Who will play him in his inevitable biopic?
Who will play him in his inevitable biopic?
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No weapons, he just had an anti trump sign.
why were people shouting 'gun! he has a a gun!' then
Over 90% of mass shooters are Democrat. Always makes me laugh.
Let Louis CK play him.
Fuck it if I know. Law enforcement just confirmed that though.
I can't wait to watch Hollywood rage at the sky when this is over.
Imagine all of the outraged pedophiles.
shouting people
because they want to paint muh conspiracy theory
>"Although the 2nd Amendment people, maybe there is. I don't know"
>Over 90% of mass shooters are Democrat.
It's really shocking how often this fact is ignored when it comes to debates over "gun control". It's hilarious how many mass-shooters aren't just registered Democrats, but ALSO ardent, zealous Democrats going on rants about the piety and purity of the Democrats.
sauce on secret service statement?
Literally was just on cnn. They probably uploaded the story by now.
Probably because it looked like he was reaching for a gun?
So how long until the "Progressivists" on CNN and MSNBC and Twitter and Facebook say this was Trump's fault for having incorrect opinions?
Just like the last time this shit happened?
Why are Democrats such violent fascists?
Except there was no gun so Trump supporters are literally just making shit up. He was a shitty heckler not a LEETZOR HITMAN
You just made that up though.
>"Although the 2nd Amendment people, maybe there is. I don't know"
>A scuffle could be seen breaking out in the audience, but it was not immediately clear what happened. A law enforcement official told CNN no weapon was discovered. The GOP nominee was apparently unharmed and returned to the stage minutes later to finish his speech.
>attendees at the rally said they saw a Trump supporter raise up a sign and then a scuffle ensued.
Trump and his supporters literally couldn't handle the banter.
>Except there was no gun so Trump supporters are literally just making shit up.
Or people maybe couldn't see the exact details of what the man was reaching for in his pockets while physically attacking a controversial politician?
You act like him having/going for a gun is somehow an illogical possibility for people to expect.
Or do people typically attack politicians with boxes of chocolate and doves where you come from?
they already are claiming that.
along with "I thought he liked the 2nd amendment lols !"
Except I didn't see
>beat up their own supporters
>Democrats are mindlessly violent zealots that attempt murder.
So what else is new?
The entire Democrat party are basically jackbooted Nazi thugs at this point, but with Peace-Signs instead of Swastikas.
Can't handle teh bantz
funny how only CNN is reporting that
>Be American
>Go to a rally for your favored candidate with a sign
>get beat up
>get arrested
>almost get shot
>have to pay a 50k fine
Trump supporters literally just assaulted and sicced the cops and the secret service on a guy for a sign.
I pray for the day when actual fascism makes its way to America
Lol this is a CTR cleanup
Guy had a gun but the attempt failed
He was a Clinton assassin
They'll probably just kill him and give awards to the assassin. It happened in the Netherlands it can happen in the U.S.
Proof? Why would cops stop him and then confirm no weapon then?
Thanks for correcting the record
I fucking hate democrats with the white hot passion of a thousand burning suns.