How were they able to pull it off? It's so far outside their typical oeuvre...

How were they able to pull it off? It's so far outside their typical oeuvre, hell it was probably the most innovative an original film of the decade! Feige, you absolute MADMAN!

>inception + Ditko/Lee comics from the 60s
so original

you sound fake as fuck.

Inception ripped off Doctor Strange to begin with.


The story of Inception is nothing like Dr Strange you autist

your the autist to bring up that shit move inception

It was stupid and boring. The pacing and story were all over the place.


Nolanbabbies pls go

GotG, MoS/BvS, Ant-Man, now DS > The Meme Knight Trilogy

The day capeshit is innovative pigs will fly

Doctor Strange borrows heavily from Inception



>Premise is a bunch of matter manipulating wizards are fighting
>All they manage to do is fist fight and create pointy things out of magic.

Bravo, so exciting.

>I haven't actually seen the movie but if you look at the trailers you see something that happened once in Inception, only a little different


>stupid and boring

Guess you should've taken your pills for your ADHD.

Reminder : the original final fight was totally scrapped as it made a portion of the test audiences physically sick

> hell it was probably the most innovative an original film of the decade!

Marvel is so streamlined and without flavor that a little bit of originality makes the shills spergs out

Calm down kid


Maybe Disney knows what it's doing.

I kind of agreed with this sentiment before I saw it yesterday, but there's actually a twisting hallway fight scene.

It's not a bad thing. It's just like music borrowing on older influence, but it definitely did influence it visually in a couple moments like these two examples.

My main complaint with the movie is that it doesn't take itself serious enough to warrant the amount of comic relief and levity there is throughout the whole experience.

That being said, the visuals were definitely enjoyable. It was neat to see Mikkelsen on screen in a Marvel production. There were a handful of moments that were worth the price of admission.