/got/ general
I hate almost every female character on this show. Is that normal?
I hate almost every character on this show. Is that normal?
>the hound
>jon snow
>ned stark
>jaime lannister
>tywin lannister
>oberyn martell
all based. there are more but I got tired of looking up their names.
That was my concern too, all those kids look way too young to watch got
>>the hound
meme characters
yes but I don't hate them
then your very life is a meme.
the wildling that took care of him was one of the only likable female characters who wasn't a literal whore
Post YFW Arya asks Brienne about killing stannis and she can tell brienne is lying.
>2017 mannis confirmed
I liked Osha.
No, you have problems.
They were probably just used by their parents to get closer to her
There is not enough budget to do a stannis redemption arc.
its fucking over.
we need more shitty cgi shots of dragons so there's no way we'll get stannis returning.
S6 was fucking garbage because they only did 1 or 2 takes of every scene, and the rest of the budget went to fucking dragons. Notice how Tyrion's screen time is way down? It's because he's the most expensive actor.
You just KNOW!
emilia looks like she's lost some weight
She's on a strict diet of Kit Harington!
It's normal to hate every female character on the show and 95% of the male characters as well.
If you only hate the female ones you might have a problem tho.
If you hate them all you only recognize the show for the steaming pile of shit it is.
Aww Mrs. Sue and Mr.Stu.
Tell me again why this show isn't Disney trash again?
aren't bulls (both literal and figurative) supposed to be physically imposing? And not 5'6 135 pounds?
no there are lots of shit male characters too but not in the proportion of shit female characters
He can't keep getting away with it!
Reminder that Emilia ruined the show and that cgi Dragons are bugetary cancer.
Ben And Holly Little Kingdom English Full Episodes
Kinda. The show doesn't know how to write a strong female character properly. So they write the strong female fighter character as literally Wonderwoman, they write the strong female leader character as someone who literally always has the solution to whatever problem she's in, they write the scheming female character as a fucking retard whose actions don,t make any fucking sense (they do the same with the male schemer tho fwiw), they write the female assassin as a master ninja level 99 who can kill anyone in any way she wants and is never seen by anyone even when cooking men into pies in an enemy castle, and all that despite having received about 2 minutes of actual assassin training ( 1 of which was "pour poison in a cup" ), and failed most of it.
Why do Sophie and Maisie get so obviously drunk/high at every event? Fucking slags
well I did imply 100% of females and 95% of males. Not the same proportion.
But to be accurate it's probably closer to 80% of the males that are shit on the show.
But with that figure I include a lot of book readers fan favorites who are only favorite because they liked them in the books first... Like Jaime. He's fucking terrible on the show, he's complete horseshit. But he still have a large fanbase even among book readers, because they liked him in the books.
If you haven't read the books you'd hate him like the rest of them too. The dorne shit, the fighting shit, the "I'll kill all Tully to get back to Cersei, who by the way is my lover and the mother of my children who are also bastards and not the actual king DID ANYONE NOT HEAR THIS BTW?".
Because they're fifteen and super rich and don't have or need an actual job, or to study.
What else would they do?
>they're fifteen
Why do you feel that all the female characters are shit though?
different reasons for each of them.
I agree with everything this user said.
there are two in the entire show that I would consider above average.
Same thing.
Aside from Arya can you give more detailed examples?
Also,I don't see what was the problem with Arya's Frey Pies and killing Walter Frey? Like are you just upset that she was able to do so?Why though? I don't see what the problem is.
Especially, when she used her skills as Theon's cup bearer to get in so it's not as if that came out of nowhere. Also Hot Pie is in Riverrun so we can assume she saw him at some point.
They've been completely worry free since they were fifteen though, I don't think that's very conductive to growth and maturing. So, yeah, fifteen.
*Tywin's cupbearer
>this shitty general still tying to act like it has any relevance anymore
Maisie will turn out okay. Sophie is currently being buttfucked by the Jonas Brothers and doing crack
>Maisie will turn out okay.
She does seem like she'd be a fun person to hang out and party and do drugs with. She also isn't really pretty and she probably knows it, so she knows her carreer is probably dead after GoT, and the only way to save it is through actual acting talent.
>Sophie is currently being buttfucked by the Jonas Brothers and doing crack
I can only pray that that's true and that we'll get to see the video one day.
yea, brienne is such a normie whore,totes
>muh oath
brienne is the definition of a one dimensional character
You just have to know. You just HAVE to!
He really can't keep doing this.
why are you so obsessed with kit you faggot?
The answer is in the question lad
Friendly Reminder
>And what was such an incredibly broad group of characters doing together in one location-both Dany’s crew and Cersei’s gang? We have confirmed that the filmed scene involves characters bringing a wight into the Dragonpit as proof of the White Walker threat.
Archive of Awayforthelads comments:
>Jonas Brothers and doing crack
Who's band is about to drop an album in two weeks and whose name is being plastered around because of pictures of him and Sophie and insider info.
It's a fucking business transaction
But the Hound is giving us more Beric scenes. And not only is he a based character but I could listen to his actor read the phone book and be enthralled.
I wasn't here past few months. If fat man still alive? Any news about new book?
He is too busy campaigning for Hillary
It's never coming out
>*applause sounds*
You don't have a problem about Arya (or anyone) entering a castle, killing 2 guy ( who presumably were not in the kitchen, because why the fuck would Frey guys be in the kitchen? ) then dragged 2 men - remember she's 9 in the books and maybe 14 in the show, given that Sansa was 14 in S4 ) all the way to the kitched - that were hopefully empty - then baked pies while standing there with 2 corpses for at least an hour or two?
And Walder Frey expected some meal delivered to him, so it's most likely not 3 am or something. It was at dinner or supper or close.
What other examples you want?
Brienne? BTFO'ing 6 guys in armor without even getting a wound while other experts warriors die to less? (Dayne killed by just 5 while he had 1 allied with him, Selmy killed by a bit more than 6 but they were peasants, etc.. ).
Convincing the entire dothraki horde to follow her because... She has magical powers? Dothrakis hate magic. They would've killed her on the spot for successfully pulling what she did.
The Dothrakis following Dany because she has magical powers/immunity to fire is like a Nazi gang following a black Jew because he's really good at reading the Torah.
In the books I do not doubt they'll follow her, but they'll follow her because Drogon will BTFO them. Dothrakis follow strenght ( not magic! ) and nothing is stronger than Drogon.
But on the show they had to show that Dany isn't just some girl who happened to have dragons, because that wouldn,t empower her or some shit, so they had her get the dothrakis by herself, but couldn't think of any way for her to do so that would make any sense.
Holy shit you just know
>autistic retard still writing page long posts about the show
lmaoing @ your life
why do you live your life like this?
complaining and worrying about the logistics of some fantasy tv show for fat women?
bran can't be king
not fit to breed
not fit to lead
>14 in the show
No she fucking isnt. Shes 16 or 17. How old exactly do you think bran is in the show at this point? 12?
bran is so fucking retarded in the show he might as well be 4.
Nice meme idiot try answering the question
Started rereading ACOK, I thought it was interesting how Sam mentioned a Dorren Stark being King in the North in Jon's first chapter, do we learn anything more about him or his reign? Also will the hand from the Wight they brought back into the Watch come into play in any shape or form do you think? From what the leaks say about The Watch sending a Wight down south has me thinking they'll use the hand in the jar in someway.
jesus christ I can't believe people here still have any hopes for books. how can you still reread the books, or have any interest in them for that matter?
>implying there's an actual difference
Please post some good season 6 memes please
Jeor Mormont sent Thorne down to king's landing in like season 1 with a wight's hand, to show to cersei.
She didn't see it and the hand didn't survive the journey.
Except this season they're gonna smash one to bits but it won't stop moving until they burn it.
Sandra is a bolton
euron's big cock
More like this please
Jaqen H'ghar
Reddit fucking incarnate. Get the fuck out.
This desu meme pleb.
She's dating Joe Jonas, so obviously you don't just know anything.
So you think Arya might be 17 now?
How old do you think Sansa is, fucking 20?
3 seasons ago Tyrion said he wouldn't fuck her because she was "a child". And keep in mind this is a world where boys of 15-16 are called "grown men", and girls probably even sooner given being "grown" doesn't mean they have to fight men or stuff ( like the boys ), just that they can fuck.
Reminder Cold Hands is Duncan
I thought Dunc died at Summerhall or is this another one of those moronic Preston theories?
The Jorah / Sam / Citadel shit is full retard. I hope GRRM kills Jorah off in the books.
I can't wait to see lyanna tear jorah down to size
Sansa is 17 18 or 19, arya is 16 or 17, bran is 14 or 15. The characters have been aged up in the show and more time passes than in the books dumbass.
>Jon leaves Ghost at Winterfell, where he stays all season.
Never change, D&D.
Not relevant, but i'd rather Brienne fuck Arya than any of the actual pairings that have been suggested.
I wanna watch white girls take the EBC
Joe Jonas looks like someone doing a bad Zayn Malik impression though, so I wouldn't blame her for sucking Kit's dick in her spare time.
>it's a "I lust for Jon's cock so I pretend he has sex with every single living thing in a 1000 miles radius around him" episode
>dating someone means you can't feen for someone else's dick
Sup virgin
Wonder if Emilia knows. She seems the jealous type.
Okay, Cold Hands probably isn't Duncan, would be neat though considering they did mention his hands were black as if charred by fire, yes?
I think he could be Dorran Stark, the previous and earliest King in the North. Outside of that then my second guess would be the offspring between NK and Other Woman.
They couldn't even spell his name right
That dwarf Little Bird is gonna be back for dragonpit
You mean Reagar Targaryen?
Depends, would you give it to that slutty witchy one who resurrected John Snow? If yes, you're in the clear.
I think he's the night's king himself. That's why he had sam and gilly go to his old castle the nightfort.
All I'm saying is that he's hotter than Joe Jonas, which isn't hard.
Would be quite hilarious.
You're a faggot cuck obsessing over another man's sex life and it's pathetic.