Porn is legit better than sex if you don't care about intimacy
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With the lads haha
me on the far right
Actual Thread.
nah don't like anime
thought i understood convolutional neural networks and just realized i have no idea how a convolutional layer gets input from another convolutional layer, and what receptive local fields and all that stuff is
president toilet bog fart
good to see rorke getting btfo last thread. Glad there's some sane people on here these days
The revolution begins in Kensington lads
you arrive in bradford
BBC News right now
rorke can't admit that he's unable to see muslims as individuals because they're all foreign and that so must all think the same
baking today lads
not looking forward to the weekend
>nah don't like anime
see the mandem are rallying at kensington town hall
anyone watching these protests?
what a mess
Before you celbrate your victory over the racist monsters, can you answer this: ?
*disrupts your endocrine system*
yeh, all those terrorists, paedophiles and hate-preachers have nothing in common. all just isolated individuals. fucking lol mate.
>That mong shouting why didn't the police let us run into the big towering inferno
Americanism, not globalism, will be our credo
did some reading, expecting to find muslim scholars explaining that times/contexts have changed
but actually turns out the claim shes 9 was based on a dodgy translation and she actually wasnt a kid at all
guess you were hoping nobody would actually check the things you say, huh?
There is absolutely no other reason to either make or repeat the claim that [Mohammed fucked a 9 year old called Aisha]. Aisha was married in 622 C.E., and although her exact birthday is unknown, Abu Ja’far Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari recorded that it happened before Islam was revealed in 610. The earliest surviving biography of Muhammad, Abu Muhammad ‘Abd al-Malik bin Hisham’s recension of Ibn Ishaq’s Sirat Rasul Allah — The Life of the Messenger of God records that Aisha accepted Islam shortly after it was revealed — 12 years before her marriage — and there is no way she could have done so as an infant or toddler.
Furthermore, it is a matter of incontrovertible historical record that Aisha was involved in the Battles of Badr in 624 and Uhud in 625, in neither of which was anyone under the age of 15 allowed.
Finally, Imam Wali-ud-Din Muhammad ibn Abdullah Al-Khatib, dead for more than 700 years, recorded in the biographical section of Miskat al-Masabih that Asma, her elder sister of 10 years, died at the age of 100, 72 years after Aisha’s wedding. This makes Aisha’s age at the time of her marriage at least 14, and at the time of her marriage’s consummation almost 20.
rorke is SEETHING right now
watch him squirm
Kensington Soviet Republic when?
why do muslims cause problems wherever they go in the world? really do struggle to understand it.
>kill a load of kiddies with a nailbomb
>"keep calm and carry on"
>building filled with pakis burns down
>everyone loses their shit
>i-it's just a mistranslation!!!!!
sure it is, abdul. sure it is.
genuinely amazing how many grown adult males can't dress themselves, 9/10 males I see dress like absolute dog shite
do you read arabic lad?
stop seeing patterns you racist
Surah 8:12 - I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieved, so strike them upon the necks and strike from them every fingertip.
business idea: look the other way while grenfell tower survivors squat in russia trillionaire properties in kensington
can you imagine
20% billionaire 90 year old women
60% Russian landowners who have never been to Britain
20% povvos on benefits
except that i didnt just make the claim, i backed it up with referenced sources providing multiple pieces of standalone evidence to prove my point
>“Khadija died three years before the Prophet departed to Medina. He stayed [alone] for two years or so. He married Aisha when she was a girl of six years of age, and he consummated that marriage when she was nine years old.” [3]
-Bukhari, Book of Qualities of the Ansar, chapter: ‘The Holy Prophet’s marriage with Aisha, and his coming to Madina and the consummation of marriage with her’. For Muhsin Khan’s translation, see this link and go down to reports listed as Volume 5, Book 58, Number 234 and 236.
go on then lad, post your /fa/ pics
ah right, because you're a fashion king and can dress yourself perfectly
don't need to, the majority of muslims accept her age as 9
don't watch the news mate or hate "minorities"
but there is a reason islamic communities are a major problem literally everywhere they exist as a minority.
their doctrine does not allow for them to be proper Muslims without the apparatus of an Islamic state around them to facilitate said doctrine.
some Muslims being benign is meaningless, their presence acts as an incubator for malignant forces, you can never simply pick out the "baddies" without a grossly bloated police/spying system targeting every aspect of everyone's life, and even then its no guarantee.
only surefire way is to remove the tumor, sure innocents will be hurt but it is for the good of the wider body.
you can't let your arm fester with gangrene even though only "some" of it is infected, it needs to be amputated and quickly, inability to act immediately due to moral misgivings will only lead to inevitable demise
absolute state of niggers and muslims
That's comforting to read. Feel better about all the rape gangs now.
exactly the point lad. you can't separate those people from the billion that don't do any of that stuff, because they're all brown. it's why leftists call you racist.
>click source
>404 Page Not Found
compelling stuff there lad, great work
Kinda sucks you can't stray from the fashion norm without looking like an Autist. Is it so bad to want to casually wear a tie?
fedora and cargo short wearing manchildren detected, mummy can't go clothes shopping for you forever sweetie xx
reckon white ivory tower westerners know more about Islam than Muslims do
add the l, mehmet
I don't wear cargo shorts or fedoras
stop making dumb assumptions, it just makes you sound like a retard
>arguing with a cult member about the origins of his death cult
nah everyone who isn't white is the same ladhaven't you read the daily mail (pbui)
used to think this when i lived in Guildford before i moved to london
but here there are some areas where literally everyone is unbelievably welldressed, its v impressive
Eg: Jermyn Street, Carnaby Street, that kinda place
>people will still unironically make fun of northerners
works on my machine
muslims will cause so many problems eventually that not even the lefties will be able to ignore it.
example: muzzies up to no good in the Philippines.
expect that here in 20 years.
stop defending muslims you beta cuck, deus vult
don't wear either of those things xx
Don't mind Muslims me
Not that link. the link in the footnotes where it says 'to see translation click here'
congratulations you just outed yourself as not having read or checked your own source
Defending muslims should be an instant ban from the great nation of kekistan
why are these subhumans allowed to chimp out after a building burns down, but we aren't allowed to get angry about islamic terrorism
so them being muslim 99% of the time is pure coincidence. is that what youre saying? noticing patterns is racist?
stop replying to bait fuckwits
praise kek you cuck, /brit/ is a magapede general.
>kensington goes labour for the first time
>revolution and riots break out within a week
some right rabid strawmanning here
frothing at the mouth tier stuff
uhh, triggered much? relax sweetie xx
>the billion that don't do any of that stuff
praise kek fuck the muslims MAGA my dudes
*records me protesting on a phone to post later*
you're still free to respond to it. or maybe you dont have a response hence the strawman allegation.
any kekistanis here?
Lilly Allen orgainsed this riot LOL
I promiesed god i wouldnt do something and then i did it
fugg I'm screwed lads
>islam is a common theme to terrorist attacks and rape gangs
>what do you mean ALL muslims are rapists and terrorists? RACIST! RACIST!
>new council takes over
>instantly gets blamed for the old councils fuck up
>I don't wear cargo shorts or fedoras
>stop making dumb assumptions, it just makes you sound like a retard
>the protestors are mad because there's talk they may be rehoused outside london rather than into some billionaire's private penthouse
LOL based dumpf
>watching the rock (movie with ed harris and nicolas cage)
>mfw the scene where hummel gets killed by his own men
theory: muslims would cause less trouble if they weren't so fucking poor
Gosh user you're such a loser!
The cause of the confusion is simple. Imam Bukhari, compiler of the famous Hadith collection (Hadith in this context meaning stories about Muhammad) Sahih Bukhari included one recalling that Aisha said she was 6 when betrothed and 9 when she was wed. However, Bukhari included another recording that Aisha was a young girl and remembered when Surah Al-Qamar was revealed — 9 years before her wedding — as well. Obviously, both Hadiths can’t be true, and that’s the problem with relying too much on Hadiths, and too little on the Quran and common sense.
Even if you believe — as I do — that the Quran is a divinely protected book, the same cannot be said about all Hadiths. In fact, there is even an Ayah in the Quran that warns about the dangers of thinking otherwise. Luqman 31:6 cautions...
actually this is quite interesting
really tickles the old history bone
love how forcibly circumcising children (M and F), child marriage, incest and treating women like shit is seen as moderate muslim behaviour.
Shadilay! praise kek xD
fuck off to pakistan rasheed
>"unfortunately, you will have to be homed somewhere slightly outside of London but don't worry, we'll make sure you're very comfortable there. In Islamabad."
BASED donald trump build the wall praise kek
Trump is based tbf
alri abdul haha
That's you... You're the rocket man
fuck off cuckold. Don't disagree with me ever again. praise kek
>outside of London
Shadilay bros!
one of the pieces of "evidence" for aisha being older has to do with her sister dying at age 100
ah yes very believable