Will it ever be topped?
Will it ever be topped?
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jimmy neutron > dexter
prove me wrong you can't etc
My favorite episode is when he shrinks himself and Deedee puts him in her dollhouse, where he slowly goes insane. The ending was fucking perfect.
Batman Beyond was the best kids show ever made
You can't be serious. Dexter was raunchy and surreal at times. Jimmy Neutron was kiddie shit.
I liked Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy more and that may be a pleb opinion but I give no fucks.
Are you for fucking real? the original Batman the Animated Series was the best. It was made before tv censorship prohibited guns and blood in kids cartoons. Also it won an emmy, bruh. Batman Beyond was shit, with a shit edgy teen Batman and a shit art style.
episodes like these are how fetishists are created
Beyond won a Emmy
This. Ed Edd n Eddy is GOAT.
Jimmy Neutron aged like milk, are you kidding?
Search your feelings. You know it to be true.
Kennan and Kel > Drake and Josh
Can confirm. Watching Totally Spies is what got me into crossdressing.
Listen here, pleb.
Both shows were amazing and better than the shit they have aired nowadays.
Pinky and the Brain and Animainiacs was pure Kino
that's going to be an unpopular opinion on a board full of 18 year olds.
i hate niggers and even i can recognize how based Kenan and Kel was compared to Drake and Josh
Fairly Odd Parents is criminally underrated
The show was gold
doesnt negate its shit status. none of its episodes measure up to the pure brilliance of Heart of Ice or Feat of Clay.
3d starter pack looking shit lmao
easily the best cartoon MILF
There are more episodes than just muh Mr. Fries Ice Queen. Quit being such a pleb.
>Mr. Fries
He's Mr. Freeze you fat fuck. Why the fuck do you Amerifats always think about food?
BtAS was capable of nightmare fuel and feels, and though this is shitty youtube quality, just look at how nice this animation is.
It's spelled 'Fries' you ignorant cunt, wipe the fedora grease off your fingers and do some research
No one is doubting BTAS was amazing, it has the best Batman and Joker by a mile
But Beyond was better than it had any right being
it's the most patrician opinion, EEnE is perfect, it obly lost sight a bit when they went back to school.
there are TONS of shitty dexter episodes.
based op !!!!
Arthur > EEnE
You know it to be true
genndy dexter was god tier
post-genndy cash grab dexter was rotten shit
really anything genndy touches is bretty gud. wonder what nu samurai jack will be like
johnny test>jimmy neutron > dexter