Are ACTUAL English people (not Danish rapebabbies and Englishmen with Irish blood) actually white?

Are ACTUAL English people (not Danish rapebabbies and Englishmen with Irish blood) actually white?

Kit Harrington has extensive ancestral records proving he's English yet he's swarthy as fuck.

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English people were colonized by Greeks

>he thinks that is swarthy
I don't think you know what the word 'swarthy' means. Real swarthy people are Arabs and Turks

Yeah Harrington is definetely not white.

He looks like an anglo canadian

He literally looks like a wog. How are you denying this?


he looks mediterranean euro, and those groups are not considered racially white, and should not obviously, so he isn't white.

>yet he's swarthy as fuck
He isn't.
So I'm not white too, cool. I look exactly like him, except that my hair isn't curly.

I'm pretty sure you've posted this multiple times, please get a life already Pierre.

By the way. ACTUAL English should be Anglo-Saxons, which were Nordics. They should be white.

And actual Irish people have a lost of dark-haired people. They are not only redheads as memes say.

>So I'm not white too, cool. I look exactly like him, except that my hair isn't curly.

I was joking, I kinda look like him too.
I'm a bit tired of people who think only blonde people are white to be honest with you.
I want to slap them in the ear so badly.

The darkhaired Irishmen are descendants of Spanish Armadas who had their sailors settle in Ireland.

This is a known fact.

>I'm a bit tired of people who think only blonde people are white to be honest with you.
>I want to slap them in the ear so badly.

We are the true Greeks

How are you white if you look like Arabs from Syria and Lebanon? Kind of embarrassing on your part.

Whites are not white.

nonwhites being violent? what else is new

Kit is not 100% English descent he has Slavic ancestors (from Latvia, I think). I've seen some Slavs that are very swarthy so that's probably were he got his non white looking genes.

sometimes we are fair, sometimes we are swarthy, we change skins like a snake to adapt to our surroundings

That's a complete lie though. Charles the II is literally his ancestor (they even have the same swarthy features).

>source Sup Forums

real whites are white they have lightest skin on earth, but there are also some non-white groups in southern europe, east europe and latin america that consider wrongly themselves white and get things complicated.

to be honest italians are more white than greeks, spaniards, and portuguese. especially greeks. you guys are really swarthy.

Yeah I was wrong he does have welsh and Spanish ancestors tho, so that explains everything, I think.

Also one of his ancestors also invented the flushing toilet

Have you ever met Englishmen? Probably not, which is why you think being 1/128th of something explains someone's appearance.

The actual white people in Canada and America are either Irish or German. The people with English ancestry have dark features.

no English people have lighter features than the Irish and Southern Germans on average

Those are iberian genes.

yes I acknowledge the fact that we are definetaly the least white, but also italians should be considered primarily non-white, their phenotypes sometimes are so dinstict that even lead to immigration act of 1924 banning non-western european (namely non-whites) from migrating to america.
The white italians are probably germans that managed to pass the alps after the fall of rome and settled in northern italy. The rest of italy (from rome to sicily) is nonwhite swarthy/wogs like us spain and portugal.

I was thinking more about his Welsh heritage

So Jon Snow is a fucking spic

>no English people have lighter features than the Irish

Completely untrue.

>Southern Germans on average
Probably not true based on how people with German ancestry look here. They all have light hair, light eyes, and light skin.

English people with light features get that from the Danish who culturally and genetically enriched them

Iberian fishermen went to the british isles 5000 years ago. They mostly settled in Ireland and Wales but their genes are around the whole two islands.

>Completely untrue.
yes it is, English people have higher frequencies of blue/green eyes and light hair than Irish people. It's a fact.

>Probably not true based on how people with German ancestry look here.
you've probably met one or two people and assumed they all look the same, In Austria and South Germany people tend have dark hair and dark eyes

That's a myth

And Turks look white to me. Its all relative

>yes it is, English people have higher frequencies of blue/green eyes and light hair than Irish people. It's a fact.

That's only due to the population comparison lad. When it comes to genes of blue/green eyes we have you beat and also at pale skin but that's because it's colder here than there.

No they are not

Yes they are.

>It's a New Worlder posts an idiotic opinion thread
Ah yes, my favourite.

well technically Harrington does have Spanish in him, but as far as the general populace go not really.

Yes they are, you fat cunt.

is there an Irish version of this m8? would be interesting to compare.

dat heritage was creaed by an imbicile (most likely a retarded woman)

mixing germans and french in one category is the same stupid like the italy/greek one, jesus with all those fake dna heritage graphs.

Current ongoing studies by the People of the British Isles Project along with Oxford University.

>There was no single 'Celtic' genetic group. In fact the Celtic parts of the UK (Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales and Cornwall) are among the most different from each other genetically. For example, the Cornish are much more similar genetically to other English groups than they are to the Welsh or the Scots.
>The majority of eastern, central and southern England is made up of a single, relatively homogeneous, genetic group with a significant DNA contribution from Anglo-Saxon migrations (10-40% of total ancestry). This settles a historical controversy in showing that the Anglo-Saxons intermarried with, rather than replaced, the existing populations.
>Many of the genetic clusters show similar locations to the tribal groupings and kingdoms around end of the 6th century, after the settlement of the Anglo-Saxons, suggesting these tribes and kingdoms may have maintained a regional identity for many centuries.
>The population in Orkney emerged as the most genetically distinct, with 25% of DNA coming from Norwegian ancestors. This shows clearly that the Norse Viking invasion (9th century) did not simply replace the indigenous Orkney population.
>The Welsh appear more similar to the earliest settlers of Britain after the last ice age than do other people in the UK.
>There are separate genetic groups in Cornwall and Devon, with a division almost exactly along the modern county boundary.

You are all fucking morons, I swear.

Just stop dividing whites you cunts. He is white. Stop. You can be white and not blonde.

It just gives recognisable countries or where they're located modern day wise when putting "western Europe" so people can gauge where.

>ACTUAL English should be Anglo-Saxons, which were Nordics

these people only settled there 5th century. there were other people living before it.

pls learn what swarthy actually means. that Harington fellow isn't overly swarthy. pic related is swarthy

I'm at a loss as to how wrong everything in this post is. Are you just trolling? If you are it isn't really funny.