In case you've seen all god-tier superhero movies and want something else

in case you've seen all god-tier superhero movies and want something else

>The Adventure
>not The Passenger

>Pierrot le fou
>not Contempt

>not Wild Strawberries

>not The Mirror

>Funny Games
>not almost anything else by Haneke

>The Celebration
>not The Hunt

>not The Lobster


that's just, like, your opinion man

R8 my plebness

One of my favorite kinos ever

>The Mirror
Fuck that limpdick daddy problem dream flick. Ivan's Childhood and Solaris are miles better.

Only seen Cache.

>The Hunt
Decent popcorn flick, but not in the same league as The Celebration.

>The Lobster
It was decent. Is it really better than Dogtooth, though?

Seen all of these except Yi Yi

>people on Sup Forums watching anything made before 1990 that isn't some genreshit like Thing or Star Wars or Taxi Driver


I think L'Avventura is the worst of the trilogy. And that trilogy is worse than Red Desert.

Don't voice your opinion on tarkovsky when you're still below entry level please


>unironically using the term genreshit
Go back to /lit/ you pretentious fuck