Esta tierra es mía. Dios me la dio a mí

Esta tierra es mía. Dios me la dio a mí.

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A la próxima no dejen entrar a los Franceses

¿En un terrario?



> esa bandera
> ese post

Que no era "Viva España, viva el rey, viva el orden y la ley"

Buen post lad

Ahora pon la foto donde está muerto.

You know the family of his adopted son still claims to be nobles?
The descendants of Moctezuma do that too, since you recognise their nobility

No murió.

No conocía está conspiranoia lel

They ARE nobles and recognized as such in countries which recognise nobility:


Moctezuma´s heirs did get payments from the Mexican goverment till the XX Century btw

Una vergüenza para la república

Yep I saw a TV interview with the "duke" a few years ago, he looked like your typical rich landowner from the countryside, overseeing vineyards and horses and shit.

come and take it
-t. roosevelt

No sé por qué escribí en inglés si todo el hilo está en español

mama mia papa pia baby gave me diarrheaaaaa

>mfw spaniard will never EVER beat Teddy
>mfw we use fake news for the accidental sinking of the USS Maine and there's nothing you can do about it

>Spain couldn't handle ONE Teddy, perish the thought of three


> false flag your way into war
> backstab one of the countries you literally owe your independence to
> arrest people who welcomed you and invited you to tapas
> promise freedom to Philippine fighters, once they let you in, proceed to genocide them
> "we didn't specify what kind of freedom lel"
(((America))), everyone.

>"we didn't specify what kind of freedom lel"
the burden of life is a form of oppression

>that perfidy

How can non-Anglos even compete?

You learned nothing?
Look what they did to us, after all of that, you could have prevented this


We're very familiar with Anglo perfidy. You know about the Gibraltar issue, don't you? The city is British territory and we're not disputing this. However, there was a plague outbreak in Gibraltar in 1854. In humanitarian spirit, Spain let British refugees settle in a strip of Spanish land just outside Gibraltar, as a temporary shelter until the plague disappeared. It was agreed that they would return to their homes and we would get our land back.

We're still waiting.


Pronto la reconquista finalizara y España volvera a ser grande

lol come take it then

>Me la dio a MI...

t. amerindiANO