He imagines himself giving rousing speeches to his countrymen

>he imagines himself giving rousing speeches to his countrymen

Other urls found in this thread:


>he imagines himself as a slutty anime girl

>he imagines being happy

>he imagines himself posting dank memes on the internet all day

>He lost the will to live including the will to end his own life so he wishes every single night when he goes to sleep that he wont wake up

>he talks to himself because he has no one else to talk to


>tfw all of these apply

>He posts non-ironic suicide desires online instead of just ending himself like he wants to

>he imagines himself as an OC character in whatever anime he's watching

sh-shut up

I imagined I was the hero of my life. that qt girl? i thoughted she was destined to be mine. then i slowly started to grow up

>he hints suicidal tendencies on the internet, but wraps them in a comedic manner not to worry anyone, but expects someone to pick up on it and open their hearts to him because he's not secure enough to open his'

>he thinks people are laughing at his ironic post rather than at him

>he imagines himself as a hard-boiled survivor of a zombie apocalypse

>He thinks life is intrinsically meaningful

>he imagines himself dead

>he imagines that people in the future will analyse his internet history like his life fucking matters

H-have i gone too far guys?

> He still thinks he has a chance to turn it all around

>he keeps telling himself he's going to change (((tomorrow)))


>he imagines himself reversing time so that he can fix past mistakes

>He imagines scenarios where he wins over his crush but barely talks to her irl

I imagine myself as the last self conscious entity in my own particle horizon in a far away future, after having absorbed unto my composition every feature of the universe capable of doing work, pondering whether it is wise to attempt to embed my consciousness into a black hole given it is the most efficient object possible at performing computations or to endure the crushing fate of the heat death of the universe.

>he imagines doing something amazing and everyone loves him and he finally gets the girl of his dreams

I can't actually imagine that.

>He imagines himself as the lead singer of the song he is playing currently


really hope not

I imagine singing that in my qt's country and she is in the crowd looking fondly at me

>I imagine myself as the last self conscious entity in my own particle horizon in a far away future, after having absorbed unto my composition every feature of the universe capable of doing work, pondering whether it is wise to attempt to embed my consciousness into a black hole given it is the most efficient object possible at performing computations or to endure the crushing fate of the heat death of the universe.
Pega um you amigo

I love you.

>tfw I can't relate to any of these problems because I'm not a looser

Jeez, guys, get help

>He imagines himself being loose because he is fat as fuck

> he microwaves his poo poo

wait no i dont



I unironically do this irl and im not an autist

>suicidal tendencies


>he imagines being able to correctly articulate his brilliant thoughts that he often has
>he imagines that if he could only say what he truely thought people around the world would listen and love him

>imagine myself being social and talkative
>call friend to hang out
>talk for like 15 minutes before autism kicks in

Gracias doctor.

>he LITERALLY UNIRONICALY imagines himself being able to fall asleep peacefully and waking up the next day energized, ready to enjoy life

>he imagines himself on a talk show where he btfo everyone

>he falls in love with a girl and starts imagining a life together with her just because she was briefly nice or courteous with him

>he fall in love with random girls on the internet

holy fuck please delete this


let's not make it personal, okay?



>he "jokingly" said to his crush that he wishes to be dead and she told him to just kill himself so he got depressed and he's now drunk alone in his room trying to accept the fact that he'll die alone

>He imagines himself using his talent and knowledge to change his country and the world for the better

>he imagines what life would of been like if he was born with out all his insecurities

Are you retarded?

alright leaf imma ask you to fuck off

>he pictures himself with a loving wife, raising two kids in a nice home, having a loyal family dog, a nice car and enough income to live in comfort, far removed from the turmoil of the modern world.

Stop, please.

>r*ck and m*rty

back to r*ddit

>not a looser
you're fat.


It hurts so much desu

Nepal's flag is funny



ha ha, what a pathetic loser


this thread hurts.

>he imagines himself valiantly saving his crush from danger and becoming a couple afterwards

Yup thats me


Why would anyone want to ruin a series by inserting their autistic self in it?

hahaha what a faggot


>his crush
I thought this was a phrase only used by North American children. Weird.

How would you say it?

My english is american influenced

>be native
>not using american english
literally 0 reasons for that


das it mane

>his voice is weak and quiet from disuse

>he's been obsessed with the same Sup Forums qts for years even tho he knows in real life he couldn't even form complete sentences in their presence
>he tells his co-workers he's tired because he has poor sleep habits but in reality he just lies awake at night for hours trying to envision a scenario where he doesn't die alone and a virgin
>he gets drunk occasionally because it feels good but after the last drink he realizes it's all fake and in the morning he'll wake up and everything will be the same
>he spent thousands of dollars on his hobbies because he thought it would make him happy but it doesn't because the things that brought him joy in his youth have all been squashed by the massive weight of his loneliness
hahahaha imagine if that was me like haha who could stomach all that good thing i'm just a normie haha JUST

>he imagines himself being a hero and saving people from a school shooter or terrorist attacker

I used to be able to do that. Now I can handle maybe 3 minutes before I become tired and depressed af.

>you're at your loneliest when you're with people

>he imagined himself running into his childhood crush years after they graduated when he was wealthy and successful and seeing the regret in her eyes

unironically do this desu

what do you talk about?

Fuck you, my love for the girls I see on the bus is pure and true.

>fall in love whenever you take the train