>Jim, please, we're at a funeral-
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Thats what you get for Dumb & Dumber 2
why are you obsessed with posting this? it's not funny or offensive, just weird
There's a clear amount of pain in that mans eyes. What's wrong with you?
Yea he did kill her
Its guilt for forcing her suicide
i chuckled, go on
poor jim
I may not be rich and talented, but at least I can have a private and reflective moment when carrying the casket of my loved ones instead of having the moment photographed and broadcast to the world.
That girl was gorgeous
I glad that he feels this way. Why should rich, famous and successful people be happy when I'm sitting here in my pyjamas on a monday with no job, friends or gf at the age of 30?
FUCK him. Let him wallow in his misery. I'll be happier and masturbate to his tears
I don't like seeing Jim sad, it doesn't feel right.
what happened? whats the std meme?
>I'm sitting here in my pyjamas on a monday with no job, friends or gf at the age of 30?
I can taste the salt.
Misery loves company
This is just lame man, jims obviously sad, let him grieve
Carey knew full well his dick was teeming with VD. Repeatedly has unprotected sex with his """""""""""""gf"""""""""""""". Girl is driven to suicide with Carey sending some nasty messages.
Carey raped his gf with his aids dick.
Here's how it is. You aren't going to like it, but it's true. We own celebrities.
They have received, for having worked for a few months of their life, enough money to ensure that they will never have to work again for many, many lifetimes over. Not only should they endure every single picture taken of them every time they step outside of their house, they should also tell every single person who has a conversation with him or her, or asks for him or her to appear in a picture with them, without the faintest hint of irony, that they are grateful for the opportunity to live a care-free life thanks to the support we have given by watching films they have appeared in.
The problem with most of you narrow-minded cunts is, you put these creatures of flesh & blood on such a high pedestal, that you are completely blinded from the overwhelming, disgusting truth. Some professions are horrendously, abhorrently overpaid.
To anyone who says otherwise, you really ought to fucking kill yourself because your reality has been so grotesquely-distorted that death, I imagine, might actually be a relief for you.
what gave it away you braindead moron redditor?
Yes, I was there. Carrey was chasing her around the room yelling "somebody stop me!" and she was like, oh my god stop his AIDS dick!
I was going to help, but Carrey was doing that face that he does that's really funny, and I didn't want him to stop.
buttupset much?
Lmao kys, stopped at we own celebrities
Clearly he is, you retard.
Now who is the buttupset one? Mh?
He drugged that poor Irish QT to death and he should be in prison
>give girlfriend AIDS
>she confronts you
>call her a whore
>she kills herself
based jim
>he had tested positive for Hepatitis A, HSV (Herpes) I and II, and Chlamydia.
Thats alotta STDs mane
Who was he fucking?
Who's in the box? Were they vaccinated?
Nice tits. Do they come in adult size?
>Carrey was chasing her around the room yelling "somebody stop me!"
How odd that you think there's something called 'overpayment', as if there were some Platonic ideal of value that existed beyond the marketplace where everything is worth what someone will pay for it.
>tfw hes in character for the new ace ventura movie in which all of the animals die from """"""global warming"""""""""
>Thats alotta STDs mane
>Who was he fucking?
Yes, well done user, that's the reference.
Its just supply and command bubs.
I just wanted to bump the thread. I couldn't find how to upvote, so I did that instead.
Alllllrighty, then.
Ooh dear, his nob must be wretched, like something from an army information film. It must look like a swiftly-aborted calf fetus wrapped in a tortilla that's been brushed with mutton broth vomitus.
Boy, you gotta Carrey that weight
Carrey that weight a long time
A long time
TIL Sup Forums does not have an upvote system
Feeling good just for only one actor.
Millions of people in the world are very happy and rich.
You salty, bruh?
Can't believe this post languished.
Ow the edge
I went to high school with her and was actually at that funeral. The whole time before it officially started I was looking around to see if Jim Carrey was there but couldn't spot him. About 20 minutes in the casket starts violently shaking and the minister stops talking. All of a sudden Carrey pops out of the casket wearing a wet, tattered tuxedo and screams "do NOT go in there! Phewww!"
LOL like that part in Ace Ventura the movie he was in
>Where do ya' want the Surfboard, Hasslehoff?
>Jim...just let me bury her.
why did Emma Stone turn him down?
Because his dick looked like Guinness vomit poured into a condom smeared with dog shit.
>Why hello there?
>Jim, please...
>You're somokkkinggg!
>Jim, she's dead... have some class
>Come on guys, it's PARTY TIME! P-A-R-T-Y? Because I GOTTA!!
>For god's sakes Jim
his wiki
>"Heard you're feeling bad about those STDs. Well here's some anti depressants!"
>[one overdose later]
It's odd to think back to when Jim Carrey was funny rather than haunted and depleted.
>Edgy Teens: The Thread
How is Jim's hand on his back? I don't understand this picture.
He's a sociopath hollywood actor m8, it's not hard for him to fake it.
>too much ass
Why does Ireland hate ass so much, lads?
>Unironically taking the side of some whore roastie over our guy Jimbo
You have to go back.
another dead white ((((person)))) is a good thing
Jim Carrey has worked for it and has earned every last cent. That dude did like three movies in one year.
this desu
>unironically defending jimbo instead of siding with Sup Forums
You're not one of "our" guys either faggot
i could actually believe this because its jim carrey
>feeling pretty bummed out about my girlfriends funeral, but keeping my composure
>notice camera on me, dammit
>better make my expression more pained so people know im really sad
casket seems really small
I can't stop laughing at this
Dat gyno tho
Carey had too much fun with his dick but was a liar, liar and couldn't mask the fact that he had 2 or 3 STDs. He thought his secret was a majestic ace, but he was too dumb and will forever be known as the guy who was a grinch to a girl who would say yes to him, even if he wasnt so almighty
>I have truly become the Jumanji
For you
that's the one they used for all the STDs Jim gave her. she was cremated.
I put more work into this than I thought I would.
this is actually the funeral for his german shepherd
>siding with Sup Forums
That's his daughter.
Lol idiot
Casket full of gabagool?
After Jim "Scary" Carrey absorbed her life essence, she was no more than a shriveled, desiccated husk no larger than a child.
I rate this post 23 out of 100.
Have you thought about my cock today?
Haha, i see what you did
she's dead jim
t.cardinals fan