Go to Ireland

>go to Ireland
>people aren't filled with ire
what did they mean by this?

>go to hungary
>people are among the fattest in europe

>Go to Germany
>no deadly germs

Are they really?

>go to Spain
>no one is in pain

>go to Wales
>nobody's wailing

These are debatable

Yes, like 2nd or 3rd place or something.

>Go to the Netherlands
>nobody's netherregions are exposed

>go to Holland
>everyone's breathe stinks

>Go to Holland
>ain't nobody holla back

the question is, are you filled with eng?

Now that is not true.

>go to greenland
>go to iceland

>go to the "united" states of america
>everyone is shooting at each other

>go to "Norway"
>actually multiple ways to go

>go to Alaska
>I didn't ask 'er


>see a group of Russians
>no one is in a hurry

They're filled with ire for brits

>go to Turkey
>doesn't celebrate Thanksgiving

>Go to Niger
>everything seems about right

>go to finland
>land continues

>go to brazil
>not every monkey wears a bra

>go to chile
>surprisingly warm

>go to Chad
>none of the men are popular, good looking American men

>go to Uruguay
>im not a gay

>go to Moldova
>mold is under

>it's green as fuck

>ice everywhere

>Go to Portugal
>It's just as I expected

>Israel isn't has a physical location
Just what I expected

>go to Iran
>I only ever walk

>go to Peru
>it wasn't for me

>go to United Kingdom
>they don't have a king

>go to United Kingdom
>everyone hates each other

>go to United Kingdom
>some people support City


>go to Pakistan
>a man named Stanley isn't being packed

>go to Bulgaria
>no bulls, only cucks

>go to Albania
>no albinos

>go to Israel
>it's fake

>go to Iran
>no one is running

>go to Paraguay
>population isn't entirely gay men organized into pairs

More like:
>go to Pakistan (Land of the Pure)
>everyone is filthy

>go to america
>high divorce rate

>go to Japan
>everybody eats everything raw so there is no need for cooking equipment

>go to Korea
>can't get a job

>south america
>surprisingly warm

Honey, why?

>go to paraguay
>user is retarded

>go to England
>people aren't English

Diverse societies are better

>go to isntrael
>end up in

>go to Catalonia
>not every citizen is a cat

>Go to Estonia
>People don't stone you

>Go to Montenegro
>No mountains are black

>Go to Greece
>Not a greasy place

>Go to Denmark
>Not marking then

>Go to Nepal
>People do have nipples

>Go to Paraguay
>It isn't for a gay

>Go to Ukraine
>I'm not a crane

>Go to China
>There is chay there



>everything i don't like is reddit

>mad because he can't think of one
