What's with retards telling people to watch shows out of order?

>skip first season buffy
>skip first season parks and rec
>skip first season curb your enthusiasm

Like, fuck, the season was good that you got through it and kept watching so you could foist your shitty opinions on people.

thanks for the input

because those series have no story development so it doesn't matter which order you watch them in

Thank you, it enrages me when people say this. It's like skipping chapters in a book, it's absolutely ludicrous and I don't get why people do it.

eva is worse than the walking dead

It's not at all like skipping chapters in a book. If I start with season 2 of everybody loves raymond what the fuck did I miss? The premise is pretty fuckin straight forward.

I saw

>skip first season sunny in Philadelphia the other day

ah, I fucked that greentext up

Retards gonna retard, I guess.

What is this? The DVD release? Looks all darker and... Something else seems different.

>no story development

What's wrong with Eva?

sorry lad, teenage melodrama isn't a plot

Of course it's hard to go back to Buffy season one after it was all over, but that was because the show got better and better. I remember the first time I watched season one though, and it was great. Your opinions can change, and you do others a disservice by not letting them experience a show the way it was intended.

Some people just have no memories, I guess.

>skipping season 1 of Everybody Loves Raymond
>missing the one guy who doesn't love Raymond
It sets up the entire premise of the show. How the title is a lie, how to always question everything, how life isn't as straight forward as you think. How as kids we are made to believe in the goodness of all people but as you grow up you see evil in people. How you might have a naïve sense of wonder of the world, it can actually be an ugly place. Without that initial interaction, Raymond wouldn't have become the man he is in following seasons.

How'd I do?

I was told to skip first seasons of parks and rec.

eventually went back and watched it, it was fucking awful.

I wouldn't have bothered with the show after watching a few episode of that drivel

you only believe that because that's what you've been told to believe.

too deep

Not true, I loved P&R and forgot I skipped the first season.

I remembered I did and got excited as fuck, a whole new season to watch! awww yiss.

But it was bland, unfunny, awkward and tedious. I sat stony faced through virtually all of it, occasional smile but it was terrible.

The series, nothing

Factoring in the rebuilds though makes it shit

this isn't Sup Forums, you're expected to watch what you shitpost about

your perceptions alter reality, so whatever you believe to be your truth, even if that isn't reality.

because certain things are better than others, especially after repeated viewings and most people that have watched buffy know they like certain things more than others and want to save you the trouble and while I agree that if its your first time usually you should watch everything to see what you like, but if you want to save time they'll tell you shit like skipping season 1 of buffy.

I would watch Angel episode of buffy and the finale since those 2 episodes have only carry over impact, and secondly the first season of buffy has 7 episodes.

so, there ya go with that and really if you're a guy you'll end up wanting to watch Angel anyway so, you do that with the first season, then watch seasons 2 and 3. The show really never tops itself after that but its up to you if you want to slog through college years and buffy working at burger king.

After season 3, I usually tell people to switch over and watch Angel, seasons 1 thru 5.

Fuck off anime cunt

>especially after repeated viewings
>that's why I tell first time watchers to skip things

>Try to watch Buffy and Angel how Sup Forums told me to, ultimately drop Angel so I can finally finish Buffy's garbage story and then watch Angel.
Don't listen to Sup Forums unless you want the story to be slow as fuck.
>Watch Community.
>Stop watching after season 3 like Sup Forums said.
>Catch a glimpse of season 6 last week.
Listen to Sup Forums on this one.



I really like community but season 6 was just sad

>skip first season buffy

just skip the filler eps with monsters of the week but see like the first 2 and the angel/darla ep and the finale :^)

well you can break it down further than that. You only need to watch the first 30 minutes of episode one and the last 30 of episode 2 and 7.

You remember so much you don't even know how many episodes S1 had. You fucking idiot.

This is what happens when you skip shit.