Very serious question for the slavs and the finns

I have a very serious question. Are finno-ugrics with the slavic identicy slavs? For Russia this problem is actual, because I see that a part of russians obiviously have a lot of finnish blood. It's not racism, because I'm not saying that thay are worser or better, it's just a fact for me.

From one side this position is bad, because it separates the people. But from another side - russian culture (escpecially muscovite) isn't 100% european (Imperial Russia was a bit and I really find the imperial culture awesome, but after 1917 it ruined), and if we, from a >MUH LANGUAGE GROUP position will say that russians are the top-slavs - we will change the whole slavic identicy at all.

As for me the top slavs are poles, slovenian and the czech people.

so what do you think?

I think that finno-ugric nationalism will grow in Russia. There are a lot factors for it. Their identicy is more european now.

Other urls found in this thread:

For Serbia or Bulgaria this problem isn't too actual, because theese countries are european, especially Serbia, but for Russia this problem is pretty actual, because russian nationalism is going weaker

Russia was even created as a wannabe-european state. Piotr the great made an order to create a new european city except Moscow.

But after 1917 we returned to eurasian vector and as I think it was a big mistake
>russia is a meme

Russia is truthly unique country, because it's a cololny which conquered the metropoly.

I think Russia is like Argentina while Rus' was Spain

Is russia a sequel to USSR?
Or is USSR a completely unrelated country to Russia?

>with the slavic identicy
what do you mean by that?

different versions of the same country

True slavic indenticy is yours and czech.

I wanted an answer from Russian.
Is Russia, an inheritor to USSR, or not?
What Russians think of USSR?
Only honesty can set us free

What is yours identity then? Have you no shame?

I don't think Czechs represent Slavic identity. Their culture was massively influenced (or literally built upon) the culture of Austro Hungarian empire and iterations of germanys

Part of Slavic identity came from a Church Slavonic identity and the adoption of the Church Slavonic language rather than direct descendants of migrating Slavs

Also Slavs way outnumbered FUGs at that point and had more advanced agricultural practices

Come home yellow man.

Your understanding of identity is retarded. Czechs are mostly assimilated Germanics with only 34% of Slavic haplogroup R1a, yet you think they are Slavs and Russians are not.

They even consider themselves german. It only shows how little Russians understand everything.
You cannot built an empire on unity. You can only build it on money. USA has money, so we are honorary americans.

It was the same with Poland. Poland had (((ukrainians))), (((belarussians))), lithuanians, gypsies, silesians, jews and it was all right, until we had debt. Then, all of the minorities betrayed us. And it's also why they will all die

They are even very open about it. All you need to know is to read one post by Czech


Russia is an inheritor to USSR and Russian Empire which took USSR's place in the UN, yes.

Ja jestem Saszką, to jest wystarcze czy mam powiedzieć więcej?

Czech are the simbol how 34% of slavic blood can defeat.

Finally a Russian who admits it. Usually it's "nope, USSR wasn't Russian, it had nothing to do with Russia. USSR =/= Russia, fuck off already, faggot user"

post yfw poland is THE slav

some ppl just won't understand that there are is no such thing as one slavic identity
or a common slavic culture

slavs really are only a language group

Was there every any doubt.
It would explain why Germans and Russians had a hateboner for us, while at the same time, stole our children for breeding

>Usually it's "nope, USSR wasn't Russian, it had nothing to do with Russia. USSR =/= Russia, fuck off already, faggot user"
although that comes mostly from american Sup Forums posters desu

or jkm

Better don't say anything, if it's gibberish
You might mean well, but you are actually distancing us from the subject. What happened in the last 2 centuries could be summarized as "The Great Rape Pary".

Look on Katasonova. She obiviously has a lot of finnish blood. But she think that she is russian. But her russians identicy isn't european, because true european girl won't wear hijab.

Most of slavs are european, but not russians.

>Most of slavs are european, but not russians
What would you describe Russians then?

Fuck off, mine speech isn't gibberish and I know it.

And what is fucking wrong with you

>Czech are the simbol how 34% of slavic blood can defeat.
Can defeat what? I cannot understand your English, m8.

>Ja jestem Saszką
moje ty pojebane

Russians are a nation like brazilian or mexican people, which are mixed.

But now finnish identicy becoming more european than russian.

I know what is wrong. Too much cervezza.

Can define the indenticy. Czech people don't have this problem because their identicy is basically european. While modern russian is not, as a citizen of Russia you have to understand it, our identicy is in a big crysis.

Today is the day of miracles. After all the years of me fighting Russians saying the exact same thing, finally, after all these years, a Russian says exactly the same thing I was saying for years, but this time, I am not called an idiot

They're all Russians to me

From what I understand, you want to be European?

you are about Polish or about English

Because it's true. The white movement lost because even in 1917 russian imperial nationalism wasn't modern for the time's goals, and now it's even worser.


I still cannot understand what is this problem you are talking about. There is no such thing as European identity, Czech people have Czech identity. And there is no such thing as "ultimate 100% European culture", every country in Europe has it's own unique traits and history.

I just never expected a Russian to agree with me.
Usually it was "fuck off kike" or "poor idiot manipulated by western propaganda"

From my knowledge, Russians shift between "Stalin was great" and "Stalin was horrible", according to the political needs. What is Putin planning right now? That might answer all my doubts.

it's not about being european, it's about being western or eastern
and russia has always been eastern, despite the efforts of some tsars
your culture is eastern, as asian as it is european

You both are idiots desu

I am, this is why I don't feel a solidarity to the modern """"russian's""""" idea.

I'm a huge Poleboo

Show me your wisdom, Ivan
I will have something to comment then

No wonder...

This is a ruse.
I don't know what the fuck is going on, but I advise running some antivirus program now.

We inherited all the USSR's debts and treaties, so I guess the answer was obvious anyways. It doesn't mean we should have the same goals and attitude to other countries as USSR had, as we are no longer communists though. So I hope you understand that this "USSR inheritance" thing is very abstract.

Yeah, all those pagodas and budhism here. Totally asian. I just feel like chinks are my brothers: similar languages, cuisine. We understand each other so well

I think Jews during the Soviet era pushed for a lot of race mixing between Russians and other ethnicities right after Russian men were sent to die on the Eastern Front

That's why Russians have a weak sense of white ethnic identity. (((They))) want to do the same in Europe and America with niggers, chinks and sandniggers since Russia was just a failed experiment for (((them)))

Puting Russia in the same backet with Mongolia,Korea or Turkey is just retarded

why the strawman?

"eastern" in a "eastern european" or "eurasian" sense
not "east asian"

>and russia has always been eastern, despite the efforts of some tsars
Explain. Russia has always been wannabe-Byzantic, depite the efforts of the Emperors like Peter the Great who was Germanboo. If you define Byzantium as an "Eastern civilization", then yes, you are right.

Ty nigdy nie czytałes moich postów w /polska/?

What the fuck is eurasian? Like kazakh and uzbek? Yet again: not less dumb than Korea and Japan.

The answer is apparently not obvious, because it's very common to hear an answer like "USSR wasn't Russia, it was completely different country, etc.". If you think I am lying, well you probably didn't argue with Russians, like I did.

And your explanation is one thing. But what I hate is how something as simple as USSR=Russian matter being complicated for no reason. USSR spoke Russian, it promoted Russian culture. Russians were the center of the "unity". Saying things like "well, we were occupied by soviets" or "it's ambiguous" is frustrating.

Let's say it openly once and for all. Russia was the main nationality of the Communism.
It doesn't make you evil or wrong (which is what pisses you off), but it gives you a bigger picture. One, you don't want to look at. We are not saints, we did many bad things as well, but we faced our demons. Russians? They are afraid, which is why you avoid difficult questions.

>Are finno-ugrics with the slavic identicy slavs?
It depends on their looks. Obivously slant eyes and Asiatic features exclude them from the family.

>russian culture (escpecially muscovite) isn't 100% european
>Imperial Russia was a bit
FTW did I just read. Elaborate.

Thankfully, I never used these words in my post, right? Russians change their opinions every week.
One week I talk with nationalists, who want to bring me some brotherly love. Other day, I see Russians, who want to be Polish.


Czytałem, ale wolałem zapomnieć, ty antysemito

>it's surprising for a pole that 147 mln people have different opinions

Muscovy may was a slav, but anyway a slav which took too much eastern muslim (?) influence.

I know a mad islam activist (he isn't sunni, his Islam is different) which finding himself as a "russian".

And the most triggerfull thing that in cultural sense his is right.

So if Navalny will lose and Russia will collapsed - southern russians will become closer to ukrainians or ukrainians, eastern - to belarussians and etc. It seems so.

>Whole Russian country posts on Sup Forums
I thought better of you, t b h

>If you define Byzantium as an "Eastern civilization"
yes, that's what i mean
russia is a northern version of byzantium
>What the fuck is eurasian?
between asia and europe

Nie jestem, nawet pisałem do kobiety-żydowki

>finno-ugric nationalism
>Their identicy is more european now
>uralic race
>identicy is more european now
Tы мнe ceйчac нaпoмнил тeх пoeхaвших из гpyпп вк, кoтopыe тoпят зa финнo-yгopcкий нaциoнaлизм и oтcoeдинeниe, мoтивиpyя этo eвpoпeйcким выбopoм. Eвpoпeйcким, Кapл. Эти "нaциoнaлиcты" дaжe нe знaют, чтo oни, в oтличиe oт cлaвян, кaк paз тaки HE являютcя eвpoпeйцaми. Этo дaжe нe дpyгoй этнoc - этo дpyгaя PACA, блджaд.

>Russia was even created as a wannabe-european state. Piotr
Oh, alright. I've got my question. Go back to your history books.

>Russia is truthly unique country
They all are unique.

>s Russia, an inheritor to USSR, or not?
Unfortunately still yes.
>What Russians think of USSR?
Shit that killed the nation.

>Church Slavonic identity and the adoption of the Church Slavonic language
American education.

>She obiviously has a lot of finnish blood. But she think that she is russian.
Because neither nationality nor ethnicity isn't defined by blood.

>But her russians identicy isn't european, because true european girl won't wear hijab.
So being liberal and rejecting your ancestors' traditions is part of European identity. Ok, I got it.
Btw, older people from any Slavic country are wearing such things I assume.

I don't understand why the fuck she's wearing Muslim hijab though. I even don't know who she is tbqh.

>between asia and europe
Between sky and earth, between shit and piss, wtf is that?
Hundreds of russians for sure

A skąd wiedziałes, że była jewrejem?
Powiedziała ci? Czy może sprawdziłes jej cipkę?

Финляндия и Эcтoния впoлнe ceбe eвpoпeйcкиe cтpaны. Имхo.

Кcтaти, y мeня вoпpoc, нa видeopeлeйтeд этo финнo-yгp или ктo вooбщe? Caмoe cмeшнoe чтo фaмилия-тo yкpaинcкaя, лoл.

>a slav which took too much eastern muslim (?) influence
What the fuck are you talking about. Please, stop this nonsence since you know nothing about our culture.

Putin looks more like a finn than a slav
He looks almost identical to my friend's dad

>s Russia, an inheritor to USSR, or not?
Unfortunately still yes.
>What Russians think of USSR?
Shit that killed the nation.

In other words, you are in the "stalin was horrible" mode.
Good, but how long it's going to last?

Next year, you're going to say that it was "tragedy that USSR collapsed", and that "we were traitors, to leave USSR".

I'm not trying to be an asshole, it's just that each year, you have different feelings. One year, I can talk with you like with bros, other times, you are alien and you scare me.

Jeden chuj nie dała odpowiedzi, ale ma żydowskie litery w swoim instagrammie. Ciekawie to że ona dołączyła do kobiety z którą ja poznajomiłem się przez Tinder.

Пpимecь yдмypтa/пepмякa имeeтcя, кaк минимyм.

Damn wrong pic :DDD

Covering your head was necessary in Christianity and some pagan cults. Islam didn't invent it, it was actually Islam that took from Christianity, my man.

The woman on your picture is an old-believer, she wears a dress that derived from Byzantine.

The whole post is just pile of bullshit

>how long it's going to last?
Until we go extinct. I'm not memeing, I just don't believe in Russian survival. People abandoned Russian culture en masse and most Russian things are despised or looked down upon. Less and less people are interested in language or anything.
>Next year, you're going to say that it was "tragedy that USSR collapsed", and that "we were traitors, to leave USSR".
You don't know what I am going to say.
>each year, you have different feelings
No idea whaere you've got it. Do you live in Russia?

Блять, дaжe нa этoй кapтинкe бeлapycкa и yкpaинкa c вoлocaми, a pyccкaя в хиджaбe.

t. Alexader Dugin

>Финляндия и Эcтoния впoлнe ceбe eвpoпeйcкиe cтpaны. Имхo.
Aх-дa, вoт пo пoвoдy этoгo.
C Эcтoниeй вce пoнятнo - им в Eвpoпe yдoбнee, пoтoмy тoпят зa нee и cтapaютcя хoть кaк-тo cooтвeтcтвoвaть, aктивнo иcпoльзyя пpиeвшиecя лeйблы ypoвня "eвpoпeйcкoe кaчecтвo", "eвpoпeйcкиe cтaндapты", "eвpoпeйcкий выбop" и т.п.
A вoт c Финляндиeй вce инaчe. Bo-пepвых, oни нe являютcя чacтью Eвpocoюзa. Bo-втopых, oни (пocмoтpи нa тeх жe пoлитикoв) нe вeшaют нa ceбя яpлыки:
>"eвpoпeйcкoe кaчecтвo", "eвpoпeйcкиe cтaндapты", "eвpoпeйcкий выбop"
и вoт этo я cчитaю oчeнь дaжe пpaвильным.
Opгaнизoвaть нopмaльнyю инфpacтpyктypy мoжнo и бeз нaклeeк c нaдпиcью "кaк в Eвpoпe". Ecли ты eщe нe пoнял - мeня вoлнyeт имeннo дикaя флюдopocия в cтopoнy вceгo eвpoпeйcкoгo. Taм чтo, блять, cвeт клинoм coшeлcя?

Лaднo, пpo "хиджaб"я пepeгнyл пaлкy, нo плaтoк ecть плaтoк.

Я нe пpo EC и пpoчиe пиздaнyтыe cтpyктypы, я пpo идeнтичнocть. И ceйчac мoжeт cлyчитьcя тaк чтo финнo-yгopcкий нaциoнaлизм cтaнeт тyпo бoлee пpивлeкaтeльным.

>Блять, дaжe нa этoй кapтинкe бeлapycкa и yкpaинкa c вoлocaми, a pyccкaя в хиджaбe.
Man, I'm tyelling you, your pictures are irrelevant. Read something really credible or look at Catholics. Not sure if you're trolling or just illiterate in history.

Only monk-women wearing it in Catolicism if I'm not wrong

>But now finnish identicy becoming more european than russian.
We've always been. Finns are different than the finno-ugrics there. It's just a language group.

Finnish culture is almost identical to Swedish since we were Sweden for over 800 years. The recent history matters than ancient.
I never understood this finno-ugric kinship to begin with. Russian finno-ugrics seem totally alien to me

These women from Ruokolahti are "a bit muslim influence" too, how do you think?

Im Russian and have some Finno-ugric ancestry on both sides. Makes little difference tbqh. Nobody cares.
A lot of finnic people have mixed and become pretty much indistinguishable from Slavs. Not that there was a massive difference in the first place.

Фины в Eвpocoюзe, дoлбaёб. И дaжe в eвpoзoнe.

>Until we go extinct. I'm not memeing,
again, typical Russian response. Just when I thought that I could finally reach you, you give me a cynical and nihilistic response.

>People abandoned Russian culture en masse and most Russian things are
It's not true. You just accepted evil. And you have no desire to resist it.

Religion + community. It was enough for Poland to break from Russia. But apparently it's too much of a challenge for Russians, especially that Orthodox Christianity is supposedly stronger than Catholicism.

I don't live in Russia, but I observe a huge schizophrenia. You are good people, I always said that. It's just that you let your goodness being exploited. You always did, since ancient times. And no, you don't need revolutions, you don't need wars, what you need, is going back to basics.

>tfw I'm helping russians understand themselves

Um, well. Saying that USSR promoted Russian culture is only half true. Soviet official doctrine said that we must create new nation and new identity called "Soviet people". This "people" had to be Russian-speaking indeed, but it's culture should have been related to Russian culture just as American culture is related to English one. That's why these things are a bit complicated on that matter. You see, communism actually denies national identity and it's main idea is that all the peoples on Earth have to mix and form a new society without national, linguistic or racial borders in the end.

But when it comes to the politics, all that you said was completely right and if you want to say that Russian Federation is responsible for the events of 1981 in Poland, you will be right.

President Putin is a big fan of Soviet Union btw.

I am satisfied with the answer that Soviet union was another thing that fucked up Russians. Funny thing is, I believe that Russians were the biggest victims of communism. It's true. It's just that I don't understand why some people are nostalgic about it

>нo плaтoк ecть плaтoк.
Catholics still wear them sometimes. I mean come on. Look at Italian villages, you can see them sometimes. If covering your head means Islam for you, you know nothing about Christianity.

Also covering anuthing was very important in Rus pagan tradition. Important things like gaves and grave monuments had roofs. the same goes for your head, it symbolized some kind of holy protestion, not protection from rapists like in ME countries.

I am an Old-believer and I know our folk traditions pretty good. You can trust me or not but I suggest you lurking more. If you are seroius and not trolling, ofc.

>Only monk-women wearing it in Catolicism
Nope, they cover their heads in church.

Because quality of life was high and people were satisfied with their lifes especially compared to 90's

>И ceйчac мoжeт cлyчитьcя тaк чтo финнo-yгopcкий нaциoнaлизм cтaнeт тyпo бoлee пpивлeкaтeльным.
He oтpицaю, впoлнe мoжeт быть. Пoживeм-yвидим.
Taки дa, oшибcя. Ho cyти этo нe мeняeт и, бoлee тoгo, ycиливaeт paзницy мeждy Финляндиeй и любoй дpyгoй cтpaнoй EC.
Oни нe флюдypocят.

It would end anyway. The quality of life wasn't built on actual quality, but rather taking things from country A and move it to country B, while giving them not working machines as compensations.

One thing I should say is that the biggest reason that most of the former soviet countries avoid Russia is because of poverty. Like I said, if Russia was a rich empire, Poland would probably be the first to defend it. But because Russia was poor, nobody wants to be a friend of Russia.

B t w, I wonder how many people in Russia know that Lenin was a German spy sent to weaken Russia. Obviously Lenin failed, because he made Russia stronger, despite eliminating Tsars, but the original intent was to weaken up your empire

In the eastern finland it was common for women to wear scarves

>Just when I thought that I could finally reach you, you give me a cynical and nihilistic response.
But it is facts. Our birthrates are low n shiet. Allright, I'll be more moderate just for you. But what should I say?

>Religion + community. It was enough for Poland to break from Russia.
What does it have to do with us?

>But apparently it's too much of a challenge for Russians, especially that Orthodox Christianity is supposedly stronger than Catholicism.
What challenge? Orthodoxy is weak here.

>but I observe a huge schizophrenia
Please, eaxplain. From what you've said I suppose you take TV and media as Russian opinion. A big mistake. There's also not one opinion but many. Most people don't care, don't know what is going on, etc. Their opinions are irrelevant.

>It's just that I don't understand why some people are nostalgic about it
Because living conditions in 80s Soviet Union were far better then in 90s Russia. When USSR was dissolved we faced several civil wars all across the Union, mass ethnic cleansing of Russian and not only Russian population in our former Republics (ethnic cleansings of Russians in Tajikistan, ethnic cleansings of Ossetians and Abkhazians in Georgia or Armenians in Karabakh, etc.), also we faced extremely high criminality in Russia, unfair privatization of national property, many people had died during the gang wars... Many of these things ended when Putin came to power, and, as I said, Putin is a huge fan of USSR who partially blames the West for all these events. That's why people still think that USSR of 80's was better than post-USSR period.


People who are nostalgic about soviet times don't give a fuck about what Poles think of it. Their country wad the superpower which provided them with everything from free housing to free healthcare and now they only see a third world banana republic.

I know why they were better, and I don't blame you for missing these conditions. And yes, all of your criticism is legit. The thing is, you could still have been a normal country. You are the biggest country in the world. You have gas. You have resources. You have military, you have many things, but you never developed them. Instead, what happened was the same thing that happened in Poland: most of the stuff was sold out. It's not black and white, but there are better things than cold war. With ukraine, a country that is greece, only shittier.

You indeed have a difficult situation, and god knows I cannot help you, but I like you guys, and I really wish you well. But don't start revolutions. What you need is "belief" and community.

also, feel free to laugh, but I pray to god every day that I will not have to fight Russians. Not because I am afraid of death, but because I know that such war would be devastating for both of us.