what is some essential 28 year old kissless virgin kino?
What is some essential 28 year old kissless virgin kino?
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The End of Evangelion got me through some rough times
Seven Samurai
Haha wtf how does someone go that long without getting laid, or at least kissing a girl
Not that hard, senpai. Just don't talk to girls in any way that could possibly lead to intercourse, which is also not that difficult.
be unatractive,
i know - ppl should be hanged for this shit
Bragging here, but i'm actually fairly attractive, but i'm so insecure that sexual situations never materialize.
LA Story.
it'll make you feel worse than you already do.
Yeah and why would you not talk to girls, or want to have sex.
bruhhhhhhh lkr?yoo kys if u that old and still s virgin lmao
follow me on twitter Instagram and Sup Forums
want me to make a vocaroo about what losing your virginity was like
26 year old kiss less virgin here. I'm already planning on losing my virginity to a hooker. I don't know if I want to kiss her though.
Because they find unnatractive guys revolting and would only make fun of you for trying to hit on them.
4shit is normalfaggot as fuck and wizardchan is just r9k now. nowhere to go
Avoid talking to people, it's always worked for me
Is wizchan bad now?
>Yeah and why would you not talk to girls
For one thing, you might not leave your house, or just not have the opportunity at work. Think or all the time you would actually talk to a girl and realize that it would seldomly occur to such people, and when it does, you have no self-confidence whatsoever to fake interest in them as you have nothing in common in actuality.
losing it to a hooker is it the same. worse than being a virg tbqh
Sure. Go ahead!
*is not the same
Anyone buy an escort? What was it like?
undiagnosed mental illness
Why do you need to have something in common with someone in order to have interest over them?
care to explain your reasoning m8?
>used to pull some hot chicks when I was 15 - 18
>turned into a recluse, grew my hair and generally became disgusting when I went to college at 18
>got gradually fat
>stayed this way until I was 25
>decide fuck this and lost weight, got a haircut and started working out
>used Tinder and lost my virginity at 27 on the second tinder girl (who was 18 and a solid 7.5/10)
Feels good man, literally all you have to do is actively try, instead of feeling sorry for yourself.
I'm also a fucking manlet so you have literally no excuse.
>Living as a NEET, don't give a fuck about being a kissless virgin, go about my life more or less happily
>Get a job/go back to school
>Fall in love with the first pretty girl to show me any attention
>Hate myself and want to kill myself for not being good enough to with her
Every fucking time. It seems so impossible to improve myself enough to be a normal human being, but living as a NEET forever is just not sustainable, I don't know what will happen in the future but suicide seems more likely with each passing day.
sex without love is meaningless
fuck all of you normalfag scum
r e p o r t e d
I don't know what you're asking here. Part of the process of getting a woman in a bed for the purpose of intercourse is talking to them, correct? About what, perchance? Things that usually don't interest you, correct, meaning you would have to take interest in subjects, which is difficult if you lack the confidence. There's also the problem of fearing being judged by her and the embarrassment of getting rejected.
>>Fall in love with the first pretty girl to show me any attention
This is the biggest curse. It's like they put a Hex on you or some shit.
For you. For most it is just inferior.
I agree with all of this, and I'm probably in the same boat as you. I just asked because you said it's hard to talk to someone if you have no common interest with her. I found it easier to, instead, seek her own personal interest rather than hopelessly find someone who shares mine. Because let's face it, my interests are sometimes rather unique, in terms of tv or music for example.
Fear of rejection will always be there, the only thing we can do is go on and try regardless. I'm not saying it's easy.
>I found it easier to, instead, seek her own personal interest rather than hopelessly find someone who shares mine.
That still usually involves faking interest. Unless you're interested in something merely because she is, which is rare.
Or maybe i'm fine with being single and not trying shit ?
if you are europoor start fucking escorts
it's awesome
It's not something that comes off naturally, but that doesn't mean it's necessarily fake. It's like coffee, you learn to like it. I believe it's important to be curious about a lot of things, even if at first we didn't really care about it.
Are you?
I've tried it and girls become and more vapid in my mind the more I speak to them. You are still faking it if you say anything the equivalent of, "That's interesting," or giving the equivalent impression.
Pic related
Id say its mostly stress. We become self conscious about how we should react, so we lose our interest. Its kind of a defense mechanism in order to not get hurt if we get invested, rejected, etc. Thats how I see it anyways.
Or a distaste of dishonesty? You can be rarely judged harshly for holding your tongue, but it takes a special character to pretend you have interest in someone if you don't. At least, it's unnatural for me.
you will never transition from numale to Chad
I don't want a disease, the last thing I need is a stinging pee pee.
>a solid 7.5/10
Why do people always say "solid"? What does it add? What does it communicate?
To emphasize the 7.5 mark in this case. Why are you so autistic?
His forehead got flatter
what kind of magic is this
>what kind of magic is this
>Engaged to American Girl living in the US
>In Yurop (Holland) for another year before moving to the US
>Never fucked an Escort
>Really tempted to try, knowing she'd never find out.
>Know for a fact I'd be riddled with guilt if I did.
The temptation is killing me. I won't do it. But fuck
Why does it need to emphasized like that? Is the number itself not self-explanatory?
I think once you become a real adult who pays for himself and start hanging around real adult women who pay for themselves as well these issues with "having nothing in common" go away
Children identify themselves with specifics and particulars, scenes, fads, genres, etc
Adults identify with their relationships and important life processes like their jobs and their pets and their families, things that everybody has and it's easy to relate about
My main advice to all the kissless virgins out there is to take care of yourself first, live as if you have no hope of ever expanding your social life, only your personal wellbeing, your financial security, your mental and physical health matter
Once you have those under control, even the ugliest and most social stunted can find somebody to bang, they won't be hot (unless you're hot), they won't be wealthy (unless you're wealthy), but they will be human just like you and you can share orgasms, cuddles, and general life experiences together
So you have a good looking face.
>cmon bruh just try and remember to b urself works for me xD
In this case, the solid means that she would be universally seen as a 7.5. Without saying solid, it would imply that the 7.5 is merely subjective. Drink bleach, and maybe you'll be able to figure shit out on your own next time.
post them
You are right that you shouldnt pretend. Im terrible at that. I try to allow myself to be interested in what she's saying, why she thinks its interesting. Sometimes I learn cool stuff out of it. Its not so much what she is saying, but herself. Instead of focusing on me, i focus on her. Its something that took me a while to practice, and im still far from finished.
i wish my dad could understand this before he hires an escort for me
People don't stop having interests and leisure activities when they become adults, and if you have nothing in common in those areas I don't see a relationship working out.
There are no universal standards for attractiveness.
>Drink bleach, and maybe you'll be able to figure shit out on your own next time.
Go fuck yourself.
>why she thinks its interesting
And my conclusions are that she had a vapid personality.
I was much more willing to do this when I was in high school, but spending so many years as a NEET has made the prospect of socialization, especially with the opposite sex, and especially with the object of romance seem like an impossible task.
I didn't say they stop having interests and leisure activities, I said that these stop being the most important things to your identity and your life
Children and adolescents care most about these things because they don't have serious responsibilities. The other aspect of this is that adults, being more mature, are more likely to have an open mind and not have a hipster attitude, which results in them learning to appreciate popular and common interests more than children and adolescents, who prefer to identify with scenes and niche interests to be special because they are immature
Got my first kiss at 14, I don't see what's so hard about.
To top it off the girl has since almost tripled in weight, and I've gotten taller and far more muscular.
Shit feels good.
Its just a figure of speech. A solid 7.5/10 doesnt have the same connotation as a generous 7.5/10, for example.
>Children identify themselves with specifics and particulars, scenes, fads, genres, etc
>Adults identify with their relationships and important life processes like their jobs and their pets and their families, things that everybody has and it's easy to relate about
That's not how you build a relationship as an adult
You're right in that people stop focusing on whether or not you listen to the same music or something
But you're wrong if stop looking for things they have in common
Two adults don't get close because they both have jobs, pets, or jobs (unless they are really desperate)
They are attracted to the specific way they live their life, the way they view the world around them, and the actions they take
You're a solid normalcunt.
Are you talking about a specific vapid girl?
user is socially retarded. Leave him be, as he's beyond help. See example:
That made me laugh honestly
No, I'm speaking of my experiences in high school.I won't generalize the entire sex, but my image in is generally true for my experience, so that for someone who would have to value the woman's personality for romance to prosper, it's an added difficulty in addition to developing the courage to speak to them.
>you're wrong if you think they stop looking for things they have in common
I'm not saying that
What im saying is that adults actually just have more in common than children and adolescents. They don't feel such an extreme need to be unique and to have an identity, the result is that they understand and relate to each other better.
Adult is not just an age thing, it's about your place in society, adults are producers, children and adolescents are dependents
>laugh honestly
Good. There's nothing I hate more than someone who laughs dishonestly.
It really does seem to me that you're saying adults stop having interests and leisure activities, even if you claim you aren't saying so.
People don't spend every waking hour working.
A figure of speech that seems to carry no meaning. Every single time someone gives something a rating they attached "a solid" to the beginning.
medium jej
>Every single time someone gives something a rating they attached "a solid" to the beginning.
awww, is wittle user gonna cwyy??
This is not an argument.
be white
you are an idiot
these girls are clean
they are not cheap hookers who blow niggercocks for 10$
lol us whites have it the fucking easiest in getting laid are you shitting me
well definitely don't do it if you are engaged
i'm doing it because i'm genuinely not interested in relaptionships, also I can afford it.
I won't because it'd be extremely immoral of me.
But just the thought of the hedonism and degeneracy of it, makes me fucking diamonds.