
*rapes you*

Jamie Fox is a bad actor.


I came into this thread to say this.

He also ruined Law Abiding Citizen.

Jamie was good, sorry that the bad guys didn't win just like in your edgy poems.

t. cuck


The outcome of the story has nothing to do with the fact that Jamie just isn't a great actor. He was serviceable.

My problem with the movie was the whole girl subplot, and how important it became towards the end. You build Tom Cruise to be the most badass assassin, then have him become SUPER reckless when trying to kill this bitch. Why can't he drive himself around in the first place? Why does he even need Jamie? Does he do this on the reg?

Still a cool movie though. Michael Mann is one of the best.

>Why can't he drive himself around in the first place? Why does he even need Jamie? Does he do this on the reg?
Taxi driver is the fall guy. Drives him around oblivious to what's really happening then gets suicided. Keeps the cops off Vincent's back.

I doubt that. First off all, he was seen in the club by hundreds of people that could not mistaken him with Jamie in any way. Also his way to keep cops off back is living an anonymous life not putting the blame on innocents, even if you mean that making Jamie look like the killer would give him a small window to escape and blend in again
Unless he says/implies that in the movie, but , as I said, I doubt that...

We know by the cop that he did it before. Here, it went wrong because one of the victims crashed on the taxi. So Vincent had to improvise to complete the mission.

Well, I guess that makes sense. Vince was a pretty smooth operator though, I doubt he'd need a fall guy. The only times where things got out of control were all due to Foxx's character. I feel like he's just an extra variable to control.

Regardless, a cool movie.

They chose Tom Cruise? a 5'2 inch little guy? I mean i dont care if his gay or not, but he is not a true operator he has never operated and they made him the Collateral?

Just a typical case of Hollywood and politics.

Ok then user, that makes sense. I also kinda miscomprehended the question that's why I brought up the club argument.

>Vince was a pretty smooth operator though, I doubt he'd need a fall guy.
It hardly occurs to cops to look for a smooth operator when they have a taxi driver who apparently committed suicide with the murder weapon on which his prints are the only ones to be found. The more distracted they are the safer it is for Vincent.

I feel like you're assuming things that are never explicitly stated nor hinted at in the film, but it does make sense.


Vincent did the taxi frame up before in, that's why Ruffalo believes Max is not the killer but an hostage.

Really? I haven't seen it in 2 years, I totally forgot that. I should give it a rewatch.

It's literally there in the script. The Hulk detective takes particular interest in the case because of a previous case were a taxi driver went on a murder suicide rampage of specific targets in the past. It's his Modus Operandi.

remember that by the time they're in the club Jamie Foxx has really fucked everything up and Vincent is getting desperate.


Yeah, I haven't seen the movie in a good while so a lot of the details are fuzzy.

I get more out of it every time. I recommend another viewing. I really love it.

Really? From what I remember, it's a pretty simple story. Tom Cruise is awesome, the way it's shot in digital makes it look unique, the Los Angeles environment is great. Maybe I should rewatch it though. I just watched Thief like 2 weeks ago and it's one of my favorite movies (along with Heat).

I'm not the guy you were replying to, but definitely give it another watch. Look up some of the stuff Tom Cruise and Michael Mann did with Cruise's character too. There's stuff like when he decides to sit directly behind Jamie Foxx or to the side which has been thoroughly thought out. Like when he's trying to communicate more personally with Foxx he'll sit to the side where he can be seen, but when he wants to be more menacing or whatever he'll sit directly behind him.

Cruise is 5'10"

maybe in 4 inch heels

Fuck no, I've sen him IRL

HHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHhabHbahah. and Robert Downey Jr. is 6"2, ive met him IRL as well.

No, downey is as tall as Cruise. Maybe a tad shorter.

>You build Tom Cruise to be the most badass assassin, then have him become SUPER reckless
In Heat, Neil dies because he decides to change his ways

In Collateral, Vincent dies because he doesn't (trying to do mozambique drill out of habit despite being behind train doors whereas Foxx randomly fires the gun and hit him out of sheer luck)

Lovely poetry

There's a transcendent, almost metaphysical quality to water (and the unreachable horizon) in his films, like the characters are longing for a purity and freedom they could never find on land. It's both calming and worrying, as if they're contemplating their own inevitable doom and are at peace with it.

JP Melville had a similar recurring motif, where the protagonist would look at himself in the mirror before putting on his hat and getting out of his room, before doing the one last hit/heist that would get him killed.

>Fuck no, I've sen him IRL
so in 4 inch heels then

Tbh the most crazy and most dangerous killers are latino manlets in the cartels.

Seagalposting never made it big enough for this to be widely recognizable pasta

I always thought I loved this movie.

Rewatched it with my gf's family and my God I was embarrassed to even show it.
Its not Jamie or Tom but the fucking editing and "emotional" moments where everything stands still and the cheesy music that comes in, ruins the whole vibe.
Really, really underwhelming.

>Taxi driver is the fall guy. Drives him around oblivious to what's really happening then gets suicided. Keeps the cops off Vincent's back.

That's a shitty MO by the way. In the movie they say he already did it once and the cabbie didn't have any signs of mental illness. Also the victims were probably connected just like the ones in Collateral through the trial and nobody noticed? Also if he already did it once why does le master hitmaster assume it would work a second time exactly the same way with the same execution style without anyone putting up their noses? That shit always bugged me

downey is taller than cruise

Nah. have you seen Ray?

>"emotional" moments where everything stands still and the cheesy music that comes in
those are called "kino moments", kys

Well i'm sorry to hear that

cuz now im gonna force seagalposting in every motherfucker thread

Robert (in his 'Special Sneakers') with Jude Law

>bright white heels to draw attention to the fact he's wearing lifts
what the fuck was he thinking

There's only one of those moments, and I'd agree it's out of place and unimpressive even though everyone praises it and acts like it's super deep
The rest of the movie is solid and you and your fucking normie relations can go fuck themselves

He's doing it "ironically"

It's a post-ironic kind of thing.


is that what he's telling people these days?