
TO THE MOON edition

Other urls found in this thread:


wish I had a gf

Mediterranean europeans are white

feeling down, and no one wants to talk to me :(

This isn't as fun as I thought it would be


0- me, sinaloa, caraposter
1-henrico, virginia
2- huntsville alabama
3-oyster gay
5-center county penisvana
6-whatcom county canada
10- paha sapa
90002-“Cara is bald” poster
90000000000000000001-montgomery county pensylvania
9000000000000000000001- user who reported my thread

Just got off work senpaitachi

I wish I had a swarthy British gf

navigate to gentoo.org

How ?

Cara is seriously ugly

So? Do you want a medal or something?

>BTFO dumb beaner
>he moves me down in his ranking

feels good not being a redditflagger and not knowing who these people are


I-I want to come home to a house that isnt dark empty.

>showed compassion for my fellow posters
>go up in the rankings

Watching twin peaks

Everyone should use extraflags its fun

>reddit peaks





here are some youtube channels i recommend


I think the show is rather good


Share your twitter


Idubbbz is pretty good


I just love the bullet pic 2 much.

i even showed it to my friends.

i deleted it on tuesday

>i showed my friends a picture that was made because i spend all my time browsing /cum/
... why?

It could be worse. You could be fat- nevermind.

But what about that girl who was teaching you spanish?

My friends browse /cum/ with me sometimes.

They find it hilarious.

i have other ways to contact

she deleted her twitter last week but she also got an office job so she is no longer neet

tell your friends I hate them

I think Cara is ugly

Dude don't try to understand Mexicans, they are fucking dumb.

Some Mexican guy today was telling me that Argentina was paradise on earth and that Bariloche was like scandinivia and the people there are nordic. Then he said a lot of people in Buenos Aires have German surnames and that he felt that Paris was a cheap copy of it, Mexicans are fucking dumb.

>she deleted her twitter last week but she also got an office job so she is no longer neet
You should follow suite, women like men who can provide

Si no sabes hablar español eres un imbécil que merece ser destrozado a nalgadas.

Me too

Argentina does have a lot of European people

White people are the greatest danger to humanity

Two weeks ago in the Rose Garden, President Trump declared that under his leadership, foreign leaders won’t be “laughing at us anymore.”
Since then, he’s been the butt of jokes in capitals around the world.

In Mexico, former president Vicente Fox posted a profane video on YouTube, mocking Trump’s taste for taco bowls (“they’re not even Mexican!”) and border walls (“Mexico will not pay”) that has been viewed nearly half a million times.

In France, new President Emmanuel Macron unveiled a website titled “Make Our Planet Great Again” and invited U.S. scientists to move there, a week after Trump withdrew the United States from the Paris climate accord.

And in Australia, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, who sparred with Trump in a testy phone call in February, this week treated a black-tie gala to a snarky impersonation of “The Donald,” referring to the Russia investigation and employing the president’s famous catchphrases.

>Argentina does have a lot of European people

Stop with the anti white rhetoric
Don't much care about what other countries think of us

at least two of those men are heroes

i wish there were more white people in my city so i could get a white gf

oh fuck off everyone here is boring
the last interesting poster was vancouver/chairman, and he fucked off to a /soc/ discord server
everyone has a shtick and they're only interested in their own shticks, 1/2 of the general is filled with solipsists who don't even respond to other people at all
iroquois and south dakota post anime
ryan whines about not having a gf
arbys kun talks about suicidal ideation
henrico talks about politics and suicidal ideation
i post an ugly boy
oyster bay babbles about cryptocurrency like a 10AM sunday infomercial
footkraut and huntsville are just contrarians

the most ironic thing is that people argue about who is the """best poster""" here lol
there are no good posters here, there is nothing interesting here
the purpose of /cum/ is to fill the void where a healthy social life should
this is why we whine like a teenage girl when no one gives us any (you)s

Mexican unironically believe that Argentinians are nordic

They do

>tell myself i won't drink this weekend
>end up drinking

my testicles are feeling uncomfortably warm tonight

white people are the humanity

need a gf

not going to lie i'd rather have any race than a white gf (i'm white). except a black women. not racist tho

>tfw Oyster Bay is upset he went down a spot so he will shittalk me and mexico all night

not gonna help bud

ive had two gfs and both have been mestizas

drinking malt liqour and its really gross

When I get angry I pace around my backyard listen to music and throw things.

Always never give up

I've literally given up on everything in my life



how does this make you feel?


oddly really motivational

What if he takes his flags off for just a second to shitpost you some more?

i honestly worry abouty our mental health

Yes it does make you happy doesnt it

i need a friend

hmmmmm no useless ''''''motivational""" statements don't do anything for me

i need to die

What's her schtick? I'm impressed by her Japanese knowledge or is she from japan?

I have found that if you love life, life will love you back

peckerhead cunt

good job oyster man

>professor bought ETH at ATH
>I bought it at 290
>he was literally boiling over with envy when I told him that in the middle of class today

Runt sounds better than cunt

Thanks, you did a great job today as well


i actually went outside and did stuff today instead of sleeping all day and shitposting (muh summer vacation)

>sethikk and auchenai at war with each other
>want both lands
killing auchenai first seems like the most prudent in case my orc neighbors decide to want a piece
but sethikk might try to take some land when i wardec
what do?

she makes "alt-right" videos in japanese mostly but she also does videos in english and sometimes german

she's American but she currently lives in japan and works as a translator as I understand it

she believes in some weird stuff though about demons and stuff like that which is out of the ordinary for the alt-right


i got this store card today



(ノ´ з `)ノ (μ_μ) (*^^*) ⌒ヽ(*'、^*)
(-_-) ( ̄ε ̄@) ヽ(‿)ノ (´ ∀ ` *) ٩(‿。)۶ kero kero bonito *:.。.o(≧▽≦)o.。.:*
(o^▽^o) (⌒▽⌒) 。 .:*:・'(*⌒―⌒*))) ヽ(・∀・)ノ

>tfw sold ETH for OMNI for a quick profit
>set sell price at 3800000 sats
>price went till 3799999 and dropped and kept dropping down
>still bagholdong


Explain Alaska to me. How cucked is it to have a territory that you border to belong to another country? What the fuck is going on in there?

What goes on in Quebec? Do they still want to separate?

If the Canadian government is all leftie and progressive and shit, why doesn't it hold a referendum in Quebec?

Poo in the loo

i'm reading a book lol

i don't know of the british empire offered russia cash for alaska
i have a feeling it was because russia wanted to fuck over the brits so they sold it direct to america
i don't remember, canada is blameless

j guess you can say your profits

went down the toilet

nothing cucked about having an islandish huge land to escape to when shit goes down in main land
Pooropean Peenian

Nice, I'm proud of you! It can be enticing to do nothing, but we always have to be working on some kind of goal even if it just to get outside and enjoy the day

I'll never understand these people, is she the ubermensch? Has she willed her own reality into existence?

>we always have to be working on some kind of goal even if it just to get outside and enjoy the day
hahahaha just as fucking useless as sitting inside on Sup Forums if not moreso

Why would you sell ETH? Do you mean at the dip? I would've sold it for LTC since it rebounded with the most value afterwards

Only talked radio I've ever liked

how do you guys know which coins will do well? biz seems to be pushing something new every week.

i dont

I always set a goal for the day and I have certain categories. Monetary goal, Artistic goal and Physical goal. You can complete one and feel good about at the end of the day

Very comfy

Really boring /cum/ tonight

Why is that