This is one of the worst movies I've seen in my life how did it get funded?
This is one of the worst movies I've seen in my life how did it get funded?
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This is one of my top 5 movies to watch drunk. So fuck you if I like watching hot ladies running around doing weird shit like fighting dragons across timescaps set to an amazing soundtrack.
But the film's entire plot and premise are set up to make you feel bad for enjoying that. The trailers lied and the film hated you for going to see it. Snyder loaded it with feminism and "don't you feel bad for watching naked women?" commentary.
But when I'm drunk I could care less about any of that. For reference, one of my other favorite drunk films is Transporter 2. Transporter2...let that sink in. As long as my brain is switched off entertainment is a measureless merit beyond itself.
eh, it's fun. It's kinda got a mcgee's alice vibe to it.
>it pleases the Sup Forums crowd
why am I not surprised?
>for enjoying that.
Too bad I didn't I guess.
Only watched it because I found the blond girl (Babydoll?) to be a qt. I don't think I gave enough shits to understand what was going on.
is it? i expected it to be fun, girls fighting robots, and samurais and shit right? like kill la kill but no, the action just sort of happens, not exciting at all. For reference transformers are brainless actual fun
>why am I not surprised?
Because this movie is one of the worst examples of watching a fucking video game, with literally arbitrary and video gamey goals before every fantasy. It's more of a video game than modern video games actually are that usually have context and a story behind them.
So what, you wank to the Supranos? Gayyyyy
I didn't really find any of the scenes in this movie particularly sexy, and even if I did, that wouldn't justify them.
""""feminism"""" in this movie is the least of its problems
Dude it's okay to wank to Italians I'm not racist.
Sweet Pea is best girl
Is there a joke I'm not getting? Why did you mention the Sopranos?
That's not how yo spell
>baby girl
No man homosexuality isn't a punchline. Don't put yourself down like that, it's 2016 no one cares you like to coat your throat in cold-cut cum.
>"don't you feel bad for watching naked women?"
Yeah? I never got that from it. Not like I'd give a shit in the first place.
Are you implying I'm gay because I don't like this shitty movie?
Absolutely not that would be absurd.
Zack Snyder is a fucking hack, dude should really stop making movies.
Then what are you implying?
There are at least 5 other directors I'd stop before getting to ol' Zack.
That you're gay because you didn't enjoy this excellent film.
he's an ok director, just dont let him make any decisions besides how it looks
But it wasn't an excellent film. As I implied before, it was shitty.
I think hot asskicking girls sells itself on paper.
The question is how in the hell were people cool with giving Snyder free reign after it.
Yeah but you're a fag so anything that's not a rom-com isn't entertaining. Just own up to it man, it's okay to like what you like.
But you decided I'm fag merely because I did not like this movie, even though anybody, even someone who is straight, could realize that because of how bad it is.
Being gay isn't a choice, don't beat yourself up about it. You were made this way and it's okay.
what are the other four?
Transporter 2
Die Hard
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
I like it cuz Jena Malone is in it, plus the fight scenes are fun to watch.
I don't really give too much of a fuck what's really going on in the movie though.
I still don't know how you determined that I was a homosexual.
you have provided a valuable service today, anonymous
>not Rocket
Fuck off, plebs.
Not that user, but you certainly are getting very defensive.
I didn't, you did. Why is this so difficult to comprehend?
I have a lot more but those are definitely the best I've found after a fifth of gin.
Baby doll is god tier, they're all sexy but cmon.
Extended Cut is much better.
you just don't get it.
i'll give you a pass and try watching the Director's Cut instead to see Snyder's full vision
literally the greatest masterpiece of our time
So I determined that I was a homosexual?
Yeah dude, and that's cool. I'm kinda jealous because I bet dudes give the best head. Lucky you.
And when did I do that?
And thanks for playing along. Most people take trolling too serious, nice to see someone who rolls with the punches.
When you said you didn't like a film that I did.
You know, it's not a complete success if the other person is not only aware of it, but it writing about the same amount as you.
No, but it is fun. Like setting each other up.
And how does that make me a homosexual?
Because you don't like baby doll
I do, actually. I just think the movie around her isn't good.
It doesn't have to be. She's hot, with awesome cinema graphic fights and a group of hotties doing the same.
>its deep so its good
I never denied that, but it still doesn't make a good move.
>awesome cinema graphic fights
Action should have motivation, which is almost completely lacking here, especially when the narrative implies it's several levels away from actually happening, and completely arbitrary goals.
The motivation is described well in the plot, each scene is detailed in its purpose.
Again, the goals are completely arbitrary and have no context whatsoever. It's the difference between proper action scenes that have buildup, are established in a believable setting, a goal which is meaningful, and, of course, a story that doesn't imply that it's a fantasy within a fantasy within another fantasy, which already has the difficulty of making an audience care when it's a fictional set of events, which doesn't automatically mean we should care, when there are many movies which can't do it even without those layers. Why do you think almost no movies try this bullshit of just making up scenarios in fantastic settings and arbitrary goals lasting only several minutes? It's because it's impossible to make audiences care about what's happening and it's just visual noise. Everything in those scenes is worse than anything in Transformers in regards to making an audience care. I don't see what the benefit is in excusing a director for doing this. It would just give them freerange to put even more meaningless action in movies. Even all the capeshit movies manage to have scenes that don't happen in the context that they are fantasies and involve characters and situations that are established as important by context that's delivered before and after then. It's the laziest possible way of constructing action. It has the benefit that it is so easy, but, as I said before, you fail to involve the audience in what's happening.
Do you really think there should be more movies where there's a thin plot filled with over-the-top action fantasies that have no relation to the plot, except as a representation of what's happening? Please, I have higher standards.
The thing is the plot may be contrived but it's not thin. It's basic but it makes sense within the context of the story. At no point does any action sequence happen without a basic narrative of its symbolism. So you may say it's shit and you dislike it but the plot remains as does the symbolim, however weak, it frames the story in an understandable way. If you dislike it that's your perogitive but don't doubt the power of visual imagery that Snyder exercised throughout this film.
In reality I am in an Insane asylum I will fantasize that I am in a whore house, Inside of this fantasy I need to get a map. I will dance in this fantasy and fantasize that we are in a steam punk war fighting zombie Nazi's that have the map.
Makes all kinds of sense.
I didn't say the plot was contrived, though for it to exist on its own, it should have been more complex, but it's enough for the time it took up. You can consider the fantasies as filler if you want.
>At no point does any action sequence happen without a basic narrative of its symbolism.
This isn't nearly sufficient. The symbolism is fairly shallow, and does not justify scenes so self-indulgent. It doesn't matter if the fantasies came fist, then what they were supposed to represent, or vice versa, or one was modified to fit in with the other. The symbolism is quite loose in each instance, which is what one would expect.
>you dislike it but the plot remains as does the symbolim,
I wasn't talking about not liking the plot. I would say the plot would be fine for the amount of time it takes up, but when the filler, (the fantasies), are so incredibly stupid, (stupider than any capeshit actions scenes without question), the movie has to rest on the scenes in the hospital and that plot, making it very inadequate.
>it frames the story in an understandable way.
I don't know what you mean by this. I didn't say there was anything that wasn't understandable. We have the reality, where she was taken to asylum, and the a second reality which symbolized things that happened there in which she and her fellow inmates are sex slaves and dancers. And then a third reality, where over-the-top action scenes take place. I get it, it's just lazy and substantial enough to make a movie.
You've only been alive like twenty-two years. Watch more movies.
>but don't doubt the power of visual imagery that Snyder exercised throughout this film.
There was some value to this, but far too many shots where the director was trying to compensate for the lack of story with flash imagery. As George Lucas said, "special effects without a story is a pretty boring thing," and these fantasies basically had no story, just extremely simplistic and arbitrary goals that had a loose symbolic representation of a second reality that had a symbolic representation to another reality. It's a very clever setup and perhaps no other movie has done it, but the more layers you get, the father removed from something the audience should care about. It also doesn't escape the sneaking suspicion that the director just wanted to look clever and have as much variety of visual imagery as possible, even without it making any sense, not even bothering to make Baby Doll insane, so she would have a reason to hallucinate any of this. It's just multiple realities that have vague connections to each other.
>women dressed like prostitutes save the day
Just another SJW bullshit