Which is your favourite moment in LOTR?
For me, it's a hard choice between Ride of the Rohirrim and the Last March of the Ents
Which is your favourite moment in LOTR?
For me, it's a hard choice between Ride of the Rohirrim and the Last March of the Ents
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This is the correct answer. God damn Fellowship is a good looking movie.
>scenes women will NEVER EVER understand
As great as both of those scenes were, the overriding comfiness of the first half hour of Fellowship is the most unforgettable experience of cinema ever. I could and have watched it repeatedly and have never tired of it.
Oh man, LOTR is just so full of amazing scenes. It's impossible to pick a favorite
Last March of the Ents is in my top five best cinema moments ever. The music is beyond amazing, and the peaceful Ents deciding that enough is enough and they should fuck up Saruman is such a great moment. The quotes as well. It's just phenomenal. I could watch that ten times in a row and still get pumped as hell.
Ride of the Rohirrim surely, I know the speech inside out but it still gives me goosebumps from time to time.
Also "you bow to no one"
Apart from what people have already posted I always liked that really far away shot of Gandalf and the Balrog falling through the darkness, the music is great there to.
Plus the really quick shot of when the Nazgul first ride out. You just know that the fellowship are gonna get fucked up by them.
The Gandalf/Balrog fight
Jackson really did fucking nail Ents. Treebeard was fucking glorious in theater. I will never forget the first time I saw those opening Ent scenes.
Lord of the rings, aka no people of color allowed. Fuck off back to Sup Forums.
There were loads of orcs you ignorant piece of shit
Some of the best movies ever made
Be more subtle next time
>when the redpill kicks in
entire mines of moria sequence for me, jaw dropped first time I saw it in the theatre it was amazing
Just saw The Two Towers on TV, I would assume some people in this thread did aswell, since the Ents seems to be in their minds.
The very last scene of the movie, when Sam and Frodo actually talk about something nice and smile to one another, is so beautiful.
And when Gandalf arrives with the Rohirrim.
More subtle? The entire movie is basically a white guy wank fest. All the important roles are filled by white guys, every single last action that drives the plot is done by them. Even the "strong" women are nothing but barely developed characters mostly being around to be picked by the male leads such as Aragorn at their convenience.
Alright britfag, you've had your fun. You gave yourself away with "wank". Let me buy you a shot next time I'm in London for such mediocre troll banter.
Well now I'm not sure if you're false flagging or being genuine. Either way, I'm not bothered arguing, so kindly fuck off.
>there will probably never be a film series of this caliber again for a long time
But we'll always have this one, it doesn't seem to grow old on me.
>mfw people make fun of Sam and Frodo scenes for being "gay"
>You will never experience LoTR for a first time in a sold out European cinema
What's the best way to cram all the lore in my head before i rewatch these for the first time?
I haven't seen them since they came out and all the recent threads have made me want to read the lore and then watch them again
>the play on music when the tower starts to crumble
howard shore is a fucking genius
Read LOTR and the Silmarillion
>tfw American and saw it in theaters
>audience was so mesmerized at the end of each of the kinos that they didn't retardedly applause the screen as if the director was there
Best of both worlds, I get my freedom and no clapping.
I think the retard clapping are from the new attention whore milenials fault.
No offense but you're probably a millennial yourself
Yeah, clapping at cinemas certainly hasn't been going on for longer than sixteen years.
>one small hobbit quiets the leaders of all the races of Middle Earth
>Gandalf fully realizing all that Frodo will go through, pitying and thanking him
I born in 93 January. Im le 90's kid nigga
I think we can all agree that regardless of nationality that clapping at the end of movies is buttfucking retarded and is completely incomprehensible if you devote more than 3 seconds of thought to it
You're a millennial. Not even memeing
m8 you're a millennial
If I ask you your age, would yo honestly tell me the truth.
Also I dont even know what clarifies me a millenial. If I say despite I way born in the 90's would I be less milienial if I said I was born in a country what was years behind US
>smelting metal at orthanc when the treeline starts moving
>it aint trees starts playing
>If I ask you your age, would yo honestly tell me the truth.
Yes, I would. I'm 20, i.e a millennial like you.
>Also I dont even know what clarifies me a millenial.
When you were born
>If I say despite I way born in the 90's would I be less milienial if I said I was born in a country what was years behind US
>They have a cave troll
+ running from the Balrog
The Hobbit:
>Bilbo teaches trolls how to cook dwarf
>When the music kicks in at 2:03
But isn't it possible to explain that with trolls during The Hobbit being "less evil" than in LotR?
A cinema in my city had a marathon yesterday.
People started clapping during all the best moments.
It was fucking atrocious, it was like a laugh track.
Also a bunch of idiots competed to get the last clap. Nearly popped a blood-vessel.
When in society did this become a thing? WHEN IS THIS FUCKING ACCEPTABLE?
Worst part is I don't even live in Clapistan.
This was in Norway.
Also, people were whistling suggestively during some bromance moments.
Trolls are just too dimwitted to be evil
Boromir getting up after being shot
The elves arriving at helm's deep (suck it bookfags)
Pippin talking to gandalf about death
Just be glad you're completely surrounded by your own kind, Norfag, even if they applaud at a fucking screen.
how do uruk-hai know what a menu is?
A term used to denote what is available to eat? Seems reasonable.
Gandalf and the Balrog falling into the underground lake at the start of The Two Towers
or like another user said, pretty much the entire first half hour of Fellowship
>that Galadriel prologue intro
>that title music
so good
Gandalf's white shores speech gives heaps comfy
I bet they have super cozy taverns down in their spawnholes.
Concerning Hobbits is hands down the most comforting piece of music I've heard.
Fuck me, that dialogue.
I feel so cozy whenever I hear it.
You bow to no one
Any other answer is wrong.
Where did it all go so wrong?
The Lovely Bones
Not me but this Appendix from the book always gets me
In this year on March 1st came at last the Passing of King Elessar. It is said
that the beds of Meriadoc and Peregrin were set beside the bed of the great
king. Then Legolas built a grey ship in Ithilien, and sailed down Anduin and so
over Sea; and with him, it is said, went Gimli the Dwarf. And when that ship
passed an end was come in the Middle-earth of the Fellowship of the Ring.
Given the circumstances under which he worked, he made Citizen Fucking Kane
Also, the hobbit movies were overshot but there's still a great film buried under all of it. Go watch a good fan edit.
I actually liked the first Hobbit movie. Probably because that's the one where Bilbo had the most things to do and he actually had an arc. Desolation of Bendthatdick Cuminbitch only had the Bilbo-Smaug confrontation going for it. Battle of Five Armies made me genuinely angry at how shit it was.
I know it wasn't all Jackson's fault (a lot of the shit changes were Del Taco's doing to begin with), but he could have toned it down a little bit and not made the movies look like shit.
Don't ansolve Jackson of all the bullshit that happened in the Hobbit trilogy; he was chiefly responsible for many of the horrible ideas/shots that were cast into it.
He's responsible for the fact that the studio last minute said "you know those two hobbit movies you're doing on six months of pre-production after Del Toro left? Now you're doing a third and audiences expect a 2hr minute run time minimum, make it happen or we'll have generic action studio yes man director do it for us"
thread closed
The more creative freedom Jackson is given the worse his films are. See King Kong, bloated CGI mess.
Honestly man he did the best with what he was given, he said no to making the hobbit movies to begin with because he knew it would turn out like this.
Last march of the Ents is GOAT to end all goats.
King Kong is great, except for that god awful dinosaur stampede shot.
I don't think he did his best. He was way too focused on "muh frame rate" and "muh GoPro" instead of just trying to make good films.
same with the first hour of Unexpected Journey
easily this
bravo jackson
>Hackson in charge of military tactics
re-watched it recently and I have to say... Man where these movies bad.
Dunno what I saw in them as a kid
It's as subtle as SJW can be.
fuck you and everyone who looks like you
still shivers me
Here's some good lore videos.
Also this will make you really appreciate the brilliance Howard Shore
>oldest living beings in middle earth
>their numbers are dwindling and their race is dying
>know that marching on saruman may be not only the end for themselves, but for their entire people
>decide to fight anyways
it's not one of the big standout scenes like boromir's death, ride of the rohirrim, sam fighting off shelob, etc but god damn this really is an emotional moment. in fact i think it's one of the very few things that was actually executed better than it was in the books.
I heard people groan when I watched this in the theater
>The ring is mine!
You bow to no one.