If peggy was good looking would don have fucked her

if peggy was good looking would don have fucked her

Probably, yeah

she was just a kid in his eyes

She was the daughter he wished he had.

he almost tried to fuck his not niece before she told him about his not wife's cancer

They had the best platonic relationship desu

Yeah. That's why he married Megan. Reminder him of Peggy, but she was actually fuckable to people not named Pete Campbell

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She is good looking

She's a 9/10, wtf are you talking about

She's so adorable, I can barely watch the show without getting butterflies in my stomach

No. She was like a cross of Anna and Sally for him

imo no. don saw her as adorable, not fuckable at first but then he saw her talent and their similar life struggle and took her as a protege. once that happened and their relationship changed. the closest descriptor could be sister or daughter, but it was close in a way that wasn't sexual and couldn't become sexual.

She wasn't unattractive, Don just knew that she was too smart. He knew he couldn't control her.


Oh Lane. Still hanging around?

Watch out kid, he's got a mean swing

They very purposefully cast a homely woman for that role.


No, Don't has a Mother/Whore complex and for most of the show Peggy acted like neither of those things.

He married Megan because she was a hoochie, but she was good with the kids so he thought he had it locked down, but she was ultimately as immature as he was.

she's "cute as hell" according to don and has "beautiful eyes"