>waah waah Drumpf is a bad person because he's a mean bully
>Hillary 'triggered' suicide of President Bill Clinton's counsel Vince Foster when she attacked and humiliated him in front of White House staff one week before his death
>Juanita Broaddrick: Hillary Tried To Silence Me On Bill Clinton’s Rape
>“So I just nodded and I told my friend, ‘Let’s go.’ And I thought somebody from behind had grabbed a hold of my arm. But it was her. She grabbed a hold of my arm and my hand and she pulls me into her. And she says with this very angry look on her face, which had been so pleasant seconds before. And in a low voice, says, ‘Do you understand? Everything that you do.’ And that frightened me.”
Why do leftards pretend to themselves that Hillary Clinton isn't a vile scumbag who has gotten to where she is because of her vicious personality and connections?
Season one had all this and still manages to be entertaining. The fall from grace was very fast though.
It was meant to be corny and a parody/mash up of a number of genres you retard, how do people not understand this?
There's incest and attempted child murder in the first episode
I don't really think "boring" is an appropriate criticism
In this thread I've seen "juvenile" and "shallow" though, which seems more accurate
I don't know... it's definitely postmodern, but I also think the directors are the kind of dweebs who legitimately thought all the dead-serious, corny, "free your mind" quotes and slow motion fighting were legitimately profound and cool.
>daily mail
Like I said, if she's ever convicted of anything I'll change my opinion of her. You're not doing your side any favors by posting a notorious clickbait site and an incredibly slanted right-wing site as sources for alleged incidents.
By the way, I don't give a shit about him being a 'mean bully' even though it does make him appear very unpresidential. I'm more concerned with the way he turned people out of their homes to build a gaudy golf course and things of that ilk that truly reveal his character.
>Why do leftards pretend to themselves that Hillary Clinton isn't a vile scumbag who has gotten to where she is because of her vicious personality and connections?
I'm not a 'left tard' just because I dislike Trump and will vote for Clinton. Your super polarized Playstation vs. Xbox millenial is showing. I did however explain the answer to your question in my post. All you have are allegations. If she's convicted, my opinion will change.
They think she's a safer choice than Trump, or they really want a woman in office who will continue Obama's policies. Or they're paid by the Zionists who are about to ship them off to war with Russia, which might be the most popular category.
>not racist
>helped push through the crime bill that has been raping black communities in the ass for an entire generation
>not retarded
>literally cannot work a printer and has to get Huma to do it for her
>actually has political experience
>did not author a single bill her entire senate career
Strike 3, you're out.
Republicans are playing checkers and Democrats are playing chess.
You wouldn't believe how dumb Trump supporters sound to people who know about stuff like microeconomics, force projection and how to read a jobs report.
>I believe he will be much worse.
How is that even possible?
Your pathetic yankee attempt at "containment" of China over the last 10 years is coming down. Demonization of Russia doesn't work. Arab spring involvement is the biggest foreign policy fuck up since the Vietnam war. I don't know how the Iran deal (Clinton approved) was presented in American media, but it sure made you look like both cowards and complete morons.
Top kek, even Israel is beginning to hate the US.
Only single good thing out of American foreign policy these last 20 years has been the irrelevant lift on Cuba restrictions. I'm genuinely curious how Trump would be worse with his mild pseudo-isolationism.
let's see
vote for a climate change denier or the one who mishandled their emails
I have a giggle anytime anyone explains what she did as "mishandling". If you actually worked for the DoD or State you would know how big of a deal it is.
If any other federal employee had done what she did, they would be in jail.
Because they don't really care about equal rights or wealth redistribution like they claim, they don't care about the working class. It's all about virtue signalling to eachother and white hatred.
The left have become a parody of themselves during this election
Both of those articles are reporting what other people have said you tard. In the case of the Juanita Brodderick rape incident it's because the likes of HuffPo, CNN, Salon, ie Clinton mouthpieces who would usually all be over a rape coverup were completely silent on this incident because it shed light on the true nature of the Clinton crime family.
>All you have are allegations. If she's convicted, my opinion will change.
Reminder that your entire justification for voting Clinton is because Trump is a Mean Bully (tm), but there is just as much evidence that Clinton is a Mean Bully, if not more, and you choose to ignore it because of your internalized misandry
>If any other federal employee had done what she did,
And they have done. And they've been put in jail for far less. The system certainly is rigged, a vote for Clinton is a vote for the corrupt establishment
Colin Powell did the same shit
How did America go from world leader in every field to this thing as their president in such a short space of time? I hope you enjoy even more spics and third world migrants flooding your country
sage and report
>Arab spring involvement is the biggest foreign policy fuck up since the Vietnam war.
I would argue that Reagan's support of bin Laden in Afghanistan was a bit more of a foreign policy fuck up than that. The 'demonization of Russia' is par for the course politics. Is this your first political season or something? You have to be naive to believe otherwise. 'Containment' has never been our philosophy with China. If that was true, he wouldn't be importing their goods at astronomical rates. Israel is beginning to hate the US? That's kind of ironic, considering the success Hillary's husband had with Israel. Non-issue.
How is Trump worse? He's entirely unexperienced. I'll take the status quo over a wild card when it comes to foreign policy any day. And what, you believe he'll appoint experienced advisors in these positions? Does Trump really strike you as a man that will delegate decisions to others? He doesn't seem like that kind of man to me.
Unfortunately for you, it seems you're not American and have no voice in this election. I understand why you'd want to support Trump, though -- he appeals to your narcissism and insecurities. Clinton is the better option.
>Reminder that your entire justification for voting Clinton is because Trump is a Mean Bully (tm), but there is just as much evidence that Clinton is a Mean Bully, if not more, and you choose to ignore it because of your internalized misandry
If you're not going to read my posts, don't reply to them. I outlined plenty of other reasons and even addressed this point directly in my last post. Learn to read.
Why do all the fat neckbeards support Clinton lol
There wasn't a law when he did it.
In fact, in one of the more recent emails Hillary actually asks Powell about it and he tells her the laws and regs were brought in with Obama.