Am I the only person that has experienced Germans on Sup Forums being smug and self-righteous? Why are they so?

Am I the only person that has experienced Germans on Sup Forums being smug and self-righteous? Why are they so?

>WW1 ends
>Wilson begs allies to be nice to poor Germany, American investment rushes in to rebuild Germany in the interwar years
>WW2 ends
>Truman spends millions rebuilding Germany, sends American troops to defend their former enemies
>Soviets block western ground and water access to West Berlin, America risks war with USSR to supply West Berlin entirely by air with four planes landing every minute loaded with food and supplies
>Cold War ends
>Thatcher, Mitterrand, and Gorby all are against German reunification, but Bush convinces them to accept it
>Germany has the lowest support of the USA out of all EU nations and all NATO countries save Turkey
>American soldiers are on German soil pledged to give up their LIVES for a country that hates them while Germany's leader calls America an unreliable ally
>meanwhile America nuked Japan and dropped more explosives on Vietnam than were used in all of WW2 but they still like America more than Germans do

Why are Germans such ungrateful, mean people?

tl, dr


in the first place i don't like Amerilard motherfucker

>secretly had plans to nuke us in case commies march in
>why do they hate us

>germans are so self-righteous when I tell em my country made em great whenever they fucked up

germans are consistently the worst posters on Sup Forums

>American Revolutionary War would had failed had it not been for the immense support by the French empire
>modern americans call french surrender monkey frogs

I am Greek


Germans are just shit-birds.

>let me lecture you on your own country

And the Soviets had plans to nuke EVERY capital city of EVERY NATO country, MAD means MAD.

The French involvenment in the American Revolution is extremely overstated, by foreigners. They did just as much as the Dutch and Spanish did, by just causing the British to have to fight on other fronts. The only country that directly contributed to helping our soldiers win was Prussia.

Hell Russia did about as much as the French by telling the British to fuck off when they asked for help

>>Truman spends millions rebuilding Germany, sends American troops to defend their former enemies
Because of your self interest, not because you were fond of the german people. I don't blame you, but there's no need to act like you'd did it for humanitarian reasons, unlike the Luftbrücke.

The reason is that germans are closer to american stereotypes than they realize. Germany is a country full of old fat fucks that are full of themselves, the people dumb as shit and yet proud of it.

t. not even greek, just started to realize it.

french navy was the only thing preventing british empire just steamrolling the whole conflict.

g*rmans are subhumans

That explains why the French didn't join the war until 3 years after the war began. Yeah sure, the colonies didn't stand a chance against the British Navy, just look at the Battle of New York as an example.
But the only time the French Navy genuinely helped us was during the Battle of Yorktown. And that was only by blocking trade routes. The Americans did all of the ground fighting.


>Why are Germans such ungrateful, mean people?

We are too many people in a small country. We should be the size of Spain or France.

Even without the French contribution, the British couldn't get a handle on the countryside. I mean, I'm glad the French intervened and I certainly don't call them 'surrender monkeys', but they didn't really support us until we'd already proven that we could evict the brits on our own.

Not really tho

Yorktown was only winnable because of French involvement, USA only had the munitions to keep up the fight thanks to French support. The Revolution only happened because the Duc de Choiseul tricked the British into accepting Quebec anyway

I'll call EPA if you keep mistreating potato farm animals.

or become less which is better for the world

I know that Yorktown was primarily won because of the French involvement in the battle. But what i'm trying to say is it wasn't the French fighting our war for us. Like some would suggest.

anglos are perfidious and germs are smug, it's the nature of the world

Yes the only reason because germany was able to recover It self twice is American investments. Still today they have more trade with the usa than any other country in europe and this is the reason they are to much rich today. Why America supports germany economically this much?

Americans are Germans, when they're not Mexicans.

>the irony

Why are Americans so fucking butthurt towards Germany? Stop shitting up Sup Forums with your inferiority complex.


You shouldn't breed like cockroaches.


t. wop

this pretty much, especially if you are in east Germany. Truman spend shit.

And the French had plans to nuke the Rhineland to halt a Red Army offensive, yet no German on here is butthurt about France?

We have payed WW1 war reparation till 2010. Why do you expect that people who were not even in the slightest related to any of these things in past would like it?

>shit on us every now and then
>especially American flags
>"Why are they so mean :( ?"


>Doing the only right thing to save people from getting killed in a war
>Trump jumps in, Germany is a terrible place, terrible people

I swear every German on here is 16

Germans honestly should have won the great war, I'm convinced the world would be a better place.

Is there a single German here who is anti-EU?
Also I can't even tell which ones are Turks/Maghrebi and which ones are just roleplaying anymore.

>>meanwhile America nuked Japan and dropped more explosives on Vietnam than were used in all of WW2 but they still like America more than Germans do
Because Japs and Vietnamese are disgusting cucks with no self respect. German have at least a little bit of it.

>Also I can't even tell which ones are Turks/Maghrebi and which ones are just roleplaying anymore.
This. Real German posters are extinct already. RIP Germany.

Yes, all those migrants from Africa sure need saving from that war over there
Especially the ones who made it to Italy or Greece and then decided they deserved to live in Germany instead
Because we have a war here you see
Also all the Syrians who made it into Turkey and Greece
Apparently there's also a war there
So if Germany and Sweden and UK don't save them then they're going to die from the war
But not Poland or Bulgaria or Romania or Italy or Spain or Portugal or Greece
No no no
Our migrant friends deserve better than to live in those shitholes
After all they're fleeing a war
So let's bring them in by the millions
Despite the protests of every other nation but Germany
And then the Germans have the nerve to demand that the rest of the EU shares the burden
After everybody else said they don't want any more
But they don't get to say no because its Germany's Europe and they need to run the place

Are you retarded? They are war victims after all. Migrants are not refugees. Not offering help to those, is the smuggest thing you can do. It's not our fault that you let in North Africans. We offered help to those who lost their families and houses in the Syrian war. Yes, and why does America care about it then? Why do you even care about it, if they are here in Germany and we are fine with it?

You are the one who gets fucked at some point, if you are not mutually helping somebody who needs it.

>please respect me on the internet
t. American

didn't read a word of OPs post

german posters a precious type of posters that can write up a long post thats actually logically fair or goes in a dialectic way

most other Sup Forums posters cant do dialectic thinking cause they are unironically inherently stupid and bigoted

just switch sides if you feel like you're losing.

With Germans it's all about feeling like the world owes them something.

I am so sick of rudeness, unfriendliness and just this 'me first' attitude that I found in Germany.

Germans are just a bunch of weirdos. They stand out from any other European country. I lived in Germany for 5 years and I only have sad memories from that place. I loved the rest of Europe but Germany? Depressing and horrible place. My first week in Germany (I speak German and French) I was on the sidewalk (you know the 15 meter wide walkway) looking at some of the architecture and taking pictures. There was plenty of space for someone to walk past me as I was not standing in the middle blocking it. This man elbowed me in the ribs as hard as he could when I was looking into the camera and looking up to take a picture. He actually went out of his way to do that and then yelled at me for "standing on the wrong side of the sidewalk". It took all my self control not to kick his ass as I figured it might cause an "International Incident" if an American Soldier beat the shit out of this German bastard who assaulted me. (I was NOT in uniform and was wearing clothing I bought in Germany so I wouldn't stand out).

He essentially thought it was his duty to come over and do that. I saw the same thing sitting in a car when the driver passed someone on the right there were a string of cars following him with people apparently calling the police to report him.

Another time I was in a cafe and I was using their wifi signal to download something and this man made a move for my laptop. I asked him what he was doing and he said "this isn't your office go home" and he had such a rage on his face like he wanted to smash my laptop. There were plenty of seats available.

Germans are just grouchy people in general and I think the only thing that gives them pleasure is turning someone in for something or teaching someone a "lesson".

Berlin the people were the rudest people I have ever met in my life. They made the French seem like jovial happy people.

It is entirely your fault. If Italia was in charge of the EU's policy on migration, we'd have a massive boat network that was better than Australia's, and all non-refugee migrants would never step foot on Europa.

You can help people without bending over backwards for them and destroying your nation with massive demographic shifts and inevitable failed integration, rampant terrorism in the country. Each nation has to look after its own interests first, and then to help others. You're way past a reasonable limit. Bring in some of the most vulnerable and do a good job helping them instead of taking in millions, with no jobs or proper housing, so they can live in tents in the streets of Paris and make money by selling tourists counterfeit Italian brand name goods and bracelets. And most people entering Germany as asylum seekers are not from Syria. Come to Italia if you want to see all these "refugees" yourself. African single men.

Even the Dali Lama said this was too much for Germany. And he can see if Tibet had the same views on demography and migration, Tibet would be part of China and comprised of Chinese citizens in under a decade.

sick of rudeness, unfriendliness and just this 'me first' attitude
>american flag

Nice to see the Cartel hasn't cut your head off yet. We really need to build that wall.

we dont like non europeans, we see you are american since no one is fat in europe.

>Why are they so?
well their country is one of the most influential countries in the world right now, and definitely the most important country in europe.
they have a rich and really interesting history, culture and language.
memes aside germans are beautiful people (even the women), they are wealthy. have a great healthcare system etc.
if i was a german i'd be proud as fuck too.

>Am I the only person that has experienced Germans on Sup Forums being smug and self-righteous?
No, most people suffer from confirmation bias.

>'me first' attitude
Is Mexicans not having the "me first" attitude the reason the expect to not be deported from countries they squat in illegally?

>Germans are just grouchy people in general and I think the only thing that gives them pleasure is turning someone in for something or teaching someone a "lesson".

Thanks for proving my point, my fatty neightbor. I knew you wouldn't dissapoint me.

I'm not him. But you let Africans in ever since mate. You even have an industry promoting this in the south.

>lecturing ANYONE about being fat


Even your military is fat.

Not that kraut, but I have to admit few people here are fat the way Americans are fat.

Oh Juan. It is called banter. Like saying that Mexico has no olympic team because anyone who can run, jump and swim is already here in the USA

But I am seriously glad the cartel hasn't chain sawed your fingers off so you can respond to me.

>lecturing Anyone about being fat
you are the fattest country on earth

Oh we have a ton of fatties. I will never deny that. It actually makes me sick to see them. But it will all work out in the end as those fatties will end up dying by 45.

What may be surprising is that USA is not #1 in obesity. That honor belongs to Mexico. They finally beat us at something substantial.

What region did you spend most of your time in? Were all people this unpleasant?

I'm kinda anti EU

Oh Mohammad. You guys are not so far behind as I have seen so many seat belt extenders sold to you fatties. Either BMW is being cheap and not using a lot of material for their seatbelts or you Germans are getting fatter on beer and sausage.

Success breeds jealousy.

>My grandfather killed your grandfather but after that they rebuild the country and pretended to be your allies because Soviets n shiet so you HAVE to respect me, kraut

Americans generally despise us and we know that.
>inb4 meme polls

This guy gets it.
Good post.

Most "refugees" aren't women and children and they don't come from Syria.
Simple as

>inb4 meme polls
Why do you always say this? Facts don't stop being facts because you dislike them.

I spent most of my time in Stuttgart and Wiesbaden. Most of the people were just rude as hell. The sad thing is I don't think they even realize how rude they are. I think it must be part of their culture.

For example if you were to ask an average German "do you know what time it is?" they will 99% of the time respond with "Yes" and walk on. They are not even trying to be a smartass.

I used to get angry but then I realized if you treat German's like they are autistic you can crack the code. So instead of asking "do you know what time it is" you ask them a question in a way that is not a "yes / no" answer. For example "What time is it right here right now". It is very precise so the person will think "ok, the time where we are right here and now is X" and hopefully they will tell you. Or not. There are a lot of assholes in Germany.

German is a very precise language and I think that leads to their autism.

The only bright spot in Germany was in Cologne. For some reason the people there were not as nasty and rude as the rest. In fact quite a few were happy and it was almost a shock to the system to see happy people in Germany. Not sure if there is a connection to that part having a large Catholic population as opposed to the Lutheran / Atheist culture in the rest of Germany.

Because nearly all americans I have ever talked to hated and/or disrespected this country.

That seems extremely improbable to me, but even if I grant you're telling the truth, how does that change the broader reality?

Interesting, thanks for the long response.

>If Italia was in charge of the EU's policy on migration, we'd have a massive boat network that was better than Australia's, and all non-refugee migrants would never step foot on Europa.

As if. Italy would just keep doing everything to send them North, just like now

You mean ?

be honest, you have never been here


That's bullshit desu. American people are nice guys. They always have time for a joke. You confuse them with politicians. I just don't like their political agenda, but like them in person.

>Americans team up with Soviets to destroy Germany
>Keep the West and turn it into their colony
>"We saved you from the Soviets show some gratitude"
ok thanks

Cologne IS nice, Ronny McShittaste

Well, it sounds a bit like a fantasy story to be honest. Plus, it also sounds as though even in that story he went to the country with high hopes and was let down, or something.
Maybe it's a little hard for me to understand all the bitterness. My parents both lived in Paderborn for years, in fact my father was born in Hannover, and they never had anything but the nicest things to say for the people there.

It's not, and I'm living in Cologne

(Bin Dualer Student bei Bayer)

>wenn das Joschern jetzt schon außerhalb von /deutsch/ Fuß fasst
Ja Heil

That guy was probably acting like your standard American but he was either unaware or is at least not incorporating it into his sob story because people would then notice that he is full of shit. I've never seen bullshit like what he described happen in my years of living here.

könnt ihr nicht einfach alle geschlossen aufs Pr0 oder KC zurückgehen? Ihr krebst mittlerweile seitenweit Fäden mit eurem Clique Scheiß zu.

>Truman spends millions rebuilding Germany, sends American troops to defend their former enemies
>Soviets block western ground and water access to West Berlin, America risks war with USSR to supply West Berlin entirely by air with four planes landing every minute loaded with food and supplies
Implying that was not just to prevent the Soviet Union from threatening France directly

“America has no permanent friends or enemies, only interests”

― Henry Kissinger

I also lived in Germany for 5 years, maybe they just didn't like you for whatever reason.
I had a great experience, and found Germans very friendly and helpful.

KC hat Sup Forums aufgebaut.

>dieser Thread
>nicht eh schon der Gigakrebs

What? I can't even...

>maybe they just didn't like you for whatever reason.
Maybe that is what you get for being the occupying country, warmongers.

Why you saying that to me? I got along fine with Germans, made many friends that I still talk to and visit.
They did not think of us as occupiers.


rromani-a is objectively a noncountry

>thread about germany
>first line already mentions the war 70 years ago
stopped reading right there.

Swa*ians tend to be stubborn but are among the most helpful people here. Also folks living around Wiesbaden/Mainz are much more friendly and approachable compared to the average German.
You've either never been here or an obnoxious person.

Masterrace reporting in! As long as you keep this country occupied, we will not like the "briterican" government. The same is true of Israel in relation to Palestine. You violate the 10 commandments and behave like the axe in the forest. We Germans are not the only ones who do not like your leadership. First of all, turn your Zionist ticks out of the country and on the day of the new beginning, we will talk to you. The hate does not refer to the American people, but to your government!