Why do whites hate Mena people so much when they're both caucasian and the most related genetically out of all races?

Why do whites hate Mena people so much when they're both caucasian and the most related genetically out of all races?

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Israel is white, rest of mena is not

Greeks are Europeans

>Thread about jobs in different countries
>This freshly-coiled turd

Israel is only 50% ashkenazi

why the fuck would genes mean anything

Consanguineous marriage has negative effects.

Thats up to debate.

a lot of them mixed but the majority of them look European

t. Rasheed ibn Durkadurkastan

90% of marriages throughout history were bewteen first cousins. If cousin marriage produced only retards then we'd all be fucked.

not its not you shitskin
Greeks are Europeans

Greeks arent any whiter than Turks, Iranians or levantines really. Ive been to the mideast and south europe.

They basically invented Europe, Greece was Europe before anything else.
The only problem is that they know this full well and are pretty arrogant because of it.

German and latino actually.

Muslim culture turns people into assholes for some reason.

they are
only a shitskin could write a post like yours

Greeks are better than other humans

indeed. arab&european genocide when

stop your own first

Whatever you say mikopolous, but if turks arent considered white then neither are you.

White-MENA hate is just a long standing sibling rivalry. They can't stand each other because they are so similar.

>90% of marriages throughout history were bewteen first cousins
[citation needed]

Regardless, I'm not the one telling ME people to marry their cousins.

>If cousin marriage produced only retards then we'd all be fucked.

Good to know they don't "only" produce retards.

i know it better than you shitskin

only 3 million lives in red region dumb laz.


fool yourself

Do you comprehend what such trend could spell out for the future generations ?

he is lying

erdogan rebounded turkish birth rates and kurds are dropping. many of them went syria and wont return too.

>wont return too.


>i am to stupid to know criminal code please fuck my whore mother

k berkay

I wonder if this is how older civilisations died, like Rome and so on.


even diyarbakir fell to 3's. kurds used to make up 12% of our population 100 years ago now they are at 17%. they only jumped 5% in 100 years. they will NEVER EVER past 20%. lel

Is it just me or the Turkish guy is top cute? J-just me? oh well..


Wouldn't they be like 8% if all turks who emigrated came back?

If that's the case then MENA basically invented Greece. Since Greece basically built on what ancient Egypt, Phoenicians, etc... made.

12% provided they are all at child birth age at birth rate of 4 will become 24 % within a generation

since not all of them are however it won't happen that soon, however it will happen none the less, provided the rates do not change

you are getting k*rd

in case your whore mother didn't teach you simple logic dumb almanci let me explain.
kurds used to have way more children than they currently do. like 8-9 children per woman. and they only climbed 5% in 100 years. now they have 3'ish children and its still dropping, they won't make up 20% of our population.

Isn't 12% still too much?
