Is there a better looking flag? seeing a physical American flag always for some reason makes me feel something

is there a better looking flag? seeing a physical American flag always for some reason makes me feel something

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>Inb4 nazi flag or ISIS flag

>makes me feel something
What do you feel?

I feel comfort, joy, childhood, aspirations.

I don't like the US flag, it has nothing to do in how I feel about the US itself, but its flag its just not good looking enough

Yes, the flag of ISIS.

>is there a better looking flag?
pic related

I feel motivated and empowered like I can do anything effortlessly if I just try


I like it but I'll like it more if it was more simple like this

>a sun on a white and blue background

Wow, it's fucking nothing!

it looks pretty stupid imo
the colors don't really match in this layout
I think it's really the layout that is weird, the white and red stripes especially
still more unique than our flag though

I feel disgust, contempt and nausea.


the flag of tu culo y mi choto jkajakjakjajkakjakj

and looks amazing

i wish we were patriotic and proud like the americans

Don't steal our colors then.

We should use the coat of arms in our country flag too. Currently it's only used in government and military flags and it does improve the flag's looks by about 283%.

the sun looks constipated

the gay chinese misters"""yes it looks amazing"""" """i wish i was a call girl so i could suck american cock """" """mmm yesss"

habla bien trolo

I fucking love the mexican flag.

Fuck the American flag ugly and unoriginal

you look constipated, our sun is cool, COOL!

Start with flyovers, even lefties are affected by it.

Are you not? I always though nice frenchies loved the tricolour


If you ignore the fact that their flag is incredibly famous, it's just an average american (continent) flag. It looks like Panama or Cuba.

this one we bully in the latin thread """yes cool sun" "yes mr. you are right my flag is inferior you are superior """ nice cum mister"""

>sucking burger cock
le pifiaste feo, segui participando

We've had it way before you decided to do the world a disfavour and exist.

jkakjakjakjkjajka el chino gai seniores te haces el malo pero hablas ingles bien de putito yanki de san francisco

Where did you think they got the idea from?

no we're not. We're like other countries of Europe, devoid of our pride.

back in the days the US and France were really proud of being the only democratic republic in the West, they had much more in common than today, that was pretty cool

i like this one

fucking moffie you i am not even into men but i would fuck you to show you what's good

>is there a better looking flag?
>2/10 bate
Also, kick out the Turks, Arabs and Africans. It's getting depressing.

I find football really boring to watch but even I enjoyed myself a lot the one time I went to a college game. The sheer spectacle is amazing. Stephen Fry described it perfectly in that video and it was nice how he teared up by everyone singing God Bless America

it triggers nostalgia of era pic related

From our boring european tricolors ?
I have to admit that your flags are pretty inventive.

Why is it incredible famous compared to others

I'll be honest then about your flag then I aesthetically can't stand it's a trip color with a seal in the middle. I feel like their had to be better options.

Side note, I saw a chubby Chicano teenager riding his bmx on the sidewalk like an idiot wearing a leather jacket with the eagle/snack seal on the back. It was pretty cringy.

America and France have been great together.

I would assume hollywood

If European come to the U.S. we will trade an illegal for you.

>We're like other countries of Europe, devoid of our pride.

why does this happen ;_;

>I feel disgust, contempt and nausea.
Marokkaans Uis!!!

Los arjensimios son inferiores

Too much pride among major powers in such close proximity tends to turns into a shitshow kinda fast.
So i guess school curricula became less chauvinistic overtime to avoid tensions between cunts.

>It looks like Panama or Cuba.
There is a reason for that...

Will it blow your mind if I also point out Uruguay's flag just magically looks like our flag and Argentina's had a baby?

appreciate the offer, loved my time there


Loved that movie when I was younger haven't seen it in a while


It's been on battlefields all over the world, we treat it like the true cross in battle and our media probably.

>school curricula became less chauvinistic

It became more leftwing/globalist.
Nationalism and white people are their biggest obstacles so they have been working hard for decades to destroy all of that.
That's why they are always really big on "education", which is ironically a field the less intelligent go into.


I like the union jack tbqhwyf, it should get honorable mention at least.

Where did you visit? I obviously haven't been all over but I'm from New England, live in NYC and have seen a fair amount of the east coast and a few other places.

SoCal 4 times, phoenix once

Ok. I'd recommend New England (especially VT and NH for nature and places like Mystic and Salem just for general New England history), the Florida Keys, Moab Utah (nature)....for Cities Chicago (stay out of the ghetto) and Boston (southies are lrish-Americans who act like nogs though) are pretty nice and NYC is it's own thing....Baltimore is a shithole but Maryland can be pretty. D.C. sucks beyond museums. The people in DC are scum, I've literally had random people ask me specifically for a dollar after I saw them pay the 2 dollar fee. I want to really see Texas and I've heard New Mexico is nice.

*2 dollar bus fee

I like it only because its iconic and it supplements stuff making it asthetic. The flag itself is kinda shit and looks like it belongs on a clown costume. its literally just a modified version of a british company flag

I was trying to figure out here they got the giant baguette, but now I realize this is some forced perspective shit.

Japanon you need to accept the fact that some things won't be as round as you want them to be.

I unironically love the Brazilian flag


i think you're mixing america up with the dr


i think you're mixing america up with puerto rico

Might just be from all the media that everyone grows up with because the US flag makes me think of Hulk Hogan and the typical 80's action movie good guy.

Other than that it's a good design I guess

Canadian and British are better. Quebec is just as good



Don't know why, but I've always liked the FSM flag. I think it's the pale blue colour, combined with the idea of this vast ocean territory with some pretty islands here and there that does it. Never liked Somalia's despite it being almost the same, I guess I'm just a Pacific-boo

its trash

S-shut up

what country are you from?

europeans should not receive any joy from our flag ever
its ours

my descendent :)

Hé is a shitskin """greek""" living in germany, hes a human failure, ignore him.

Yes, this one. Not even kidding. I think it's fucking beautiful.

Its a ripoff


My favourite flags, no meme, are Kyrgyzstan, Montenegro, Pakistan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Sri Lanka, Uzbekistan and Macau. Bhutan and Turkmenistan are overrated, imo.