Is he /our/ guy?
Is he /our/ guy?
but you're not Sup Forums wtf (what the f*ck[fuck])
>supporting a literal idiot
damn you vigo
wtf im a jillshill now
>-Favourite Author: Ted Kaczynski
that look in her eye, YOU JUST KNOW
>green shilling.
Brothers, you witness here what will be one of the shortest memes in existence.
Mean Girls is awesome.
FWIW she is by far the best candidate, no scandals, nothing wrong with her at all. She is a hybrid of Hillary and Trump combining most of their good points like free college , she is also far prettier than Hillary.
I unironically support Jill
objectively the best candidate
>Is he /our/ guy?
You are like the buzzing of flies to him.
Yeah. I voted for Stein in 2012 and I would have voted for her again but Trump is too funny not to vote for.
You just KNOW
It's shilling whether you support the candidate or not, user.
She looks quite nice for her age, unlike all the wealthy plastic dumpsters around her age
if you live in a swing state vote trump
if you live in a safe seat vote jill
Have you paid tribute to the greatest woman in film?
if you live in a swing state vote clinton
if you live in a safe seat vote jill
Here, I fixed it for you.
Jill would be a total fuckin milf if she dyed her hair
The Green Party has their own anchor weighing them down, like the GOP has the religious right. And that anchor is all the holistic medicine retards.
Stein constantly panders to their anti-vax bullshit. She's a fucking physician. That's a disgrace.
>Jill's main policy is actually illegal
>Even John "Socialist" Oliver points out how retarded it is
>Liberals still back her
I'd give her tits a tribute if you know what I mean
>vote for someone sure to be impeached the minute she takes the oath of office
She also fell for the "NUCLEAR SSCAWYYY" meme she is honestly retarded
>not trying to trick Shillary supporters into wasting their vote
They won't ever vote for Trump, so this is the next best thing
>implying that will happen
>implying it won't
It won't, but even if it did happen, so what? Tim Kaine would become the president, which wouldn't really matter all that much.
>combining most of their good points like free college
Neither of their points is free college.
are you Stein supporters here all missing the fact that every time she opens her mouth she sounds like a fucking retard?
what's really incredible about this election is that there's not a single good choice. you can't even "vote your conscience" on irrelevant third-party candidates because they're both bumbling idiots.
Stay delusional.
>Stein constantly panders to their anti-vax bullshit
You shillary fags are pathethic.
>Vaccines are a foundation to a strong public health system. (Oct 2016)
>Require vaccines to protect other children. (May 2016)
Viggo actually kind of looks like Gary Johnson there
biopic when?
She literally thinks wifi is giving kids cancer
nah she does not, that has been refuted. Just a hillary bot talking point.
I'm a trumper but I respect Jill Stein. She's actually smart and a normal person, not a corrupt bitch like hillary
She's against globalism and she thinks we shouldn't be militarily involved all over the world. Those two things alone make her better than any president in decades. She could think we never landed on the moon and I'd still vote for her. You don't become a physician in the USA by being an idiot.
No "liberals" back Clinton, Progressives vote Stein, she is not anti-wax either, just another mindless smear, by an incompitent hillary supporter.
Fuck off, she's a total fucking GILF with the grey hair
>-3202 points
absolutely based
yeah all she is saying is that there are studies out that suggest that wifi can affect something and that it is worth looking into since wifi is relatively new. Normal people understand nuance.
She thinks that nuclear energy is one of the most unsafe sources of energy when it is by-far the most safe
you're wasting your time. It's just trumptards shilling her right now and they believe half a dozen recorded instances of their candidate saying something doesn't mean he actually believes it
He was amazing in Captain Fantastic
Well it is and it is not, we are fucking up too much to have nuclear energy, having a plant by the coast like in Japan is retarded. Thorium is the only nuclear option worth trying and it should.
Then she is wrong. There's no perfect candidte.
She's literally a Jew.
Considering that she's part of the Green Party, it seems kinda dumb that she'd be so incorrect on environmental issue
Well its the best environmental candidate out there and it is desu the greatest issue in human history
>Bernie and Jill
>only ones to openly criticize Israel
>both Jews
Really made me think
Why are all "green parties" around the world total fucking cucks?
Buzzword but it fits perfectly.
Our green party here in Sweden are made up hipsters, numales, women, turkish nationalists and jihadists.
I'm not kidding you.
>Wants to open to borders and flood the country with illegals
>Nothing bad
It's almost as if Jews weren't a homogeneous monolith of opinions.
Your phrasing illuminates your ignorance
the Green Party doesn't care about being correct, they care about ideological purity. Genetically modified foods could do a lot to help the planet by reducing pesticides, increasing yields so we need less farmland, etc. but the Green Party loses their shit over them and opposes literally every GMO initiative. They care about what's natural, not what's real
And if you believe the leaks from the 2000 campaign, they genuinely want to get Republicans elected because they're hoping for immediate damage to the environment that encourages more people to turn Green later. It's the same strategy as the Bolsheviks in Russia who refused to support moderate or democratic socialist parties, because they know the worse things get, the more people turn to fringe parties like their own
Väx upp.
how strange....
Ignorance on what?
Vad menade du med det där?
because in 95% of cases, they have 0 chance of getting elected so they can say whatever they want and attract the absolute craziest people. They have no interest in compromise or playing politics so it attracts only idiots who want a lot of talk and no actual action
Right, she's just anti-wifi.
And here I thought the CTR wasn't a real thing.
>Well its the best environmental candidate out there
That would be Hillary Clinton.
What's your opinion on Clinton?
Didn't Jill post on twitter that she believes that climate change is racist? She is a loon. I love Viggo as an actor tho. Whoever he supports politically doesn't matter at all to me.
Based Hillary. She's such a qt sometimes.
Most people know it's a real thing, but expect them largely to target Reddit, Facebook et cetera, basically the bigger websites. I mean, millions into shaping political opinions online are kinda' wasted on Sup Forums.
She'll be a pretty good president.
yes friend, a thread trying to encourage people to vote for Jill Stein appearing 2 days before the election is just natural Sup Forums conversation, but people disagreeing with it are CTR's rapid response force that exists solely to shill
She's winning the election for a reason, senpai, and that's because she's smart and knows what's best to help us. She's not a candidate of EBIN REBIN MEMES XDD like Trump
>muh CTR
>muh tinfoil
>muh precious bodily fluids
I'm not saying she's perfect, but Hilldawg is the best candidate we've had in a long time.
Oh yes, millions are invested into Jill Stein every week. Everyone knows she has practically all major power players lined up behind her.
Learn to read, friend, you just attacked your fellow operative.
to be honest.. trump looks like he staged his assassination attempt
Ive been a lifelong trump supporter ever since he went down those escalators, but he's looking desperate and doing whatever he can to gain attention. Very narcissistic. He lost me
>embarrassing himself and the country and proving himself to be a dangerous candidate daily for the past year
>this is too much though
Just like the middle east almost lost American attention during Obama's reign. It's a shame that record will be corrected in the near future, though, perhaps we'll also lose some fine of our fine soldiers alongside it.
Yes, splitting the Democrat vote will help Trump to win, who is, was and will remain our guy.
I say this as someone who will vote for her, she isn't on the average person's side in the slightest. She has massive monetary support because she will continue to allow companies to keep their labor and profits overseas, will not attempt to regulate wall st or the healthcare industry, and will expand programs to import high skill labor. IMO anyone supporting her is either in a position to benefit or too stupid to know that they won't, and I won't feel in the least bit sorry when she gets elected.
You know it wasn't staged. You know this is serious. You know only Trump can preserve American values. Cut the crap.