
how can one country produce so many imbeciles? it's not even related to what ethnicity or class they are. ALL AMERICANS ARE STUPID!! IT'S INFURIATING HOW DUMB THEY ARE!

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i really hate those subhumans

>tfw poonited sharts is impossible to invade
>tfw they have a total strangle-hold over the world by capitalising on WW2
>tfw i don't know if we'll ever be free
china is our last hope...

nationalism, cultureless and obesity

He's not wrong, if it wasn't for the Marshall plan Europe would be in shambles right now.

You're welcome.
You're welcome.
You, especially, are welcome.


>he's not wrong
t. DeShaun O'Fitzgerald Überheimer Washington III

a little assblasted are we fletcher


Agree. But this is quite hard to understand for foreigners. Burgers are really good at pretending that the current goverment doesnt act like the people wants it to do.
But every four years, they vote the same imbecile idiot into office or a new, but similiar idiotic candidate.
Today they try to convince the rest of the world they care about environment. And sadly people around the globe are forgetting that not one elected US goverment gave a shit about it in the last 40 years.
And dont forget that even the small "greens" movement in burger country are thinking that nuclear energy is the way to go.
All we can hope for is that they importance will decline on a fast pace.

this is really fucking embarrassing

We weren't even allowed to take marshall aid.

Actually the Marshall Plan paid out only a little bit more in todays money than the EU spent on the Greek bailouts alone, but to 16 countries. In the grand scheme of things it made no difference at all, and many countries did in fact already perform a substantial economical recovery before even receiving aids.

you maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad

But nuclear energy is in fact the way to go. It's the only mass supply compatible energy technology that's nearly CO2 neutral. It's realistically impossible to rely your entire nation on muh wind and muh sun, so instead us retarded Germans keep the COAL PLANTS running just so we can say we're anti-nuclear. The nuclear exist was one of the more retarded things Germany has thought up in recent history, and largely it had to do with unfounded panic after a natural desaster that's virtually impossible to occur here.

*nuclear exit

>burger influence
there are so many reasons why a move to nuclear is dumb. So i give you just a few keywords:
-potential consequences of a failure
-There is always a way for private owned companies to shit you over with it (see belgium)

Perhaps it would have been great in the 70s to build more nuclear plants. But today it IS feasoble to have 100% green energy. why should we invest in nuclear?
also in a few decades there might be the option to switch ot a new source of energy (see ITER).

Put it somewhere safe, maybe another country if they have more suitable storage for it than yours does.
>potential consequences of a failure
Muh unsafe reactors is a meme from when Soviets blew up a 50 years old reactor 30 years ago. Modern reactors have so many failsafe mechanisms in place that it's virtually impossible to make them a harm. You only create a harm if you neglect maintenance and modernization, like we did so that we could claim our reactors were unsafe.
>There is always a way for private owned companies to shit you over with it (see belgium)
Then don't be a neoliberal cuntbag moron dickshit and keep your nuclear resources in public holding.

And it's not feasible to have 100% green energy, not in Germany anyway. Water power is severly limited by geography and wind and solar experience huge fluctuations and must be backed up with fossil plants that can take over for them when needed. 100% green is a fucking pipe dream.

>D*xie accents everywhere
Well that explains that...

I live for the daily American hate threads

>Put it somewhere safe
So where is this safe place, where an extremely dangerous substance can stay for thousands of years? There exists non in germany. Mostlikely not one in the entire world. it is simply not possible to guarantee its safety for such a long time.

>unsafe reactors is a meme
i agree that it is getting more safe. but it also tells much that you just ignore fukushima.
Or the dozens of other almost catastrophes happening all around the world.
And there is difference between a coal plant killing a few workers, and running again 3 years later. And a potential threat for all continental europe and a uninhabitable wasteland for hundreds of years to come. the potential risks are just unimaginable huge.
> don't be a neoliberal cuntbag moron dickshit and keep your nuclear resources in public holding.
and you tell me that my scenario is unrealistic...

And no 100% green isnt a unrealistic pipe dream. There are many mechanisms that could be used to guarentee its uptime.

There are areas in Australia and Canada that are so tectonically stable that the surface rock formations are 3 billion years old.

>areas in Australia and Canada that are so tectonically stable
Dont think it would be so easy (see gorleben). But okay i just roll with it and say it is a safe place for nuclear waste for the next 10.000 years.
How much do you think australia or canada want as a yearly fee for this?

Apples and oranges. Also utter German bureaucratic incompetence.

Soon we will unite and take back our place as the center of the world



'One is never sure which of two characteristics is more prominent in the American national character and therefore of the greater significance: naivete or a superiority complex. When for example they say things about our region, our surprise at their ignorance is surpassed only by annoyance at their stupid insolence. The less they know about a matter, the more confidently they speak. They really believe that Europeans are eagerly waiting to hear from them and follow their advice.'
