What went so terribly, horribly, disgustingly wrong?

what went so terribly, horribly, disgustingly wrong?

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we didn't exterminate the natives completely

Nose genes

>expecting Italy and Spain's love child to do well


Nothing, you're probably the only real western country in all of south america, together with Uruguay and (maybe chile). I think you guys did quite well, but all that Socialism bullshit was really a bad idea

>all that Socialism bullshit was really a bad idea
it always is

Socialism and

>only real western country in all of south america
>western country in all of south america
>western country

Are you stupid?
Western only refers to U.S./Canada, and western Europe. Nobody else. No exceptions

The Amerindian reconversion of the Argentine Republic THE RECONVERSION AMERINDIA OF THE ARGENTINE REPUBLIC

Amerindians take over all public places, civic centers, and neighborhood by neighborhood Bolivian behavior is extreme. It resembles Italians in the River Plate of the twentieth century or why not the Jews in Israel in times of the Mandate. The economic and social ramifications are immense. Trade, and industry will be propelled along with the country in perhaps only a generation to go through its second stage of great expansion of commerce and the arts, areas in which Argentinean Europe has come to naught because of its lately socialist and lazy character. Amerindian behavior in trade can be reduced to three general norms: 1. outside the state 2. for the benefit of the people 3. against the state. This will force the state to reduce (remember that the state never diminishes its scope of its own volition) and will allow Argentina to thrive.
In the social the country-club and closed neighborhood will be the last refuge of the defeated, as in South Africa .. those that remain in the city, in the neighborhoods inhabited by Amerindians and attend the public school will end up being bullied, in fact already exist Cases of European children bullied by Amerindians in flowers district.
On the other hand the Andean-Guarani-Pampean miscegenation does not register enough cases to project as the Argentine society can look in a few generations.
To conclude, taking into account that the Amerindian peoples are in their great bullish stage of history and the Europeans in Argentina abandoned the game, it can be said that we are before an irreversible historical process.

El Mestizaje Inpuro, tambien conocido como Der Verdammt Rassenmischung

Australia, NZ and Japan are also considered part of "the west"

Imagine a country of Amerindian evangelists and umbandas paying $ 0 of taxes, street vendors everywhere, remises 0.50 going and coming from capital to province, with ferries of Amerindian entrepreneurs crossing the riachuelo. Real estate developments in fiscal land, argentina horticultural power. Mambo of machaguay and Paraguayan polka in the background.......... this ist the future of amerindian argentina displacing tired socialist ways of european lazies

ive never heard of japan being apart of the west infact ive often heard it being used seperately in the same sentence


The end of the british empire
Germany losing the WW2
USA winning the WW2
Peròn took inspiration from Mussolini (in 1946!) and started half a century of struggle between the UCR, PJ and the military.
The military being batshit insane
The post-peron peronist being batshit insane
The radicals being completely useless
The post-menem peronist being completely useless AND batshit insane.

Macri will save us.

Argentina isn't brown. They can't blame their problems on the U.S

>Macri will save us
I don't know if Macri, but not voting peronchos anymore sure will

jkajkakjkjajkajkakj the european recessive misters, his cellphone will be stolen by an amerindian shortly

cagamos, llego el retrasado

>Real estate boom: ask for $400.000 for Villa 31 house with no deed

The bull market full of Villa 31 Retiro in accordance with the warnings duly presented from these columns. Impossible to understand for the socialist and macriísta Argentine-European ideology. National villero time also dedicated to voter PRO believed that the government Macri arrived with bulldozers and razed entire village, sending their inhabitants back to Bolivia, Peru and Paraguay. The Native American and Latin American Argentina is in full expansion and development. European Argentina is in outright recession and self-extinguishing process. Native American and Latin American monopolize the city of Buenos Aires. Instead, European scared by the faces they see on the street and they do not like, fleeing the city, take refuge in gated communities, in country-club buildings and trellises

the european's house will be flattened by industrious amerindian

Independence was a mistake.


>Germany losing the WW2
>USA winning the WW2

You obviously no nothing about your own countries history.
Argentina like most of the South American countries declared war on the Nazis and Japan after Pearl Harbor.


don't be silly, we declared the war on Germany because the allies pressured us, we were trading with Germany under your noses until then

We still look up to you

>Let me teach you about your country
>What is politics

Ok so explain this to me. How exactly would it benefit your country in the long run to lose a war?

what do you mean?

not really, that was weeks before the war ended





>Ok so explain this to me. How exactly would it benefit your country in the long run to lose a war?
A germany led world would mean for the resource-based economies of the world an increase in the export prices of its commodities.

Argentina is one of the top food producers of the world, mainly because the quality of its soil. And, unlike american or european producers, the local farms don't need subsidies. If Germany won the war, the EU wouldn't exist, and thus, no subsidies for the EU farms.

If no subsidies for EU farms, then Argentina would've kept having it's market share but with a higher prices for food.

Why didn't your country adapt its economic policies? I mean a fire bombed nuked Asian nation certainly did.