I marathoned the three episodes of this so far. Do I like it, Sup Forums?
The Crown
that depends are there any panty scenes? you're a big fan of panties
recommend it? I have nothing to watch tonight. I'm interested in history if that matters.
>being rich and british is hard
Why to do anglocucks love this shit?
It's not bad, although if you're looking for something to watch I'd recommend The Young Pope over The Crown.
Thanks user, I'll check them out.
The British are the most reactionary people on Earth. It's one of the only places in the west that still slavishly adores elites.
guys pls vote corbyn
All royalty should hang desu.
>free Canada when?
Oh yeah. I was planning on watching this.
well I saw the first episode. christmas scene was amazing
Yes, good drama that is decently accurate.
Tommy Lascelles is a savage.
decent so far but overshadowed substantially by the other period piece about a young person coming into extreme power in the form of The Young Pope
>white woman in a Netflix show
I suppose she gets into an interracial relationship during the first episodes.
you've got to be joking
Yeah, she fucks a Greek
It's well shot and that's about it. Another boring period drama. Downton Abbey if it didn't look like a cheapo soap opera.
Tainted bloodline. I marathoned the whole season this weekend. It's great but Sup Forums won't like it.