Lost worth?

I'm on episode 7 of Lost, and still failing to understand the appeal. Do I continue watching or jump ship?

>eating a shit pizza with a fork and knife

Watch it until the conclusion of the hatch sotryline

the first episodes are amazing

Considering the fact that it has the least satisfactory conclusion since St elsewhere I think it's safe to drop it if you don't like it

thanks, and thats my fav part about posting that pic

thats a nice za

>Look at me, father. My pizza is large. I am eating it. The portion that I have eaten is not the full pizza, I am taking a break between slices in order to demonstrate with my hands and facial expression that this pizza is on the table in front of me.


I don't know, maybe you should make up your own mind instead of coming to us to help you along with your decision making skills

Except when the pizza turns out to be two mega cuties.

I got to the same point, seemed like it sacrificed substance to be "cliff hanger: the show"

Purposely appearing difficult to understand == obscurantist == not worth understanding

Almost every time.


I eat pizza with chopsticks you fucking heathen.

that pizza looks shitty


This was a show that was never meant to be anything other than an all expense paid trip to Hawaii for the cast and crew. JJ Abrams jerked off the viewing public for years and you chumps rewarded him with attention.

Nobody wants to admit that they've been fooled even to themselves. That is the definition of a LOST fan.

It's California Style, that's why.

> saying fork and knife not knife and fork like a decrepit little fuck

watch season 1 and the first episode of season 2 before deciding to drop it

Would make sense seeing as how Keanu is half Japanese.

if youre not into it by season one then you should just quit. It's just clickbait: the show.