Was I supposed to give a shit that she used Dormammu jizz to keep herself young? Was I supposed to care when she died...

Was I supposed to give a shit that she used Dormammu jizz to keep herself young? Was I supposed to care when she died? It seemed like the movie wanted me to care about these things, but I did not. I felt nothing. I felt nothing at all throughout this entire movie.

go stoned desu

>director is known for horror movies
>editor is known for family movies and comedies
I haven't seen this movie, is the dissonance noticeable?

How can I be as cool as you?

Its comic books. Not high drama.

The plot is there to keep the story moving forward. Not to give you feels.

I didn't notice anything like that because the movie felt too shallow, compared to what it could've been.

However, I have heard one friend complain the jokes were out of place given the mood the scenes tried to set up.

>I felt nothing at all throughout this entire movie.

That's because you've turned into a ragged, soulless crevice incapable of enjoying the simplest of things in life without over-analyzing every minute detail

No. They did a much better job with this than they did with any of their previous works; all of them.

This movie is complete trash.

Or he stopped being a manchild, you Doritos-consuming shit-eating cocksucker.

>It's Doctor
>Mr Doctor?
>Not at all
What did Marvel mean by this quip? Are we really supposed to be believe Mads is too dumb to know what a doctor, one of the oldest professions of our species, is?

The attempts at humor in this film didn't work, neither did anything else. The effects were nice but not worthy of admission price by themselves

>I felt nothing
learn how to enjoy things

like nobody in the world is named "smith" or "weaver"...

*awkward silence in the cinema*
*awkward silence intensifies*
*one guy lets out an awkward heh to relief tension

Top Quips there, Marvel!

Why should he learn to enjoy things for kids and autists? It's about time adults abandoned entertainment intended for kids.

then why did he go to the cinema in the first place, you dumb autist asshole faggot?

Tilda is ruined forever, thanks Disney!

Not OP but I was dragged there by my pleb friends. I felt like karma demanded me to drag them to Hacksaw Ridge the weekend after to fix my wrongs.

You mean fix your Wongs

get rekt dcuck

That's what i keep hearing but my theater was laughing a lot during the film, so I don't even know anymore.

You can't form your own opinion?

Im pretty sure Marvel wants to appeal to the majority of audience, not what Sup Forums calls humor

what's wrong with Doritos? Are you implying that someone can't have good taste in film and like Doritos?

>implying normies don't fall or shallow plots
>implying normies don't gobble up the quips
>implying normies don't take LSD and go watch it

Why are you guys like this? This movie is enjoyable without the entitlement.

>inb4 it's /tv

Did you all take the short bus there together?

Who the hell is named Doctor? Also, smith is never used as a title, unlike doctor which is used all the fucking time.

He was obviously fucking with him, being autistic i can see how you missed that

He sounded quite sincere at the end.

Doktor is a common name.

I unironically like most Marvel movies (especially Winter Soldier, Civil War, and the Iron Man movies) but I did not really enjoy this whatsoever.

Seeing it getting praise a la Winter Soldier has been confusing for me. I thought it was more in line with the Thor movies.

I would describe this movie as "ok" but I regret paying to see it in theaters.

I assume you don't know what "deadpan" means.

I think it was the fact that she broke the same rule(not to mess with time) that she was fighting against.. but she did it to keep threats from coming into this dimension

This. At my theater, the entire room laughed at nearly all the quips. I didn't, but they did and that's who Marvel cares about: the majority of the movie going audience. So yeah, liking it or not, quips in MCU movies are here to stay, I guess.

The line was, "Maybe but who am I to judge."

I unironically love the Marvel movies too but Thor is my favorite Avenger and I liked both of his movies so maybe loving Doctor Strange was a natural fit for me.

All of this cosmic stuff hits me in the right places.

>because the movie felt too shallow

There, that's the perfect word to describe how I was feeling about this movie. Thank you.

>this projection


>adults watching kiddy cartoon movies with the depth of saturday morning TV
>anything but sad manchildren


>you've killed some dudes now protect the Earth please
People unironically prefer Marvel over DCkinos

mordo explained the whole thing you fucking invertebrate

"dark dimension energy is chaotic and therefore the whole situation is somehow her fault" < paraphrasing

Its tacky to enjoy Doritos while sucking cocks and eating shit, that orange dust gets litorally everywhere. Needing to have these sorts of baseline human interactions explained to you and unironically enjoying movies set in the MCU are 2 huge red flags for autism, BTW. Get tested today>

>going into a cape-shit about magic expecting realism
>calls others man-child

It evens out, but not in a good way. It's all just so incredibly flat. The effects were nice and trippy, but the only character I found to be really engaging was Wong, and that's mainly because I like the actor.

are you implying that people can't enjoy Doritos while also enjoying high quality food or film?

I feel the same way. Maybe someone put crazy pills in our food because I'm losing my mind.

6/10 movie getting such high praise. What would be left if they took the cgi out I wonder? I heard someone praising the writing, what a joke!

I realized that word of mouth is a scam. There is no point in trusting what people say about a movie. They know nothing.

>super powered eternal god-being hanging out in his own dimension filled with countless worlds
>40 year old meatbag shows up with a rock and a scheme and wins

So this giant god thing is actually retarded, right? How can there be a threat and subsequent worry in the audience, how can there be any stakes if fucking super gods of their own dimensions are outsmarted by the fucking plot of a Bill Murray movie?

And how does any of it even make sense? This dimension does not have time, so he brings time with him from his dimension? What? How can you have anything happen in this dimension without time? How can they have a conversation at all that has a START MIDDLE and END without time?

What a bunch of retarded shit. Go CGI some more Inception scenes into the movie you fucking hacks.

I like the part with how unfazed Mr Doctor was when he got mutilated over and over again by Doormamu. Yet it's Doormamu that breaks after 15 minutes and not the guy getting impaled over and over again.

Top quality writing right there.

ayy i watched this movie on weed bro and it changed my life man lmao you cant really know how this movie feels without going into it high as a kite

Did you not watch the film? Doctor Strange was enlightened, starting the film off as a narcissistic arrogant irresponsible douchebag and in just a few short weeks/months/whatever becoming a man willing to sacrifice every part of his existence for the greater good with not an ounce of hesitation.

This is of course demonstrated throughout the film when he disobeyes and disrespects the people who gave him everything by doing as he pleases, reading whatever the fuck he wants and touching whatever the fuck he wants and grabbing infinity stones to try out world-ending magic just for shits and gigs. I really felt like he'd learned a lot.

I liked it.
I mean, for a superhero movie it's not that bad. Avengers is shit, Iron Man is shit, CA is shit, Superman is shit. This was pretty decent because of the CGI, i wanna watch it stoned on 3D.

yeah she's white so it was hard to feel any pity for her. I find it amazing that these assclowns are "apologizing" for whitewashing the character now that the film is out as opposed to, you know, not fucking up so catastrophically in the first place!

>it's not that bad
could you be more of a pleb?
