/sino/ - 中文

在遥远的东方有一句古老而又流传不断,以至于据说拥有了魔力而可以使得依照其行动的道德主体可以在此世中实现灵魂不朽的箴言:“在不发出声音,亦即不使其他理性存在者对其耗费注意力从而得到表象的基础上获取巨大的物质财富,这无疑是一切行为中最为符合道德法则因而是最美好的趋向至善的行为。” edition

>learning resources

>Recommended Movie/TV Series:

>Literal Chinese cartoons:

>Chinese Manga:

>Online Novels

Chinese Music list is under construction

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what's up boys?

hello biggest trading partner


i'm good :-)


First for Japan

As a plebeian, this is all my chingchong vocabulary:


Started studying mandarin 3 months ago and, oh boy, is this shit hard.

Also damn chinks talk 2 fast 4 me; I just can't keep up.

B4 I forget: traditional > simplified

Okay I see

Wealth is based on net wealth here. So maybe if you live with more debt the living standards can be higher even if your net wealth is lowered.

I'm gonna go with spaniards having better quality of life, but it not being as big of a gap as initially expected.

Everywhere outside the cities in Spain looks like it got stuck in the Franco era.

Vale. Originalmente soy de Estados Unidos y ahora estoy en Madrid también. 40* cada día =[

Chinese is pretty easy though
Coz it's pure and no borrow word

>Everywhere outside the cities in Spain looks like it got stuck in the Franco era.

People in the countryside are actually the richest. This is our best-kept secret. They're the ones who got rich speculating with land during the property bubble and they have more money than they could ever hope to spend. Unfortunately they're also a bunch of hicks so it doesn't show.

>not enough zhaos in this worl-

there's also a sizable Japanese and Western influence in Taiwan that doesn't exist in mainland

The dialects are slightly different too, notably the 网络语言 and online culture are very different across the strait

My bad, 以为 you just linked to a Wikipedia article on Fujian province (PRC), thought you'd lost the fucking plot ww

how does it feel to see us 昂莫 talking about your culture like this?

wait which Spain is non-Spaniard Spain?

sorry I can't read Japanese

>all these namefags

Additional information?

welcome onioneating friend

>wait which Spain is non-Spaniard Spain?
The other guy is

What's your problem, Martínez

What's your take on Alexey Navalny? Do you think he'll bring a better Russia if elected?

>Coz it's pure and no borrow word
lots of "modern" words to describe Western concepts actually had to be reverse imported from Japanese at the end of the 19th century, basic stuff like 科学, 经济,世界, 人民, 警察, etc. Because the Japanese had to Westernize and modernize and translate these words first while the Qing were pissing about thinking they were the greatest.



To be fair, there's also sizeable western, and to a lesser extent japanese, cultural influence on the mainland (Eastern coast). Furthermore, about 20% of Taiwan, mainly the elderly now, was born on the mainland. About 70% have grandparents or great grandparents from the mainland, and all the Tsiens and Cheungs' ancestors are from the mainland.

Only 1.5% of Taiwan is indigenous.

Yep. There is a RoC province by the same name. If Taiwan ever declares independence, those one million people will be conquered in a heartbeat.
They always vote KMT, speak the same language as the Hokkien mainlanders, are mainly buddhist/taoists, and have 90% of their trade and tourism with the mainland.

Many DPP activists want to give these places back to the PRC. Lmao

I am non-Spaniard spain. My español isn't as good and I am the one who posts a lot of articles I've been reading when I'm bored.

>visiting Taiwan
>they literally mix in random Japanese like "あぁ、そう" and shit in between mixing Mandarin with Hokkien

its fine but that xibanya yu should be cut into kao zhurou

i withdraw my remark


No problema amigo.

1.383 billion Chinese on the mainland. 1.4 billion with the SAZs included.
18.5 million births in 2016
9.3 million deaths
8.7 million new Cheungs

Este aquí es la verdad

yes, i think he would at least try to fight corruption or make it not so widespread. this is probably the biggest problem in russia along with money-stealing oligarchs and their puppets in the government. also russia has to improve its diplomacy work and stabilise the relations with all the neighbouring countries that is putin clearly does nit want to do
alas he has no chance to win the elections. putin will probably not even allow him to hold an election campaign or not let him to participate in the elections at all.
too much anti-navalny propaganda is spreading by kremlin-paid shills especially in the russian internet of course.

>Qing were pissing about thinking they were the greatest
qing tried tho. like 经济 wa originally translated as 生计 by 严复, but eventually wasn't adopted

How would that work?

Is it like how weebs use japanese in english/spanish?

tealive or chat time?

thanks for using my language
fuck 眼福哥

Gong Cha

Slowly but surely I have come to the realization that all the chinos should work together and form a East Asian Union. But make it economic and cultural instead of political to avoid the EU's problems.

1. NK needs to be fixed.
2. Autism over the Senkakus/Dokdo should stop. Everyone knows they are meaningless but nationalism is a great popularity booster.
3. Decrease overt US control of Japan/SK/Taiwan.
4. CCP has to liberalize more and maybe use the Hong Kong/Singapore/Japan one-party election system.
5. Use anime, k-pop, and chinese memes to strengthen cultural bonds.


>But make it economic and cultural instead of political to avoid the EU's problems.
Literally ASEAN


ASEAN is a shitshow run by idiots.
But I guess I see your point. ASEAN did start as an anti-Indonesia/Vietnam organization... and maybe that means that East Asia can overcome its history and political problems.

RCEP is one step in that direction.

你是海外华人吗?还是来 shitpost 的西班牙人?有资格来批评别的国家吗?

Already argued and invalidated on /his/
The study added nothing to our knowledge. Angus Maddisson already determined these numbers in 2003.

China as a whole versus the three richest places in Western Europe is a misleading comparison. Europe as a whole versus China as a whole, or Shanghai/Nanjing/Beijing versus North Italy/Netherlands/England.

Japan is already teaming up with SEA over the Chinese.

USGay is the biggest problem i think
USGay will come to destroy other people team up like EU,ASEAN

>ASEAN is a shitshow run by idiots.
Still better than the African Union.

>[Citations needed]

SEA is a very disparate group and there has been little sign of this actually happening. Either way, ASEAN is firmly in China's pocket.

>3. Decrease overt US control of Japan/SK/Taiwan.
That's the key to the matter. Japan and SK actually exchange part of their sovereignty to America for supply of foods and petroleum given these two countries are extremely lack resources and over-populated. If they want to unite China to form a EA union, China firstly have to win their trust that China is willing to consistently offer them these two necessity in Industrial society to maintain their people's livings. This need a long way to go.

This. 图里的研究就是个噱头而已, 用来炒作的

European Islamic Union*

neither of them speak 华语 mate

They've been trying to renew the TPP (a tool that Obama wanted to use as part of his pivot against China) minus the US, though Vietnam and Malaysia are skeptical because access to US markets was the point for them.



China has to take the first step by not being a bully and dealing with others in good faith, stop using Japan as a nationalist scapegoat eighty years later, having proper respect for basic rights and freedoms that the USA exported to its East Asian vassals.

TPP is literally fish out of water without The US. period.

你在这儿post这么久了终于讲中文了 我还在奇怪怎么有个西班牙人能看懂那个人发的图片里的文字

Yes but it speaks to their desperation that they are trying keep it at all even as RCEP is being negotiated.

Hahaha and there are only 4 SEA members part of it. Even if it does happen, that leaves out 10 others.

TPP- is far less meaningful than TPP was. RCEP is now what matters, and they are gonna wrap it up this year.

Yeah pretty much

But to be fair, the CCP is concerned mainly about China. 1.4 billion people is the main concern for now, and then in the 2020's that may change once China is developed.

It's more to keep Abe from looking stupid in Japan. He's been having a difficult time with corruption allegations, losing his ally in SK, and sucking Trump's cock.


OP here. 没有人仔细看OP上附的图么 ╥﹏╥

哈哈 真的耶 更准确的说 你们是欧洲人里的老北京;-)

Are chink girls' feet extra smelly after a day of wearing crocs and taking them off

What are the more popular sites that Mainland Chinese/Taiwanese/HK-ers use? I'm looking for sites that are like reddit or Sup Forums, but I'm open to any and all suggestions. I'm aware of Weibo and Tieba, just wondering if there are any more similar sites. Thanks a lot.

对了 话说你用wechat么 用的话要不要join group chat of /sino/

看了 吓得我赶紧又去翻了翻精神现象学压压鲸





笑死了 那以后我就把油条叫为“中式churros”哈哈

有点长···有些懒得看 囧

并。。。并没有这个意思 I didn't mean that

Use for what? The Sino-websphere is huge. A lot of unis and such have their own BBSs, but they're in the process of being phased out

Apparently RCEP has some really stringent draconian IP rights provisions in it, watch as China proceeds to ignore it all.



GAY as Fuck
Taiwan is Real china, and Belarus is only and REAL russia.

Are you that Latvian mail-order bride I met in Taiwan? Did you end up getting a divorce?

General netizen talk I guess? It's exactly because the websphere is so huge that I don't know where to begin。 Weibo and Tieba seem more of a springboard to other sites.

western provinces are so poor, why doesnt the government help them

Went to look up more about this and found a fascinating post that expands on the topic.

>The vocabularies that the Chinese borrowed from the Japanese are totally essential for the Chinese language to adapt to modern society. The examples given, like "電話" (telephone) and "經濟" (economy) should indicate this. More examples (all originally Japanese terms):

>法律, meaning "the law"
>警察, "police"
>進化, "evolution"
>自由, "freedom"
>世界, "world"
>科学/科學, "science"
>哲学/哲學, "philosophy"
>主義, "-ism"
>社会/社會, "society". Combine this with the above and you get "socialism"
>共產主義, "communism".

>Why this is, comes from the geopolitical situation of the 19th-20th century. The Meiji Restoration ushered in a unprecedented era of western learning in Japan, as western learning was the fast track to modernization. However, in translating the western literature, the researchers ran into a problem. Classical Chinese, the script that Japan had been using until this point, is hopelessly outdated for this purpose: either there is no corresponding concept in Chinese or the Chinese terms for that concept carried connotations inadequate for a modern society. For example, contemporary essayist Natsume Souseki once wrote this in his Japanese diary:

>law ハ nature ノ world ニ於ル如ク human world ヲ govern シテ居ル

>because back then there weren't adequate terms in Chinese to describe "law", "nature", etc.

>To combat this, the Japanese researchers created words on their own, often by combining characters that together formed a new meaning, or scoured ancient Chinese texts for words with similar meanings. For instance, 世界 "the world" used to be a Buddhism term describing all the realms of the living. The corresponding word for "world" in Classical Chinese at the time was "天下", but literally means "all under heaven", inappropriate for the needs of the times.

But what about The Real Chinese claiming they aren't China anymore?

>While all this is going on in Japan, China was late in realizing that they needed to learn from the west as well to catch up with the rest of the world. By then, the Chinese researchers had access to the fruits of Japanese research, all meticulously translated into compound, easily understandable Chinese terms. Even though there are local Chinese attempts at translating western works, the Chinese terms that came from these were often phonetically translated (like 德謨克拉西, "de mo ke la xi" for "democracy" - the characters mean nothing to those who don't know English) or made use of obscure and arcane single characters. This coincided with the perceived need for Chinese language reform, where intellectuals found Classical Chinese to inaccessible for the common people and pushed for the adoption of Vernacular Chinese in the written works. As a result, many originally Japanese terms entered the modern Chinese lexicon instead of the locally developed words.

>Nowadays, both Chinese and Japanese still make use of these words, but the methodology for translating new concepts ("cloning", for example) is completely different. Japanese now use katakana to phonetically transcribe these foreign terms (クローニング, "kurooningu") while Chinese is a whole mess due to the political situation - there can be two or three variations (or more!). It seems that Mainland China prefers to phonetically transcribe terms most of the time (克隆, "ke long"), while Taiwan and Hong Kong use meaningful translations (複製, "to produce by copying"). If you ask me, I'd say the Chinese language reform isn't complete!


>There is truth in this linguistic yarn; Chinese does deserve its reputation for heartbreaking difficulty. Those who undertake to study the language for any other reason than the sheer joy of it will always be frustrated by the abysmal ratio of effort to effect.

>There are a lot of popular books and articles that downplay this difficulty, saying things like "Despite the fact that Chinese has [10,000, 25,000, 50,000, take your pick] separate characters you really only need 2,000 or so to read a newspaper". Poppycock.

>This fairy tale is promulgated because of the fact that, when you look at the character frequencies, over 95% of the characters in any newspaper are easily among the first 2,000 most common ones. But what such accounts don't tell you is that there will still be plenty of unfamiliar words made up of those familiar characters. (To illustrate this problem, note that in English, knowing the words "up" and "tight" doesn't mean you know the word "uptight".)

>The other day one of my fellow graduate students, someone who has been studying Chinese for ten years or more, said to me "My research is really hampered by the fact that I still just can't read Chinese. It takes me hours to get through two or three pages, and I can't skim to save my life." This would be an astonishing admission for a tenth-year student of, say, French literature, yet it is a comment I hear all the time among my peers.

>Someone once said that learning Chinese is "a five-year lesson in humility". I used to think this meant that at the end of five years you will have mastered Chinese and learned humility along the way. However, now having studied Chinese for over six years, I have concluded that actually the phrase means that after five years your Chinese will still be abysmal, but at least you will have thoroughly learned humility.

there are indeed more similar sites but not that popular

there are more than 1000 loan words from Japanese in Chinese language according to some shittily written Chinese grad paper I was reading recently

One interesting thing to note about it is how the use of loan words also marks the importing of ideology from the source culture, especially how the loan words themselves often act to carry those ideologies

Pick something you're interested in and 100% chance there'll be a bunch of online communities for it. I got involved in one Chinese forum because of interest in doujin music (同人音乐), 5 years later, after learning the language, I've become a core member of the site


How does someone join the Communist Party of China?

嗷 刚刚看见有雷落在了离家很近的地方

>Are you that Latvian mail-order bride I met in Taiwan? Did you end up getting a divorce?
Said fucking spain, kek, you do realise that our economy is one of fastest growing in Europe right?We will soon reach Italy and then you, after western europe will turn in shithole becouse of refugees, it will be your woman who will prostitute on eastern european streets.


噫 以前住高楼的时候经常有雷砸到楼顶上 吓死人


literally 2nd result on google, don't be lazy

He's some chinkgook in Spain with a severe identity crisis pretending to be Japanese

But is this *actually membership* Or is this just for China to appear slightly democratic? I want to know if it's actually possible to climb to the top of the Standing Committee

I see now.

What,are you looking at climbing the party ranks? There's heaps of writing on this, both academic and news-based, look it up

>are you looking at climbing the party ranks?
Of course not, I'm not even chinese. I'm just curious about this

Is this the latvian equivalent of "superpower by 2030"? You'll have to export a few more women before you catch up to us

>He's some chinkgook in Spain with a severe identity crisis pretending to be Japanese

If I remember correctly, Hu Jintao, former president, comes from a family which runs a teahouse

Wen Jiabao, former prime minister, both of his parents are teachers.

So it's possible

Although their ascension to power relied more on political intrigue than "democratic process" that's for sure

>27 posters so far.

在我发现可以查看有多少用户在本帖下留言之前,我一直以为/sino/只有大概15个人发帖。= =

''us'' you aren't even Spanish, idiot........
Scound of all, i would of loved to see how you would of laughed if it was you who got Liberated by Ivan, not sure if you even would of handled it faggot proabably would of commited suicide.
Third of all.
This is not Ukraine, we don't export woman, but you sure soon will.

+1,28 nao

That's exactly what I wanted to know, thanks!

>political intrigue
hu and wen is more like recommended by Song Ping and Hu Yaobang and 钦定ed by Deng, tho most of other members of standing committee indeed rise to their post through political struggle and intrigue

你难道还能分清中国国旗都是谁吗 (´゚Д゚`)

>you aren't even Spanish, idiot........
You must have me confused with the other Spanish flag poster, Svetlana.

Also, unlike you, I'm not even memeing. I did meet an actual Latvian mail-order bride in Taiwan. Nice girl, but she was obviously married to her ugly tuhao of a husband for the money and not for his charm or good looks.

I'm using shadow clone technic though

There are nearly 100 million party members, and there's several ranks. Climbing up ranks is on a basis of public service and guanxi, although in practice this just means scratching the right people's backs and turning a blind eye to their misdealings

looking at the ascent 过程of some notable party members is a good way to understand it (for example, if you look at Xi's portfolio, it's pretty clear why he got the top job)

What was her name?

I'm sick of being ABC and being bantered by native-born Chinese for not knowing Chinese.