How much do you think about Finland on a daily basis?

How much do you think about Finland on a daily basis?

Whenever I feel slightly autistic

I am constantly thinking about Finland

>tfw Norway STILL hasn't given you that mountain


barely in any capacity

if I'm speaking plainly

you folks are a bit odd, at least on the internet

I met a real life fennoswede at my town's market day last month! :D

quite well spoken they were, would chat again

No. Not really.

as a man who does not mix foods on his plate, I can understand their withholding of it

finland must remain 100 % swamp

Every time I take a shit.

As much as I think about Nepal.

And I never think about Nepal unless someone mentions it.

I once found a piece of bacon to have formed in a way that mirrored Finland in exact political detail, why, there was even an errant flake of bacon abreast of it representing Aland !

Literally every day
I love you Finland

every time I take a piss and look at my benis :D


What did you mean by this

>Finnish goaltending

I think about TRG 42 sometimes then I remember I need to buy a new car.

a lot mostly because I want a finnish gf and I have a lot of finnish waifus

Finland isn't featured in the news much, so never. When I was a kid, I used to think that nokia was Japanese.

well, as it is well known to be legal finnish clay I would think there would be no confusion as to the what

I met a finland guy on another team in my beer league, he is a total fucking chad and normie I hate him.

it does have that japanese sort of ring to it, no?

More than you would think

list me some things to do in Helsinki

take a photo of fashionable Finnish people

>fashionable Finnish people

half of the photos are lunatics with branches on their head, wtf

it's seasonal headgear, in a pinch it's also a pretty good snack when ground into bread

>food that doubles as a hat
That is pretty smart, I'll give them that.

i thought about it 40 minutes ago.
i'm going to think about it in 90 minutes.

The plan fell flat.
It was too highbrow.

I think about it every time I remember those scrumptious Finnish shuriken cookies I made for Christmas

Everyday actually, everytime I look at this guy. Reminds me of my childhood, thank you for this feeling Finland. I like your vodka too.

Go swimming in Allas Sea Pool
Get some fries from Jaskan Grilli
Buy beer from S-Market and go drinking to a park

4-5 times a day, if I am to be completely honest

drink alcohol and do drugs.

Every Monday at 22:00 for 4 minutes and 33 seconds.

Every single day tbqwy. Very excited to go again this summer.

>, why,

Why have you photoshoped mountains behind the city?

check your mountain privilege finland is bumpy and beautiful

>finns usually claims they don't care about their lacking of mountains
>see this

pls pay atenton to us

Every time I masturbate

they should blame that retard who came up with the idea and got their expectations up, he hyped a project that was totally unrealistic

I have a friend from Finland so whenever I talk to him so you could say every other day

i have never thought about finland

come drink in ruttopuisto with me