Meanwhile I'm down here enjoying a windy 23 degrees

Meanwhile I'm down here enjoying a windy 23 degrees.
Hang in their fellow mooros, scantly clad iberian senoritas are worth it
> captcha select all images with shorts

Other urls found in this thread:ánica_de_Medidas_de_Protección_Integral_contra_la_Violencia_de_Género

>In between massive mountains and the ocean
>Desolated plain wasteland and river depressions

Just because you're some km's to the south that doesn't mean you HAVE to be hotter than us

Look at that map. Zaragoza is hot as fuck. To it's south, a lot less hot. Why? cuz mountains

Andalusian mediterranean coast? because mountains and the sea (same exact situation as morocco)

>40º all week and TV says we are about to get a heatwave for 10 days


Poor bastards

Wtf Spaniards are you guys ok?

Does every house have AC or how else do you survive living in this?
I mean it's only the very beginning of summer and you guys are already blazing hot.

>mfw northerner
>comfy 25ºC
>iberian senoritas are worth it

>38º in Madrid

>40 degrees already
>ohai bois take care it's going to get warm next 10 days


Spain is the Arizona of Europe.

True true I'm blessed

Hang in there man ;_;7

What's the temp where you're at amigo?

Its a heat wave so it'll pass hopefully not down here

Congrats you're first world

os acordais del temporal a nivel nacional?
mi pueblo quedo así
aun cuando paro un poco, veias un monton de troncos y ramas en las carreteras de comarca

No, temperatures over 40ºc are going to stay for at least the next 10 days.

>girls start dropping clothes by the minute
>he says "poor bastards"

> Tfw I know a guy from there who I haven't spoken to in a while
Hope he's okay

What happened in 2004?


Hot but what about skin cancer

law changed. easier divorces.

>Wtf Spaniards are you guys ok?

perfectly fine, relax pale spanish flag guy.


too bad you're missing out on

>2004 marriage law patch:
>women now guaranteed to get 50% of the shit their men had and shitloads of money from them

we can always flee to the mountains

What about work

>What about work

كيف هو رمضان؟


The woman from this moment, ask for divorce = the lottery touches you, especially if there are children through

Men suicide rises

And be careful if you get against it, that you will be labeled as macho, misogynist, and potential murderer / abuser


>the lottery touches you
"Te toca" no se puede traducir literalmente en ese contexto

How the fuck do people even survive 41°C? Do things like schools close when such temperatures are reached?

>Do things like schools close when such temperatures are reached?

No, our politicians just tell the kids to learn how to make fans using paper. Not even joking.

It's manageable, only 11 more days to go and a heat wave is starting some time soon here as well but it hasn't yet so I'm grateful.

skin cancer is quantifiably better than islam



No it isn't, cancer is no joke.

we can tan, skin cancer is a european thing

>Sit in taxpayer-financed modern government building with 10kW AC unit for your office alone
>"harden up people, it's just summer, make a fan with paper or something"

Spanish politicians are always good for a laugh

>Le Algerien
>not L'Algérien

>Spanish politicians are always good for a laugh

Indeed, especially our president.

>«What we have done, which you did not do, is to deceive people.»
>«We are feelings and have human beings.»
>«We have to manufacture machines that allow us to continue manufacturing machines, because what machines will never do is to manufacture machines in turn.»
>«To me, being president of the country is the awesome.»

How littel do you know...

There is AC everywhere, or at least a fan.

The July 2015 heat wave was especially cruel because temperature wouldn't get lower than 32C... at night. We couldn't sleep.

I spelled it this way for a reason :^)

Well, at least I know a "littel" more of english than you

why do anglos have the same skin color of a pig
they are either pink or pale
i would be ashamed of walking on the street if i was like that


But then again people tend to vote instable crazy leftist governments to replace the old corrupt elites and in the end everything becomes fucked up but the same people still far as I understood.
In Austria too. 2015 broke the all-time heat records in all provinces of Austria and we had a few 30°+ nights too. I couldn't sleep as well, it was a horrible summer.

Spanish ppl have that same skin color.

> he's the mayor and that's the mayor of the people because he is the mayor of the people who want him to be the mayor
> I like Catalonia. I like Catalans. They do... things.
> Spaniards are much Spaniards and very Spaniards
I genuinely believe that we're going to miss him when he steps down. We never had such a clown before. González was a corrupted alpha, Aznar was a corrupted and crazy alpha, ZP was an incompetent beta. None of them were a funny as Mariano.

No, you don´t.

Everybody in Spain is corrupted, left or right

No, they don't turn pink.
Plus their white is more on the yellow scale not the pink scale.

Some do though, but not most.

Spaniards are subhumans, but so are Morrocans.

The closest non spanish relatives of native spaniards are french people.

Portuguese and Catalans**

>not having your capital on the coast

Iberians are pink and always have been, I have no idea why you have this perception of iberians as west asian, north african or otherwise.

Both of those are spanish.

>Iberians are pink
what the fuck

I perceive them as south Europeans.

Why do you see them as North Europeans?

White not brown

They're a different kind of white than Guiris though

Cause non-Spaniards cannot into whiteness.

T. Sup Forumsolerant expert

Iberians are Europeans and Iberian.

he's a troll. don't feed him.

No they can be white, but most of them don't get pink
Didn't say otherwise.
And you at least get my point before trying to argue.


There is little genetic difference netween iberians and anglos while anglos are still distinct.

Yeah I know him, I just like to understand how his brain works


Delet dis

I am an Iberian European m8

Wish I was in Madrid Hnnng

A disgustingly ugly one
Seriously where are the world renowned Spanish male facial aesthetics

thats pale and extremelly unnatractive (specially on the right)
THIS is pink


Bro i am pink 0% north euro dna

Family left Europe in the 1500s so sonetine between 1500s and today sone migrants must have artived in spain.

Wrong pic

You look like an arab. I mean, not even a southern spaniard would look like that. I'm pretty sure your family is from Tanger or the Spanish Rif (Morocco) and just larping like you about being spanish.

Also, things like "Bro i am pink 0% north euro dna " sounds extremely pathetic. You should try getting more self-esteem by accepting who you are.

That "guy" (or rather the meme pic he's posting) is some fucking mestizo, who look often like Turks or other Arabs due to their genetic plotting

Iberians are whiiiiite

Left is me when i go in the sun
Father forgive them fir they call me moor and they do not know what they do


>Includes Moorocco
>Does not include Portugal

Why are Spaniards so buttmad?

Ceuta and Melilla, nigger. It would look weird with only two tiny ass dots.


What about the canaries?

Spain already looks weird with the 90º angle bite out of it, kek.

just check the webpage, for some reason the temperature map doesn't include canary islands

They are in the bottom right, mate.

Of course, now try the temperature map, not the general. That's what op used.

Eww stop posting your face please.

you should be more supportive of him

Sure, if only his face wasn't this ugly.

he might read what you just posted, imagine how he'll feel :(

I know it's harsh but it's the truth he should face.
He's repulsing us by displaying his unappealing aesthetics.
I'm saying this for his sake and ours, he should try to salvage his face so he can be way more presentable.

>2015 heatwave
it was constant 10C-16C in summer 2015 with a few days over 20C...
hottest day was below 25C :)

T. Butt mad moronito if i saw him id think hes a negro