Why do many non-arab muslims like Turks and Iranians hate Arabs?

Why do many non-arab muslims like Turks and Iranians hate Arabs?

Wasn't Muhammad an Arab? How can you hate the race of the prophet?

fuck ar*bs

There is a reason allah sent the prophet to the arabs.

Muhammad was a levantine. He was just laughing at arabs and shit went too far.

Non-Arab Muzzers are quite possibly the most pathetic beings to walk the planet.

>says a non-jewish christian

The same could be applied to christians who in the past hated jews despite jesus being one (inb4 son of god)

Christianity was completely opposed to pharisaic Judaism, there's a reason Jews still exist as a distinct religion.

>quran came to ar*bs because they were backwards degenerates that would bury their babies alive if it ended up as a girl instead of a boy, bought women to marry from slave masters, cities filled with idols for gorillions of idols they worship
>after all this years of islam, ar*bs are still backwards degenerates that would stone their daughters if they don't obey to their parents every single word, buying women from human traffickers, their cities filled with useless materials to show off their petrol dollars, only thing they actually worship
Really activities my almonds.
Also bonus points for betraying ottomans in the middle of the WW1 by shooting their "muslim brothers" in the back with the help of anglos. Even now they have the audacity to bring up muh caliphate while their betrayal was the straw that broke the camels back.

i only hate syrians because of my experience. when çomars decide to lynch them i would happily support them.

Why are you Turks so fucking fixated on this "betrayal"?

>300k Arabs in the Ottoman army in 1914
>30k-50k Arabs in the revolt against the Ottomans

Far more Arabs died for the Ottomans than did fighting against it. A third of the Ottoman army was Arab.

>Why are you Turks so fucking fixated on this "betrayal"?
Because we lost battles we would win instead that's why.
Because they did it in the middle of the world war that's why.
>Far more Arabs died for the Ottomans than did fighting against it. A third of the Ottoman army was Arab.
Nice job killing their own people then. They must have felt nice shaking lawrance's hands after counting money while your hands were dirty with your own people's blood.

>people claim iranians and turks aren't arabs

>they did it in the middle of the war

Those who revolted against the Ottomans did it for literal centuries. The Saudis managed to create a breakaway state in the 18th century, almost 200 years before WW1. They got Muhammad Ali Pasha to stop it, who then later rebelled against the Ottomans himself.

>300k Arabs in the Ottoman army in 1914

any source? also where was all those arab soldiers after 1915 and why did they just bend over to europeans?

>With an estimated 300,000 Arabs in the Ottoman forces in 1914, a third of the total men under arms, there were far more Arabs serving in the ranks of the Ottoman army than those who followed the banners of the Arab revolt, Goncu points out.

>“Two thirds of the troops who made up his (colonel Mustafa Kemal) 19th Division that faced the first wave of the Allied invasion were Syrian Arabs, comprising the 72nd and 77th regiments of the Ottoman army” says Turkey-based Australian writer and historian Bill Sellars.

Typical ungrateful Turks, that's why everybody hates you. Other people died for your nation, but of course the Turkish mentality of "everybody is against us" has further poisoned your already diseased minds.

because the Sultan declared Jihad and the next thing they knew there were British forces in Basra and marching for Baghdad.

what's its source who the fuck is goncu and why google doesn't say anything?
you didn't answer my second question. why should i respect rats who let europeans rule them 5 decades and created alternative history? even after that they fled to my country. truly pathetic

same like christian that hate jew

because islam isn't backwards
it's the ar*bs that are backwards

there's a reason Turks are so based

very racist of you

Arabs are bro tier

>Muhammad was a levantine
People do really believe this ? He's a direct descendant from (((Abraham)))

muslims are all racist, every ethnicity think they are the best and the other are shit. Also you have litlle reason to actually like arabs

>God is an ethnicity
Top kek get a load of this guy

But jews killed Yeezy

Says the guy who depicts Jesus as a pasty white nudist hippie.

Arabs rebled because you were shit at ruling. Shit tax policies shit turkish governers. Didnt build shit besides mosques. Anti intellectuals anti printing anti science..... Massive corruption

Ethno-centrism is grounded on biology which is stronger than ideology.

Levantines ARE Arabs, for the most part.

>He's a direct descendant from (((Abraham)))
So you're saying he's levantine? Hebrews were levantine.

Turks are mutts.
Iranians, I dunno some of them could be mistaken for north Italian or something but not all.

That doesn't mean Christians should hate God, hating a group of people, goes against the very foundations of Christianity.

ottos were reforming empire during tanzimat period. dropping sharia from criminal law, banning slavery (thats why saudis revolted), giving rights to women and nonmuslims, opening secular schools (ataturk finished one of those schools). thats also why levantines are less durka durka than gulf arabs. they were still part of empire during reforms.

Actually in the Arab regions they did not. The tanzimat helped mainly the Jews and Christians in the Empire and the main European heartland of the Empire. In fact Muslims did not have access to secular schooling unless they went to military school or were a member of the dönmeh community. So no the tanzimat did not help the Arab part of the Empire because ottomans and turks in that era viewed the European part of the Empire more important than the Arab heartland that fed and supported them

Turks are Arabified Kurds.