Is this their worst work yet?
Is this their worst work yet?
Where do I atart with Trailer Park Boys?
Netflix has like 5 different things
season 1-6
it was always shit
>dude I live in a trailer and carry a glass of alcohol all day lmao
Start from the beginning and stop after season 7
I saw the first season and was greatly disappointed, I would definitely say so in terms of worst work yet, Had some cool cameos but literally thats it.
I'm currently watching season 10
You guys told me to avoid the netflix seasons and I should've listened
Season 8 wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be but 9 and 10 are atrocious. Julian is the only character that's somewhat not a parody of his past self. Somewhat
You were always shit
>dude I'm retarded, autistic, and overweight all at the same time lmao
It's not as bad as their live shows but it's pretty rough.
They were literally just figuring out what the show even was at that point, cmon
I dunno, I thought it was funny.
I gotta hand it to them since they basically just threw together a show while touring Europe, If what they say is true at the end there's gonna be more of this show
Watch the whole thing, the live shows but be ready to see some repeated routines
I didn't think the netflix seasons were too bad, but at the same time I've never had big expectations from this show, and I've watched the first 5 seasons 3 times already
I just got done watching it, it was highly entertaining
start at the fucking start dumbass. s01e01.
yet you know enough of it to actually cite entire series plot and narrative themes kek ok dude be on your way oh mighty shitposter
Let's get this shit started
>best and worst character
>best and worst episode
>best and worst quote
>ricky, bubbles and julian getting fucked over in various european cities
>not worth watching
sure lads sure
TPB was great but then got way too self aware
>implying the show isn't about mr lahey's antics
I'm up to episode 7 in the 10th season. Really enjoying this season. Better than 8 and 9 so far.
>implying I was implying
nope and I agree lahey makes the show what it is, but this isn't "that" show.
and yes, as i pointed out in another thread a few days ago out of the park would have been better with lahey and randy. I suggested one team of the boys vs the other team of lahey and randy competing for the money. would have beeen better.
That would have made this season really entertaining honestly, good idea.
>best and worst character:
Lahey/the army cunt
>best and worst episode
the boys steal and sell gas/Bubbles' community service
>best and worst quote
Just a couple of drinks/Don't know
>worst quote
Literally, what the FUCK did user mean by this
Frig off is really lame
will someone get this Bandy Ran outta here
Who else here would a thicc Sarah?
I'd bang lucy too, but first seasons sarah gives me
the biggest boners
I masturbated to lucy's moans when she and ricky wanted a new baby
What episode is the shit abyss quote from? The memory of the quote alone makes me laugh but I have no idea what episode it's from
>implying julian climbing out of the car crash with a full glass of rum and coke isn't the pinnacle of comedy
The Steve French episode? In any case I think it's from that season, I'm pretty sure the monologue happened in front of the car stuck in the barricade
>thats a big enough joint rick
>i will give you 100$ to fuck off
>"knock knock? who's there? Fuck off"
>I've met cats and dogs smarter than corey and trevor
>i only had 2 drinks, officer
I want Julian's physique desu
>best character
>worst character
Anyone introduced in season 9 and 10
>best episode
3 good men dead
Closer to the Heart
>best quote
trinity got some thicc on her too
>always wear a black t-shirt and jeans
>just now realized I could've been Julian for halloween
>Best character
>Worst character
>Not choosing any new character introduced in season 9 or 10
>the army dick
>the lesbian land-whale
that sow had barely any impact in the end, it was fucking lame, at least the soldier had his moments
I didn't watch the nu-seasons
>not supporting the actors' efforts to keep TPB's legacy alive
Same only
>balding at an alarming speed
I was so close
you should, so you can form an opinion on where the show is and how it got like that.
Its baffling how the boys dont seem to get their own show after being a part of it for so fucking long. Seasons 1-3 were fucking hilarious, not because
>haha ricky said some bad words
>ricky likes dope
>bubbles is retarded
>Julian is baffled by their antics
They got into actually funny situations and their supporting cast of characters were all just as funny. Ricky getting a job to win back Lucy while Julian pressures him to grow weed and Bubbles wont stop stealing carts is funny, they all have actual motivation. When he falls for the first time in a more subdued way its funny. Their performance used to be more natural and played straight, thats what made it funny. At least to me I guess. Now they are so exaggerated and ridiculous, screaming every other line and trying to think of the funniest combination of swear words with no other layers of humor, its painfully unfunny and the show needs to be euthanized.
If what im saying sounds like bullshit, try watching season 10 Randy's first scene. Its cocksucker this, frig that, then Ricky banging Lucy and breaking the house, there's only so many ways to say its not funny and their performances are just wrong. After that try watching "Never Trust a Man With No Shirt on" and there's an actual plot, characters with motivation, thats what makes it such a hilarious show. It just makes me unspeakably sad to see just how far the show has fallen.
Out of the Park is by far the worst but you see it going further and further downhill since after season 3. There's still some really good episodes even in otherwise mediocre seasons. Not saying everything after 3 is bad but you see the progression into the unsalvageable piece of shit that we have now
Dude, nice idea.
Lahey is the best.
That fat Mexican cunt fucking ruins so many things
Why does the show itself need to be alive? It's not like it was canned before its time or anything. They had a clear "the end" episode and everything.
Which was?
Thats exactly what I think, it had a great run. There isn't even that many new plots they can make up without some radical change or repeating a formula. Doing their formula once or twice was golden though
A Shit River Runs Through It
I dont remember which it was but there was a season finale where it ended with a big cookout and everyone getting along. The next season was clearly years later, unless im getting it confused. That woulda been a great ending. And "Say Goodnight to the Bad Guys" was also the last episode officially before it was revived im pretty sure.
>best character
>worst character
that fat dyke candy
>best episode
the episode where Bubbles lets Trin's chicken out
the one where snoop dog and tom arnold and doug benson show up
>best quote
Well that depends, can you go fuck yourself?
>worst quote
idk, probably when Randy is going on and on about medical boners and love boners
what is this, low brow poverty shit? redneck or hillbilly comedy? has there been any funny rednecks not named Bill Hicks? hell, was he even a redneck?
Your favorite character is Ray and the best quote isn't
>Just the way she goes, bud
I thought it would be rednecks and whatnot too but the show's canadian and I imagine the redneck thing is more American/southern. The later seasons everyone rags on are low brow, as in depending on the vulgarity, but the earlier ones have proper jokes and timing.
>My hobbies drinkin Bubs
>way of the road
>hot hamburg sandwiches bubs
>friends of the road bubs
>Ya let down the guy in the chair bud, the guy in the fuckin chair
>If God didn't want me to play the VLTs, God wouldn't have made the VLTs
>I gotta be honest with you guys, I don't know anything about tracking chickens, I'm just doing it for the free liquor. I don't like taking advantage of Ricky, but, it's easy
That Bubbles quote is too good though
The worst part is their aren't even any Mexicans in Halifax. I'd know cause I'm from their.
I was just reminded of that last quote with the chicken and its too fucking good. In his defense Rick burned down his trailer. Then they start chasing the fucking chicken
This entire series is literally plebbit the show. If you watch this past the age of 15 you need to kill yourself for the good of mankind's gene pool.
i'll give the first couple of episodes a try. i honestly thought it was a Southern redneck thing. thanks for the heads up.
The Ray living down at the dump episodes are the fucking best
>Ray loses the chickens trail right as he runs out of liquor
>Ricky takes out a fresh bottle
>Ray cracks it and takes a deep swill
>instantly back on the chickens scent
>"Since I've been living down at the dump, I've developed a real good sense of hearing, you have to if you want to survive, you gotta be able to hear the fuckin seagulls and fuckin dump bees"
Just should have stayed greasy in the park
Well actually it just should have ended
Jesus Christ why?
all about the sparrows, bud.
i use that phrase irl.
Army cunt was so annoying holy fuck
I tapped to that and when Lucy showed her tits in the first movie
>jerking to fake tits
shaking my head, family
Just finished the first Snoop episode. Only three more to go
It's hard to watch. And you're telling me the out of the park stuff is even worse?
Is he /ourguy/?
Theyre not even trying in Out of the Park and theres no characters other than the boys.
>best and worst character
Ray/Donna without Don
>best and worst episode
Working Man/Snoop Dogg and the other dudes shows up, though every episode involving Conky except the first one is tiresome.
>best and worst quote
Survival of the fitness is the best quote.
I thought out of the park was at least funnier than the Netflix's seasons
>the episode when they eat all the meatballs and puke on the sidewalk
>the episode where they go see santa
i was in tears, nearly pissing my self, almost booting along with them
Someone should email them this because I don't see any other way of saving this crap
The series went downhill after Clattenberg left
to start black jesus, which is ok but no where near as good as prime tpb
I can fairly say I love every single season. I don't understand why people hate on 7-10. I think they have some of the best material in the series.
Haven't finished Out of the Park though.
>best character
>worst character
>best episode
The one where they steal the barbeques and crash the car into Lahey's trailer
>worst episode
Pick any from season 10 honestly
>best quote
Literally anything conkey says
>worst quote
Clattenburg and Barry Dunn (Ray) were clearly the comedic brains driving the show. The show wouldn't even have gotten off the ground without Dunn. He saw it at some film festival and loved it and threw his weight behind it
>Barry Dunn (Ray)
Wow i'm surprised he had that much of an impact on the show, he just seemed like a well casted actor
Clattenberg is a faggot
this. I want to worship her thighs
>J-roc wont be returning for the next season
fuck off, Randy
is it kind of implied that ricky and julian are half brothers through ray?
I still say to this day that it was the lack of Clattenburg that fucked things up. I think he simply got bored after season 7 and said fuck it and left the series, only to return half hearted for that third movie (which was boring garbage and the beginning of the end for funny, charming TPB) to earn a paycheck.
The Boys are semi okay actors who really nailed one character each and rode that for decades at this point. But I don't believe they should ever be anywhere near the writing of the show. A funny idea here or there I am sure they have come up with, and even some of the newer stuff from season 8 was good, but they just don't have enough good creative talent to write an entire season alone (you want to see some really unfunny horseshit, watch the Drunk and On Drugs Happy Funtime Show or whatever it was called).
I doubt Clattenburg will find passion again for the series before he dies so just let TPB go, boys. Let it rest for god's sakes.
fuck off Randy