Are homosexuals really this degenerate?
Are homosexuals really this degenerate?
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There are more so nowadays.
Dey eeta da poo poo
Of course, user. Movies never exaggerate things for dramatic effect or for the purposes of narrative.
>tfw there are degenerate faggots right now whose dream it is to be in wallace's position
That's what I thought, user. Thanks for clearing that up. Those bug chasing guys must all be reenacting what they see in them silly movies.
Literally, yes. Nature fucks their sexuality to prevent their genes from reproducion.
It is truly amazing how such decadent behavior has become normalized in our times.
The funny thing about that is that scene is supposed to be pretty horrific, but I can't imagine that a gay guy would think that way. I mean the guy is getting raped.
I'm gay and I've raped Ving Rhames at least 17 times
>when I first saw this movie the scene horrified me
>now some 17 years later Ive had gay sex in a similar scenario
Who is really to blame?
No really, why has such a small population of people gotten their way in politics? Homofags make what like less than 5% of the population? I'm surprised blacks are still getting so much shit when gays are treated like royalty.
.....go on?
Good goy.
Did you enjoy your butt floggin?
>No really, why has such a small population of people gotten their way in politics?
Thats liberalism at its very core. The smaller the group of people and more obscure their cause, the harder they fight for their "rights". The left thinks its better to change 90% of society then to have some people feel different
I heard they're into drugs and purposefully infect each other with STD's
Enjoy? I didnt hate it. But I do prefer women
Did you learn that in bible camp?
Did the guy cream in your butthole or on your face?
A gay guy told me
They're actually much more degenerate than that.
Ah, typical homosex, projecting his insecurities.
came in the condom. It was at a sex club in LA; its insanely easy for a man to find gay sex
you know straight people engage in rape, kidnapping and gimps as well
Are you really that desperate? Not judging just asking. I always thought it was a meme that homosexuals are all about sex but the more I read about It the more it rings true.
If you could walk up to a random girl at a bar and fuck her, wouldnt you?
Sup Forums has been going into overdrive these past few days
really, kys
does that make homosexual rape right?
Sorry buddy, that's a logical fallacy, go suck on your boyfriend's cock
According to a rumor it was actually Tarantino who in the Gimp suit.
Also apparently Tarantino wanted to film a scene where after Butch leaves the store Marcellus Wallace rapes gimp as revenge, but Ving Rhames refused to film such scene.
They'll get BTFO on tuesday and I will laugh
>wahhhh some anons don't share my depraved views about something gosh I bet it's those Sup Forums fellas again wahhhh wahhhh
So you couldn't get a girl, and for some reason went for a guy? Am I following this story right?
>gays projecting there fantasies
More news at 11.
Homosexuality is a paraphilia (a type of mental illness). I've read about things over the years about the behaviour of homosexuals that made me want to vomit. Any sane society would put these sick, dangerous freaks to death. Instead ours puts them on a pedestal.
Gotta thank the jews.
Not him but just walking around at night close to hollywood you'll get hit on by dudes you wouldn't think were gay
It happened to me on a few occasions,
But I'm straight so I just felt embarrassed and confused. You would be surprised by the amount of closet cases btw.
I think this is why gays are so.. gay (happy). They don't go through the amount of BS straight men have to go through with females. In all honesty, being homo might be pretty based..
No homo
>Any sane society would put these sick, dangerous freaks to death
t. muhammad
>everyone is closeted
Where do you come off, mate?
If someone doesn't like the cut of your jib, just leave them be. It doesn't mean they secretly want to get butt fucked by you.
did your daddy or your uncle touch you inappropriately?
>They don't go through the amount of BS straight men have to go through with females
This. I get with girls only because I like the way the look, everything else is just a chore
That's essentially part of the problem. For some reason all homogays believe everyone has some strange homosexual fetish like they do.
Yeah, gays are so happy they have a higher suicide rate than straights.
Delete this. You don't want to upset them even further.
Sup Forums hates gays and loves Hillary. go figure
enjoy your divorce and child support
wrong on both counts
Hey if you kill yourself now you won't have to deal with either.
Nobody loves gays. Some people tolerate them, but that's different.
Enjoy your diseases and anal prolapse.
I'm a Christian. Even a Saracen clock is right twice a day.
Actually many cases of homosexuality are the result of being molested as a child. They are still the minority among child abuse victims. It takes a special kind of fucked up to be a faggot.
Ask a white nationalist
>a bunch of virgins are mad at people having sex
Call me degenerate scum but if the act involves consenting adults I don't really see the problem.
Oh shit, Janet Reno died
You tell me.
fucking kek, what a horrific thought
I've never seen weirder porn by hetero standards, no sir, only god fearing americans in hetero porn.
I say this because 75% of the guys who tried to pick me up were regular dudes.
Many were working men, this one white guy was still in his construction truck with the company name on the door. Sometimes they would roll down their windows and ask for directions, I would tell them where something was but then it escalated until I realized they wanted my D. They would proposition me for sex
None of them were very rude, even those that came at me more direct had an easy going demeanor. I don't know why women make such a big deal out of it. Me, a straight male was put in their shoes and I still don't understand their victim angle.
Maybe it's because I'm a guy and have thicker skin idk
>sam hyde
>white nationalist
>but I can't imagine that a gay guy would think that way. I mean the guy is getting raped.
>Gay guys enjoys to be raped and be put in a hostage position
>"Haha, it's ok, he likes it because he's gay!"
Not all the gays are into this kind of shit, so stop generalize it idiot
>Maybe it's because I'm a guy and have thicker skin
thats why user. Women are insecure emotional wrecks
You keep crying and complaining about gays and how they should be exterminated, but when are you going to actually start doing something about them?
Or are you planning to cry and complain about the fags in internet a until they just disappear from the earth?
when they disappear, everyone will disappear
That's crap, I'm insecure as fuck and was going through some problems of my own
These guys were okay, one of them had game like you wouldn't know
He drove up in a mercedez, don juan swag and all that, he offered to take care of me, to buy me shit, said he was loaded and wanted my buns. Just to humor him I told him I wanted to use his booty instead but he was adamant
Then I broke away from the trance because I'm not a faggot
honestly I kinda get the way women feel, a (presumably) gay dude made a pass at me when I was walking home one night, I just waved and didn't make eye contact, so he runs over and grabs me by the arm and starts babbling. He starts jabbing a knife in my face so I just stand still for a few seconds while he gropes me, snap the knife out of his hand when he's looking away and stab him in the throat.
It was pretty traumatising, he just kind of fell over and started squirming and I slumped down and cried. Not like quiet crying either, like full on terrified sobbing. I told myself I'd call an ambulance if he stopped moving, but he didn't, he just kept writhing around and scratching his throat and making hoarse heaving noises. After like 10 minutes I saw someone look out their window at me so I got scared and ran away.
I went back to the spot tomorrow and he was gone but there was nothing about a dude getting stabbed in any of the papers or anything. The uncertainty of it haunts me to this day.
but yeah, tl;dr, I get why women feel a little scared sometimes, especially if they're not strong enough to overpower someomne who tries to attack them
Kill yourself
I think you ran into a crackhead bro
I'm talking about average guys on the street not psychotics that live under the bridge
>Dey eeta da poo poo
Shit, Sam Hyde is only 6'2? Wow, people say he's massive, that's pretty weird, I'm 6'4, I must be a fucking giant to people.
>believing faggots are anything more than mentally ill degenerates
jesus christ
my Rabbi.
Yes, fags must be purged.
>complains about degeneracy on a board overrun with foot fetishists and pedophiles.