Is there anything wrong with going to the movies alone? Whole family is making fun of me for doing this. Also...

Is there anything wrong with going to the movies alone? Whole family is making fun of me for doing this. Also, Doctor Strange was decent.

Wong? No.
Strange? Yeah, but who am I to judge.

Nah, I do it all the time. I can understand why it might look sad or weird, but it's honestly amazing. You don't have to worry about finding multiple seats together, you can chug vodka in the parking lot and no one is around to judge you, there's no obnoxious perfunctory discussion of the movie immediately after it ends...

I prefer going to the movies alone. I review them as a component of my job, but even when I'm not covering a movie I prefer going by myself. Granted if it isn't a screener, I usually go to matinees and there's barely anybody there and there's usually a lot of people there alone. It would feel awkward to go to a movie alone on an opening weekend at night.

DS was good, but it felt like something...was missing.

I do it all the time.

The force awakens was the first movie I saw by myself.
IIRC I had a chance to go see it with my brother and one of his friends, or they asked if I wanted to come.
I declined though and later changed my mind to wanting to see the movie.

I think I will go and see another movie by myself before the year ends.
Maybe not Rogue One since I my brother in law was talking about that one.

Any good movies out or coming out to watch by yourself?
It was actually pretty comfortable once you sit down.

The visuals were neat and different, but at it's core, was the most Marveliest Marvel movie I've seen. The story wasn't bad, but it wasn't really engaging either. The villain was more or less bad just because, and for as cool looking as the occult stuff was, it didn't feel like a very fleshed out mythology. What I mean by that is, it kind of felt like most of it was made up on the fly. In something like Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings or even Game of Thrones (the books more so than any of the adaptations, and I imagine this is probably true of Dr. Strange as well), it feels real because there is a lot of detail put into the fictional world and it's history. There are well established rules regarding magic and all that fancy stuff which keeps it grounded. With Doctor Strange, I don't know if it was just because of time constraints or if the mythology of the source material is lacking, but it all felt kind of phony.

It wasn't a bad film by any stretch, I enjoyed myself based on the visual effects alone, but you a right when you say it felt like something was missing. There wasn't much gravity to it.

They make fun of you because they hate you, faggot.

>Is there anything wrong with going to the movies alone? Whole family is making fun of me for doing this

no, family are the kind of people who talk constantly while trying to watch something

>Get multiple different girls to go with me to movies on separate occassions
>Never take any one twice because I don't want them to think I am really interested
>Only want them there so I don't have to go alone

Just make sure they don't have a policy against singles.

Happened to me once, get to the seat, movie starts 5 mins later and the usher+manager (i think?) came up to me and asked me if I was waiting for someone.

Told them no, they said that i'd have to leave because i'm making everyone else uncomfortable. Tried arguing but they threatened to call the cops and I couldnt afford that so I left. Got a refund so thats ok I guess.

Haven't been to a cinema since.

You should go alone, dressed as Doctor Strange.
That will attract the ladies.

Not only does my theater not have a singles policy, but almost no one ever goes there apart from the first day when new movies are released. Plus it's fun to fuck around with the female concession workers. Treat them coldly and then treat the males nicely. They only hire guys now.

>ITT things that never happened

Nah, he just pulls spells out of his ass most of the time at the comics

I do it all the time, but seriously why do you have to let everyone know, just go out buy a ticket and watch.

Watch arrival alone

>Told them no, they said that i'd have to leave because i'm making everyone else uncomfortable.
I can actually see this happening to me.

You just need to find a theater that's so desperate for customers, that they'd let you in anyway. Plus then you can watch a movie by yourself completely. No annoying people crinkling wrappers or eating food. Though it's fun finding a movie showing that has people and slurping through a straw the whole time. Also one time I left some meat in a bathroom.

I do it when none of my friends are interested in the film I really want to see or are busy. I remember no one else giving a shit about the 70mm showing of The Master near me, so I went myself.

Do two Benedicts make a right?

I have a cinema really close to my home so sometimes when i'm just bored i'll go watch some movie there

absolutely not

your family is just weak willed

the only reason not to is if you get shitfaced in the theater and you have to drive yourself home

I only go to the movies with my partner or by myself. Going alone is actually really nice because you can just sit there and fully immerse yourself in the experience. There is nothing to take you out of it and it just makes the movie better. I never get funny looks or comments when I go alone.