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International #761
Some people just want to watch the world burn
Why do Polish people commit so much crime? Are Polish people predisposed to commit crime?
I'm a high school student in Japan
I love France !
/ex-ussr/ general
>tfw Indian
/sino/ -中文- Chinese Thread
Am I the only person that has experienced Germans on Sup Forums being smug and self-righteous? Why are they so?
Sverigetråden - Gomorronupplagan
Kurva anyátok
1. your cunt
How do i cure my hatred for Spain?
Let's resume English history
How much do you think about Finland on a daily basis?
Fuck multiculturalism, ethnostate NOW!
How are you preparing for the Asian century?
Why do we like trucks so much?
The English language would be better with these letters: Ð Þ Æ ß
I'd like to HATE Japan
Ew don't touch me
Question pertaining to Afghans on this board
/v4/ + friends
The Fall of Constantinople was one of the worst things to happen to the Western World
Only death grips if it counts
Tfw just remembered seeing a webm where a Russian boy in his families grocery store puts a gun to his head and says...
This is a pure 100% all natural Hmong girl, looks whiter than most Jomon Japanese...
Why do first worlder posters think there are plenty of fucked up shit in their whole life and want to kill themseleves...
Your thoughts on Bolivia and bolivian people?
Muh Colonization
Burgerfats think this is good food
What the fuck is this?
Why are Russians scared shitless about a defense treaty that simply stipulates that if any member is attacked...
Is the Balkan diet healthy?
America, what are you doing?
Why is korean so fucking horrendous to listen to?
1) country
What english words should I use to sound smart?
What happened to Sweden?
Terrorist Attack In Bogota (One french citizen died)
Reminer that gramar is impotant edition
Things Europeans will never understand
Why do Americans use the M/D/Y date format, when they call their country's national holiday "Fourth of July"?
Why doesn't Turkey change their flag to a Non-Ottoman one?
Culture Pals - /cp/
Only countries with a monarchy may post in this thread. All the shitholes known as Republics must not post here
Tfw Germany's only flaw is that they are too kind and generous for this earth
Match girl on Tinder
ITT post girls from your country
I'm a white nationalist
Are Japanese WHITE?
His country has an independence day
Native East Russians
His country wasn't born in a bloody revolutionary war
How is the scene for this in your cunt?
Go to Ireland
How do you translate "fucking" into your language?
Sverigetråden - Var snälla!
/MENA/ /MOAN/ /ⵎⴻⵏⴰ/ /شأشم/
Why are americans so scared of raw meat?
Faces of Sup Forums
1.Your language
Why do europans towns look like cartoons?
Fuck you
Life in Western/Northern Europe must be a complete laugh
/nachtschicht/ morgen wieder /deutsch/
You ever wonder if countries like Britain and Germany are letting in thousands of migrants each year because they saw...
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Someone just called me a sandnigger on pol how do i stop crying
Does your country have a good army ?
1. Your country
Why is this only popular in Germany?
Americans explain this
Please tell me I'm not white
1. Your country
Everything in red should be annexed into China
He is a linguistic cuckold who is forced to abandon his inferior...
/BRiD GmbH ehemals und nie wieder deutsch/
At least you live in Europe
Why is this place so terrible
Spain on fire
Post a word in your language that has no single word English translation, then post a translation of it
Are ACTUAL English people (not Danish rapebabbies and Englishmen with Irish blood) actually white?
What's eastern Germany like today?
Bolice :D
Sverigetråden - Invandrarupplagan
The American Dream
Kurva anyátok
Where are you going on vacation this year, Sup Forums?
Italian Hate
ITT: Dubs decide where the Chinese Space Station will crash
/hell/ - Hellas General Ελλάς
Do you shampoo your hair everyday?
World Capital of feminist, BLM and else SWJ movements
/MENA/ Battalion edition
Why is Greenland only the ''world's biggest island'' when it's like the twice the size of the continent of Australia?
Would you rather live in Morocco, Algeria or Tunisia and why ?
How do I get a Israeli gf?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why doesnt poland make a strong alliance with russia and leave yurocucks behind?
Americans really eat this?
1.) your cunt tree 1.) do you have hairy legs?
Sverigetråden - Vaniljupplagan
/fr/ - Fil de la France
Brown gf thread
1. where you live
This is what the average american girl looks like
Damn son i want to go to S P A I N
What countries has Sup Forums made you like more and less?
Canadian Courts are insane
Fat girls are not attracti-
This is too fat in Europe
Share weird stories of what happened to you when you were abroad
/ita/ - il filo
/ita/ il filo: edizione scappare da sto paese di merda
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Which are top 3 best sounding languages in your opinion?
For some reason I can't stop dreaming about her, and it's not that she's beautiful or anything...
Beyond the political conflict and the radicals from both countries, what do Russians and Ukrainians think of each other...
Very serious question for the slavs and the finns
How anime is doing in your country
Why are /balt/ posters always first to post in a new general? and why are they such anime cancers?
/hell/ - /gr/ Hellas General
How come multiculturalism works so well in Bulgaria, but not in countries like France, Belgium and Sweden?
Culture Pals - /cp/
Sverigetråden - Lidaupplagan
Hey arabs, can you figure out what this dumb tattoo says?
American Navy - 0
He LITERALLY, UNIRONICALLY, WITHOUT A HINT OF SELF AWARENESS imagined himself saving his crush from a school shooter...
Behold: the niggers of Europe
How have the baby boomers ruined your country?
He is a truly iberian?
/tr/ + + + seviyorum moruQ edition
So user have you been enjoying your stay in Britain?
/fug/ - /fr/+/brit/+/deutsch/
Why do eastern europeans hate gays?
42ºc again
/fr/ - Fil Francophone
If you have stray dogs in your country it is a certified shithole
Post fruits Americans won't recognise
To those whose countries do not have mountains, or very few mountains: do you guys ever wish you had more mountains...
I am Korean but I don't hate Japan
Lesson in Polish #4 - Memedition
Why are japanese scared of white peope?
Has your country ever made a AAA games?
Why do Asians feel uncomfortable and insecure around whites fluent in their language?
Which do you admire more?
Having a breakfast in a summer cafe with my friend right now
What's the deal with these signs Americans?
/mena/ /diaspora/
In 2017
Walking around saint petersburg, russia
Why can't w*ite people handle spices
My Ancestor :)
If there is a god
I just found out I'm 7% German
How does the rest of your country view your capital city?
Exterminate the white subhumans
Kill all niggers?
You're cunt
Which is the best muslim country?
+ request thread
You wake up in year 3000
Why, Sup Forums?
What are towns in your country like?
Why don't Europoors have air conditioner?
What flag provides the highest quality of Sup Forums discussion?
1. Your country
German had all his money stolen by a colombian girl
What does everyone think of Australia?
What the fuck? You can go to jail now for telling people to kill themselves?
Goodmorning Sup Forums
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
Kurva anyátok
V4 leaving EU when?
Your cuntry
Is alcoholism common in your country?
Guess the nationalities of soviet people
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
How can other countries even compete??
Russian White Guilt
Is Turkish Islam different from Islam in other MeNa countries?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
A perfect world can't ex-
When will we be surpassed and who will it be by? Now forecasts are saying China by 2030, and India by 2050
Hilo latino
Life is so precious
What's the most hated country on Sup Forums? Canada? India?
You know another US recession is coming within the next 2 years, right? It has long been predicted
British food >german food
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/carib/ - Death to diaspora and meme magic is real edition
Sverigetråden - Morgonupplagan
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why do white people drown their food in ketchup?
/cum/ Canada US Mexico
Uma delicia
/fr/ - Le fil avec un L majuscule
Countries by land area
If you can guess the right sex than you're straight
Be Afghanistan, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bhutan, Bolivia, Botswana, Burkina Faso...
Would you racemix with a colombian girl?
Why Italy so homophobic?
Culture Pals /cp/
What cars does your country make?
1. city
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
1. Your country
Do people like or dislike American music in your country?
Your country
/rcq/ - Reconquista General
Istanbul or Athens
Why do Americans worship the police and military?
I am a Finn
Would you ever allow a kekistani refugee into your cunt?
El ArgentiniANO in Jewkraine
I'm an undocumented immigrant. Ask me anything
He imagines himself giving rousing speeches to his countrymen
Post music from your country
/MENA/ Jordanian master race edition
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
/fr/ - le fil chocolatinophone
/fr/ - Le fil de la francophonie
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
Why are Latin countries so shit at learning English...
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Canads is turning 150 this year. Come visit and celebrate!
Why do Russians like Putin?
Italy and foreign food
/balt/ /ausnz/
Why are the least white countries on Sup Forums so obsessed with whiteness? (e.g. Brazil, Argentina, USA, etc.)
/ita/ il filo
Lmao Israel looks like a 2nd world country. Literally eastern europe with a desert climate
Are french white for you?
What are Sup Forums's thoughts on Persians?
This girl is 92% european
French are the nicest people on this board
Post an average girl from your country
Name a more iconic duo
Let's settle this once and for all
1. your cum tray
/cum/ - Canada United States Mexico
Is this the only Arab country that isn't a complete shithole?
Someone in Germany made this
What do you call both of these in your language? And plural
This the average Israeli woman, thoughts?
Just a friendly reminder to all of those cucks who say Americans are not White: White midwesterners are Whiter than...
WE WUZ KANGZ: a rebuttal
Why are you sitting at home on a friday?
/hell/ - /gr/
/ostmark/ ehemals /deutsch/
Why do women from this area so ugly?
Decrease in worldwide beer consumption
Why does the heat peacefully respect
What country has the most aesthetic flag?
Mfw half of my friends magically became vegan past two years
ExUSSR/russophone thread
/fr/ - Fil Francophone
Your country
Made in china
I'm sorry Italy
Should I cancel my trip to Rome?
Will the Negroes survive at least in the yellow zone without artificial vitamins and a solarium?
Are Welsh white?
Eh? You've never seen a pair of breasts before? And you're HOW old?! J-Jeez! Ahahahah! W-Well, we'd better fix that...
/deutsch/ - Spendenkoffer Ausgabe
I've met a single person from Minnesota and his parents were Canadian...
/ita/ il filo
That's right white boy, pay up
1. your country
Culture Pals - /cp/
Are all british posters on here pakis?
View from the window thread
Are you in a relationship? Do you like being with him/her?
Greek Capital
If they'd cared, what animal would be your country's news anchor?
Memri memes
What normie activities will you be doing this summer?
Does he voice himself in the German dubs of his movies?
You will never speak English perfectly
Would you rather live in Belgium, Netherlands or Luxembourg - and why?
ITT: We all wake up in a lost island
Istanbul is NOT the capital of Turkey?
Do you trust your country's media?
Which women are the pinnacle of beauty and why is it Arabian women?
Kurva anyátok
When are they going to balkanize already?
Let's tier the woman visual
Areas of Europe that have been controlled by a non-European people such as the Mongols, the Arabs, or the Turks
/mena/ - Middle East & North Africa
What's the fastest way to get HIV/aids?
Which country is most attention whore
/balt/ and /ausnz/
/fug/ - Finno-Ugric / Uralic
Where would you rather live and why?
Tfw southern europeans are dying from the heat
You will never have a loving wife and a baby born from your mutual and true love
The only subject you are genuinely interested in is history
/fug/ - /fr/+/brit/+/deutsch/
Why do people mystify language learning?
I fap to this picture
Make a "why do white women prefer brown men"thread on Sup Forums
Apparently mexicans got mad because new mario wears poncho
You wake up in 814 AD
Slovakia will start accepting refugees
What is the mother tongue of most Paraguayans? Is it Guaraní or Español...
Mediterranean General
How did you know this country?
/Ramadan/ ehemals und nie wieder /deutsch/
40ºC right now
Discuss immigrants in your neighborhood, how have they influenced it? Do you feel distant from them...
/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico
Man look at fucking portugal
Should Europe be reclassed as Eurasia? Where does the line for Europe end and Asia begin?
A huge fucking billboard in central Baghdad saying don't come to Australia on boughts
What the FUCK is wrong with Spain
This board is so crap. It's full of generals...
Hey, Sup Forums. Out of curiosity, I decided to do a DNA test via the AncestryDNA service. Being from the Balkans...
So this is why fins drink,huh
Helo all you prety grils of int come to finland
Go to Sup Forums
If you're not blue, you're not white
What languages are taught in school in Tunisia?
/sino/ -中文- Chinese Thread
/dixie/ — Southern US & Friends
Sverigetråden Knugen utgåvan
Are mediterranean women the best european women to wife?
Amerifats and chinks will never know the feel of having a /comfy/ city
Hey, muslims, what's the diffrence between Sheytan and Iblis?
Would you have sexual intercourse with a transvestite Sup Forums ?
Would you race mix with a Berber girl?
Kurwa Ananas, auch /deutsch/
/fr/ - titre original pour faire chier les autres generals et empêcher les gens de nous filtrer
Is being monolingual a first world privilege?
Do you have a Gay Pride Parade in your country?
I hired some Ukrainian. Stuttering pussy apologising for everything. I told him to paint my flat for 4zlote (0...
Lessons in Polish #3 - OP's Deppression Edition
Go outside
Why do whites hate Mena people so much when they're both caucasian and the most related genetically out of all races?
Russia love thread
/tr/: apoPİÇ edition
Do the Russkies hate Putin?
Canadians will defend this
Kraut hate thread
Can they be saved from themselves, Sup Forums?
Spaniards didn't wake up this morning
Serbia is gay
Kurva anyátok
That feeling when no girlfriend
Your house is on fire. What one, and only one item do you grab to take with you?
Why does Europe have so few megacities compared to South America and Mexico Sup Forums?
What the fuck Serbia
Islamization of Europe
How can you not cry when listening to this?
Which countries are the good guys?
Be american
To balkanize
Why do white people treat religions like it's an fasion accesory
/hell/ Hellas General Ελλάς
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Asians, why?
Hilo latino genocida
/ita/ - il filo
/brit/ - A Squashed Albert Finney Edition
Europe will never be this free
Japanese people should stay on their islands
I'm not even white and I wish I could help Europe srsly. Wtf is happening to Europe what are they doing. This is so sad:
Brasil Macacos
Do you earn enough to have everything you want?
Post traditional tattoos from your cunt
So user, what should we order for dinner?
Enséñame sobre prostitutas en Tijuana (o otros ciudades cerca de la frontera). ¿Qué opinan Mexicanos verdaderos...
It is now officially illegal to criticize trans people in canada
Faces of Sup Forums
Is the Balkan diet healthy?
Frequency of blue eye gene among white american is decreasing
Sup Forums in 1987
What's the deal with Asians and umbrellas? You never see them with a hat or just bearing the rain instead
Which country has the best national anthem?
U.S. student freed from North Korea has severe brain injury
Europeans don't like our cars
When will the US pay reparations to the people of Bikini Atoll?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Must suck being European as they go to bed starving after having dinner
Is your country a voltlet?
What went so terribly, horribly, disgustingly wrong?
Be german
Do you have latinas in your country?
Itt: We talk about The vietnam war
If the hijab/burqa etc are meant to prevent male attention...
Is there a better looking flag? seeing a physical American flag always for some reason makes me feel something
/fug/ - /fr/+/brit/+/deutsch/
Send help
Post your town city flag
What race are Americans?
My country was once a great power
Do you like P-Portugal?
Anglo thread
Going on vacation
Do they have frats in your cunt?
Which country is your closest ally?
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
/balk/ Thank you God for creating Russian women - edition
Red pill me on italians
Does your country treat working-class people like dirt?
/fr/ - Fil francophone
1. Your country
Why exactly do countries in the Americas have a military?
Hilo latino /lat/
[Norgetråd] - Snut er Utgaven
ITT: Sup Forums in 2037
/ita/ - il filo
Vhat håppens hære?
Why are slavs so good at making story based games?
Christian achievements
Why do the Anglo-Colonies act as if they had no native ancestors?
Post your favorite youtube channels from ur cunt
Why do Cubans make the best immigrants from Latin America?
Is it true Europeans cut down all the trees in their cities and will never know this feel?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Post the most common type of couple of your country
/unwetter/ ehemals /deutsch/
1. Your country
Swedistan thread
Sup Forums always talk about which country have the hottest women but what about the ugliest?
Which country is the gayest on Sup Forums?
Meanwhile I'm down here enjoying a windy 23 degrees
Why are Croatians such mama's boys?
/ibe/ - España & Portugal
Sverigetråden - Kvällsupplagan
Post average numales from your country
Why do many non-arab muslims like Turks and Iranians hate Arabs?
Esta tierra es mía. Dios me la dio a mí
Hate Brits
They live in a country with black qts
Americans will defend this
Tfw everyone of your former empire speaks russian
Americans are gay
I need to learn French. Give me motivation to learn it
Lessons in Polish #2 - Witcher & Vocaroo Edition
Communist shithole
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...