So how is it?
Did it live up to the hype?
So how is it?
Did it live up to the hype?
>meme director
reddit will eat this up on toast.
Worse than Transformers 4.
but reddit is the website that has a subreddit about Sup Forums with half a million subscribers
Someone sum up the plot, I know it's based on another movie/book but I really can't be arsed to google it.
Yeah, and anons keep dismissing any opinions that differ from their own as being "reddit".
Members from both sites think they're hot shit when they're not.
when will faggots accept the fact that much like the real world, the Internet is getting "smaller" and more people are browsing, posting, and trolling more than just 1 website?
>can't notice the IP's count was the same as number of posts until he made this reply
>m-muh samefag
how can it not be shit with those three starring?
Who are, by and large, 4channers.
In other words, you have self-contained group of 4channers on Reddit, while you have rampant, viral hatred for Reddit everywhere on Sup Forums--which is ironic, seeing as about half a million of you fuckers post on there every day anyway.
The redditor is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a pleb, shill, normie, meme, fedora-tipper, nu-male, cuck... it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a redditor and you will be astonished at how he recoils, shitposts, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I've been found out".
is it out yet?
limited release as of today and general release from friday (UK)
i cant find it on 1337x?
Damn, I was hoping this would be a reboot to the Charlie Sheen movie, The Arrival
I wonder why. Its limited release in the UK right now. Most rips are never done in UK hence why UK only film rips (like the David Brent one) only appear after the web-dl.
I don't use reddit, facebook, twitter, or any social platform. I just use Sup Forums.
Oh and by the way, you have to go back.
senpai, I am from here. Been here since '07. I'd think the "you fuckers" that you just defended yourself from would imply that.
I read the short story, it's good.
>t. redditor
hmmmm newfag or plebbitor? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...
b0ss can i habe da screener pls
Aliens don't perceive the passage of time. They just experience everything from their entire life at once. And their language is only understandable if you do something similar to your own perceptions, so the linguist that makes interspecies communication possible has to give up her entire life, sort of, by breaking her brain so she lives it all at once.
Now seems to be an apt time to post this pic
I am on reddit the same time I am on Sup Forums. Just because there are fking SJWs on Reddit doesn't mean every subreddit is shit. There are a lot of subreddits that are fking interesting desu
What is that supposed to prove?
Pretty fucking spot on, I remember back in 2003, I was browsing sites like crazy and on a different site every day and each one had its own mini community on it. Slowly i've stopped visiting sites and mostly just go to only about 6 sites now. It's kinda depressing.
Literally fuck off. Every fucking reditor posts here thinking hating Redit is just some sort of meme, but it's not. People who visit that site have genuinely garbage taste, garbage 'meme' humour and are generally toxic to any online community they involve themselves in. I live with a reditor who uses Sup Forums, and I've never met someone who is able to contribute to this site less.
Honestly I wish anyone who browses Redit would just fuck off because they always are fucking garbage people
Best movie of the year but of course Sup Forums being the contrarian sad fucks they are, they will label this as reddit shit.
That people generally use a few big sites.
Since this isn't one of those big sites, the vast majority of people on here talking hot shit about how they're pure 4channers who go nowhere else but the best site on the web are mostly posers. Basically all of the internet uses a few key sites. Almost no one goes exclusively on Laotian basket-weaving forums, as much as they'd like to beg to differ.
>Best movie of the year
Not even the best movie of the month senpai
Saw it at TIFF.
It's so different compared to his other movies, but it stands on its own. There's some replayability because of the twist ending but other than that, I think you'll watch it, appreciate it, and never watch it again.
I gave it a solid 8 but it's not the next sci-fi phenomenon.
If you've seen Mad Men, you'll know how ironic this image is.
I liked the final shot where it zoomed out and she was behind a mental asylum cell door.
Where can I watch this shit right now other than the theatre
Dont give a fuck about shit quality
jesus christ is it really its all a dream?
Villeneuve already washed up
Why don't you kill yourself you pathetic keyboardwarrior?
I am a less human than you for visiting reddit to get streams for sports, movies and series right? For interesting me for others opinion on my favorite series, movies and stuff right?
You are edgy and you think that makes you special because you are so rare, not a fucking normie. You are ahead of all other people. What a moron
Different user here. Actually, yeah. Visiting Reddit does in fact say a lot about you. That said, Sup Forums has a lot of subhuman trash as well. On Sup Forums though, everyone has freedom of speech. On Reddit, not so much.
>Visiting Reddit does in fact say a lot about you
That I am not a retard whos asking for a stream on Sup Forums or Sup Forums so people can answer me with insults and instead goes to the subreddits regarding this topic and get a stream within seconds. Right
>everyone has freedom of speech
>implying 4channers give a shit about freedom of speech
>On Sup Forums though, everyone has freedom of speech
Nope. Criticise the moderation. you get ban. Not free speech at all.
>meme director
this bait was effective. am mad.
But Sup Forums is obsessed with reddit enough to bring it up in every fucking thread without fail.
>Nope. Criticise the moderation. you get ban.
mods r fags lmao :^)
rip, cya in 3 days user
Whether it actually happens in this instance it is part of the rules that you can be banned for it. So even if it is put into practice probably quite rarely it is quite obvious that such a rule is limiting speech and therefore it cannot be claimed that speech on Sup Forums is "free"
Why would people go on
>Hey guys, anyone seen this film?
Sup Forums
best threads on Sup Forums desu
t. reddit
Nope, I don't think I'm a better human than you, I just wish you'd leave this site and never come back as you have a garbage sense of humour and bad taste. I know this because you like Reddit. Stay triggered senpai
You are probably one of these edgy kids who discovered Sup Forums some months ago and want to look like the hardest kid on Sup Forums by insulting reddit and 9gag.
Does anyone honestly give a fuck what other shitty websites people visit? It's all part of the same primordial shit-soup, just soak it in as you please you fuckers.
>inb4 whiny Sup Forums cuckery
You're trying to teach plankton to do complex math, user. Let it go.
>called arrival
>never arrives
Whatever makes you feel better about yourself, reddit.
The fuck are you talking about you insecure retard
>the linguist that makes interspecies communication possible has to give up her entire life, sort of, by breaking her brain so she lives it all at once
She already made interspecies communication possible by figuring out their spoken language. It's just the written language that requires a different perception of time and reality. And she doesn't really give up her life, she still leads a normal and fulfilling life.
I remember reading a novel from Frank Herbert about the same subject.
That's a cool spin on the original story. So does she ever actually figure out the languages? Does she figure out Heptapod A and then get declared insane when she "figures out" Heptapod B?
That's a gross over-exaggeration. Reddit only comes up when some retard obviously from reddit makes his presence known. And even then we're just telling retards like you to go back there. We aren't like "hey guys look what reddit is doing lol lets go check it out". Reddit users are always cancerous shitheads, without fail.
nice try reddit
The trailer looked generic as fuck. I'm guessing it doesn't do the movie justice?
I haven't seen the movie but if the story it's based on is any indication then no it does not.
So how does this work exactly.
>you know that 2 years from now you will break your leg going hiking
>in an attempt to avoid breaking your leg, you don't go hiking in 2 years
>you literally just altered your own life so now you get a new vision of the rest of your life?
>I live with a reditor who uses Sup Forums, and I've never met someone who is able to contribute to this site less.
Honestly I wish anyone who browses Redit would just fuck off because they always are fucking garbage people
This is pretty accurate when i think about it. I have friends who browse reddit and theyre my normie friends who are fine to hang out with, and my closer friends are much cool and fun to be around and they browse here, but the ones who browse both sites are the biggest memespouting obnoxious losers i have ever met and they are completely oblivious to how annoying they are and how no one likes them and their constant meming in real life.
I can't find a direct link to the actual short story anymore without downloading a pdf but have a wiki excerpt.
>Dr. Banks's understanding of the heptapods' writing system affects the way she perceives time and suggests a deterministic universe where free will is exercised by not affecting the outcome of events. This is reflected by the tense used in the story's writing: a small portion of the story, at the beginning and the end, is written in the present tense, indicating that the story is being written at the time of the daughter's conception. The sections describing the interactions with the Heptapods is written in the past tense. The sections describing the daughter's life from birth to death and beyond, are written as Dr. Banks' remembrances that she nonetheless describes using the future tense, because learning Heptapod B enables Dr. Banks to know her daughter's entire life even before she agrees to conceive her.
Did their legs turn backwards at the end? Was Charlie Sheen in it?
I don't even know what this movie is about. Is it like the V miniseries for people with short attention spans?
My thoughts as well when I saw this shit movie thread.
Nigga what? Oh wait I get it. Never seen that movie but I get it.
>legs turn backwards
>I don't even know what this movie is about
And you could have googled it and found out faster than it took you to finish writing your shitty post.
Stupid fucking gookmoot should spend time making /reddit/ instead of trying to find new ways to Jew us with ads and move all you fuckers there so we don't have threads devolve into this bullshit ad nauseam.
At the end of the original movie, after they broadcast the tape letting the world know that aliens are responsible for climate change (in an effort to terraform Earth to fit their needs) a kid who's with the main character bends his legs backwards at an impossible angle to signify that he was an alien the whole time.
I just realized this isn't a remake.
Sounds interesting. Don't know why I haven't seen it yet. Do they ever show the aliens?
You would be more aware of good kino if you spent less time on reddit.
Yes, you see the aliens several times.
They do show the aliens, and Charlie Sheen has a retarded goatee.
At least twice every year for the past 8 years I've been looking for Alien kino I haven't seen yet. I tend to avoid ones that don't actually show the aliens because the Fourth Kind or whatever was a terrible movie.
But I don't know how this one flew under my radar for so long.
I never would've seen it myself if it hadn't been on TV like ten years ago. I'm amazed I still remember it. It seemed like it was a pretty good and slightly smarter than most "aliens are trying to destroy the planet" kinos. It's more of a thriller than an action or horror movie though. Charlie Sheen's just trying to uncover the alien plot for most of it.
So after having read about the movie and how things play out, I'm convinced it's shit and the story should have been heavily altered.
They should have kept the idea of Aliens "gifting" humans visions of the future but instead of focusing on just her, it shows the gift also being passed to World Leaders and great minds so that devastating wars, disasters, creations etc etc can be avoided and ensuring the planet will have a long, fruitful life.
>amy adams
couldnt care less
she cant act and doesnt get my dick hard
They didn't focus on her, she was just the first one to understand it. Whos to say she didn't teach it to world leaders etc?
But if is to be believed then I think that's a nice twist on the original story.
Speaking of alien movies I'm trying to remember one that came out when I was 14. There was like a group of kids, alot of snow and I think a cabin. And the kids retarded friend turned out to be an alien in the end who fought the evil alien.
Stephen Kings Dreamcatcher
I think it might have Dreamcatcher, based off of a Stephen King novel.
Yeah that's it thanks
Attrapeur De RĂªves
Catcher of Dreams
What is the essential list of Alien-kino? Which movie had the best Alien designs outside of the Xenomorph? I personally think the aliens from War of the Worlds were a great and unique design. The fact that they had 3 main limbs really made the fact that they ride around in giant tripods that much cooler.
>From the director of Prisoners
The most IMDB sensibility film made so far. Anybody who thinks that Prisoners is above mediocre is juvenile about the medium and entirely emblematic of the video game crossposter fueled downfall of this board.
Villeneuve is one of the biggest trashmasters working today. This is hot pocket the movie. Cheeto dust: the flick.
IMDB "FILM BUFF" pleb fodder. If you like this film then you are an enemy of the medium.
All the memes are there, it's shit
Catcher o' dem Dreamz: A Stephen King Lee Joint
Directors can have hits and misses you try-hard plebeian. Sicario was great and it barely had a plot. No reason to think he won't at least deliver interesting visuals over an already interesting plot.
Fire in the sky
The Abyss
The Arrival
Dark Skies