Would you have sexual intercourse with a transvestite Sup Forums ?

Would you have sexual intercourse with a transvestite Sup Forums ?

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If I know it's one I would not.

probably not

My fist would have intercourse with his throat.

>tfw this looks better than 85% of spanish women

I would force his conversion to islam and would by the grace of allah give her the sword for i trust that the most just allah is merciful to him in afterlife

Definetly not, though I cant be sure if I already havent...

Is this a dude?

Of course, gender is just a social construct and I'd like to dock with her feminine penis, while we recite the UN human rights declaration in unison.

yeah i would. and i have

Yes. Made in Thailand. Even gets to star in Hong Kong and Japanese movies.



Do Thai Transvestites rate Black Tourists ?

I want clean ones aka non-Prostitutes

Yeah i would, not even an incel faggot.
If he looked like OP absolutely just to get the gist of it.

only if her penis is cute

Are thai transvestites a cultural thing?
There's just no fucking way they all do it because of rich american perverts

Man why are thais so lewd and perverted they become dickgirls?

post the rest of this, now

I don't want to get banned
this is blue board remember

I would do unholy stuff with that thai.

post it on /gif/ and link it here alberto, i already have my willy out

I don't have the complete webm sorry, maybe you could go ask /gif/ for sauce they usually have a trap webm thread open

>the one in a a dirty-snow dress
muh dik


No, absolutely degenerate

that comment is rude and against the rules :(

his willy is against your face