Just a friendly reminder to all of those cucks who say Americans are not White: White midwesterners are Whiter than...

Just a friendly reminder to all of those cucks who say Americans are not White: White midwesterners are Whiter than most of the indigenous Western Europeans.

Pale skin, hair and eyes don't matter if you have 3% Amerindian admixture - one drop rule, you invented it

Who cares about your racial faggotry fucking gringos, embrace mixture

Soon amigo mio

>it's a "fat american mongrel is obsessed with race" episode

I think is a matter of your culture or something, i don't know why everybody is so racist over there. My aunt called someone "negrita" over there and the girl almost punched her, wtf

The BLC (big latin cock) will conquer all in time

Negro and all related words are considered very offensive in the US because they're associated with the segregation era and Jim Crow.

It must be weird needing to be careful of your words when you speak to people. Here you call someone fat fuck or nigger being white or slim and everyone gives 0 fucks or even joke about stealing and shit, racism here is pure humour

I don't understand why Americans give so much power to words.

thats some 1.65cm indo, this is latin man

We have a culture of pettiness and autism desu. It's everyone who is thin skinned here, not just blacks.

My ancestor :)


Americans are not White

my ancestor :)

stupid shitalian

not your ancestor :)

my ancestors are superior to your arab ones

you are subhuman filth >:(

I am Greek you subhuman

No, I am Greek


Ever noticed how only nonwhite countries on Sup Forums like Brazil, Argentina and USA are obsessed with race.

USA is a proud Greek nation you subhuman

Lmbo, in what fucking universe do 50% of Americucks have blue eyes? It's more like 17% and that's being generous.

Next buffon la