I love you :)

Making a short film that will be shot in school.

1. It needs to be school appropriate.

2. And it needs to be a short story, the film needs to be 5-7 minutes.

I have five actors. Two girls. Three boys.

Brain storm ideas. The best idea gets credits in the introduction. Get clever.

Other urls found in this thread:



columbine biopic

there's a big dick and you suck it and you like sucking it because youre fuckin gay lmao

Adapt Uncle Vanya.

at least get the chicks in their panties so even if you fail you have some wank material

Expected some lame answers.

luckily you were given 3 entirely legitimate ones. sometimes life surprises us.

*laugh track plays*

I bet these guys are in the same room as each other, laughing.

Whose lips?


>school appropriate

Whose. lips. are. these?

im in the same room as you and im laughin at your tiny dick lmao

A testimonial set within an advertisement for a dating website

The website is an alternative to Christian Mingle, but jesusmeet.com is the first dating exclusively for people who think they ARE Jesus

Most of the time is spent following a young man who met his current girlfriend through the website

He was recently released from a psychiatric institution where he was making progress, but his crazy enabling mother pushed for his discharge, threw out his meds, and secretly signed him up for the website, arranging a date with a girl who also thinks she's Jesus

It's a dark comedy documenting his complete mental collapse and blossoming romance

make a movie about a white guy who says the n word

do a documentary where you all go back to ręddit and never come here again

Hunger games set in a school.

ITT: People try to be funny.

why would he adapt what we all want you to do?

those lips need some dicking

your mom thought i was funny when i inflated her pussy like a balloon and then sat on her stomach and popped it lmao

Plane scene porn parody

A old Russian general a Columbian drug lord and Dan the milk man go to Etheopia


and a mediocre response to boot. you're painfully out of place here.


You don't have to be an autistic faggot to be on Sup Forums.

lol and you're still responding

That was my first response to you?

The three boys fuck while the girls fuck off.

I would watch that

fuck off fujoshit

its not fujoshit if im a male


you're responding to my response though

Fine, put them in yoga pants.

I shot a short music video for some guy entering a contest. It's my first paid work so I'm happy about it and proud.

You don't have to watch it but if you wanted to it's youtube.com/watch?v=Aof1wPGQzMg

wish that guy still had writer's block and didn't write that awful song

good job on the direction though, looks like a proper music video. you did what you could

This shot was kino in it's purest form.

Was this family weirded the fuck out that a 30-something gay dude was singing on a childrens ride by Sears?

I like


Get a copy of Bambi by Felix Salten. Do chapter 8. Only requires two speaking parts. Minimalist costuming. This could be creepy and "arty" as all get out.

The three girls compete for the competition of one guy and at the end it's revealed he's a faggot and kisses the other dude.

One guy is destined to get on a plain, but last minute realised that he had two take two mercenaries.
So he boarded them up and told them that there was only space for 1 person on this plane
He held one to a window and shot next to his head
Next sequence is then the revelation that he caught the main villain and asks him why he wears the mask.
The villain then says that nobody cared who he was until he put on the mask.
He then asks him what would happen if he takes the mask off.
The villain responds it would be extremely painful.
The guy highlights that the villain is indeed a large man
The villain then says 5-1 U

Plane scene from DKR

Do your own homework you dipshit

two guys are business execs who are on a plane and the other guy is the pilot, the other two girls are airplane waitresses.

Now, these two guys are both fighting a guy in court but neither know his identity. Then , one guy figures out the other guy is the guy he's fighting and tries to kill him, just when the plane is in a storm and shit goes haywire.

The other guy realizes that the first guy is his enemy and tries to push him away.

Eventually, shit goes south and they both take one waitress hostage and decide to kill one unless the other lets down.

meanwhile, the pilot tries to stabilize the plane.

One guy gives up and the other guy ends up accidentally killing the girl, who also happens to be the wife of the pilot.

the pilot comes in and kills everyone except the one waitress and they dispose the bodies in mid air, and then the pilot shoots himself in the head and his body goes down, too, because he couldn't take the death of his wife.

The other waitress dies, too, when the plane crashed.



Do an abstract interpretation of the plane scene from dark knight rises


I'm doing my own homework. I just need some starting ideas. I'll be doing the writing, the directing, the editing and the casting. Sorry if I'm asking for much.

Naw, that's lame. But I appreciate that it was in the preffered school setting.

This is the only right answer.

This is a 18+ site. Mods pls

A group of snitches bring in three guys (one of them is BIG) who were selling weed in the parking lot to the school prefect.

>was getting caught with weed part of your plan?
>of coursh!
>*the fire alarm goes off