Italian Hate

Why does everyone hate italy, because we arent pure aryan race, or is it because we're just kinda loud

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w*ite "people" are racist and hate us black folk

No one hates you, stop fishing for attention.

>checkered patterns

Italy is A E S T H E T I C

They hate us because the ain't us.

Cause Italians did get court trialed after WW2 like Germans did.

Fuck you Britain

>punishing people that changed sides
that would just discourage countries from joining you in the future

fuck you
3 stripes
with salad color

Greeks are better than shitalians

you're all a bunch of beach winos as far as I'm concerned

Jealousy of our unparalleled past
Contempt of our present

From the Roman Empire to the Firenze Renaissance to Galileo and the Scientific Enlightenment, we brought Europe out of the dark again and again. But now graffiti is our chosen medium of art, science is nothing special, and cities are full of Africans selling good luck bracelets and fake purses.

Polenta con caca.

I can smell the reek of facebook from here

>post-industrial society

feels bad man
at least you still have sports cars

Italy is dead. We are a North African / Romanian colony now

were you ever anything different?

when we were venetians all the world loved us, fucking sh*talians ruined it all and we're associated with them now

We were a proud and glorious fascist country. We had the greatest inventions (telegraph, telephone, nuclear reactor, first CPU) and the smartest people in the world (Leonardo Da Vinci, Galileo..) were Italians.

the telephone is a British invention my friend

We don't. We are loud either. At least country people like my family.

is this like the Tesla meme?
everyone claims to have invented that

>Why does everyone hate italy

Because Italy has many germanoceltic subhumans.

t. Giuseppe Sergi

>we brought Europe out of the dark again and again

Western Europe

Uhm no sweetie, search Antonio Meucci and you'll see :)

>Because Italy has many germanoceltic subhumans.
only northcucks

What went wrong?

I love Italy, they don't love me tho

Nu te urăsc. Ești colonia mea favorită.
