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International #762
/MENA/ /MOAN/ /ⵎⴻⵏⴰ/
/sag/ South Asia General
Tell me about asian women
/fr/ - Fil Francophone
I am unironically gay
I thought this gonna be funny but now ashamed to use it
Be European
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Tfw 5'9 and 66 kg
/mena/ /diaspora/ /ummah/
What the weather do in your city?
Slavic men are ug-
Do you like Portugal?
This car is bigger than most British peoples flats
I love France
Tfw Mexico will always be a Spanish-speaking shithole
Hey user, can I see you're dick?
/lat/ - hilo latino
Is Quebec really as shit as Canadians make it out to be?
It really does
Why do some Americans care if Europe burns? They've been trying to destroy the U.S. since the birth of our country...
You wake up in ugly finland
/éire/ - /eire/
Which country has the worst tourists?
I applied for a job in Singapore. I have job interview soon
Disgusting white subhumans
Who is the most influential person to come from your country?
When was the last time your cunt got bombed?
Why do Poles suck so badly in English that they need video games translated to Polish?
Should it be independent?
Is there a more feminine trait than blond hair?
What did they mean by that
Kurva anyátok
1. Your cunt
You wake up tomorrow and see this
All whites must perish
Why do you pakis and pooinloos stay in your shitty countries when you could move to Sweden and marry and impregnate qt...
/deutsch/ - homonationalistische Ausgabe
Why are european countries so retarded in taste? Do we let toddlers browse pornhub?
Why are they soooo fucking stupid?
Does your country have fidget spinners?
Greeks think this is white
How can latino bois compete?
Ywn impress qts with your german free smileys folder
Post your observations about posters from a country
Why are Americans so racist?!
Why are Americans such heartless monsters?
How come Italy is worse than some of the best post-soviet countries?
Are you okay, Sup Forums ? :^)
Finnish delicacies will conquer the world
/MENA/ /MOAN/ /ⵎⴻⵏⴰ/
How do we save Russia?
Failed my exams
/deutsch/ häbliches entlein ausgabe
Perfect countries don't exis-
Hey,you guys who are university students. What's your major?
/fr/ - Fil Francophone
Tfw your country is a shithole that has power outages both in the summer and the winter
How is multiculturalism viewed in you country?
ITT: you can replace one nation/area on your continent with one from another. what do you do?
WW3 is coming. Is your country ready?
Why dont they move to Germany or UK?
/deutsch/er Stammtisch
He's serious
The balkans is 1st world soon
Finland is never mentioned in video games
How come society is ok with women being with minorities but if a white man wants a thai wife he's seen as an autist
What does Sup Forums know about the War of 1812?
Culture Pals - /cp/
Sverigetråden - Eftermiddagsupplagan
Georgian guy here ama
1. Cunt
Otto didnt deserve this anons
Mfw Dutch gf says it 28 degrees in the Netherlands right now
Talk with an american ancap
/sag/ South Asia General
How common is it for males to stimulate their prostates in your country?
Are germany really white?
1. your country
Would you date a Chinese girl?
Finland - Australia - Poland /fap/ general
Asians should be yellow. Stop trying to become white you cucks
I would really like a cigarette now
Your cunt
/First World General/
Do people in your country like the British Royal family?
Muslims and niggers shitting up the north hemisphere
ETIMOLOGIA - Etymology thread
Terror attacks are pretty much a weekly occurrence in Europe
I just literally woke up
French was the de facto official language of South Vietnam
/ummah/ + /ex-ussr/
The members of the Big Four, called the Four Powers during World War II...
Do you still use paper? kek!
There are people on Sup Forums who haven't seen a vagina irl or had sex
Kurva anyátok
How can I as a 5'9" olive skinned manlet obtain a cute Danish bf??
What does Sup Forums think of Louisiana?
/esp/ + /tuga/ = /ibe/
Ur cunt
Is any of you guys planning to go to Europe this summer?
/sino/ - 中文
Things Europeans will never understand
Memes are real
Gg Armenia
Latinos and latinas
What's the best Canadian province and why is it Quebec?
You realize there are people in this board who have never seen the sea
Otto Warmbier dead
"I want to see a white doctor"
This is what slavs would look like
Why does no one like Maryland?
Hilo latino
Based Korea is fucking BASED
Why do Turks eat so much bread?
"I am Greek"
What do you instantly think when you see my flag?
Post cancers of your continent
What is it feel like to date someone with different race than yours?
Daily Islamic terrorist attacks
Have to do physical labour job for $17/hr
/Späte Nachtschicht/
/balt/ /ausnz/
/ita/ il filo
What is it like to live in Poland? Anyone move there from America?
Polish family begs for money to get plane tickets
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
/CUM/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Sum up Multiculturalism in your country
Why do Europeans live like communists?
What would you do to this baby kangaroo?
Wake up
Who are the greatest military commanders that came from your country anons?
Which are the real smarties?
Stopped making excuses and started taking action
Do muh heritage'ers sometimes listen to music from the old country?
You fucked up, America
I like Brazil
/V4/ + friends
Why are these t shirts with the American flag on it so popular in Europe?
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
Tfw just failed my 5th job interview after graduating university 2 years ago
You will never be Finnish
Scandinavian girls
You will never live in a country as progressive and tolerant as Sweden
At least you live in Europe
/fr/ - Le fil francophone et francophile
/MENA/ - Middle East + North Africa
Anybody feel sad about this guy?
1. your mum in thong
/fr/ - le file francophile
/éire/ + /celt/ = /gael/
What do you drive?
This is deep
Show us a Street View of the worst part of your town
Reggaeton is converting my country in south america 2.0
You're cunt
What'll happen now?
The superior race
Would fucking yourself in the ass if you had a portal gun be considered gay?
Mfw i wake up and realize i'm white
Is it really that bad?
Why does everyone from Latin America keep shitting all over Peru?
I can see me loving nobody but you!
/hell/-/Νήμα Ελλήνων/-
T-traps aren't gay, r-right?
Is there anywhere I can go where I won't automatically be a loser for being an Asian """male"""?
Culture Pals - /cp/
/hell/-/Νήμα Ελλήνων/-
I don't find white girls attractive anymore
Sverigetråden - Kvällsupplagan
Kurva anyátok
Which language sounds better when spoken?
This is what the average mexican girl looks like
Women are less interested in engineering
Why are Germans so retarded?
Andalusia is my country. Spain is my punishment
Why american planes are so ugly?
Latin America Unification
I'm a dutch turk ask me anything
Which country in Europe would you immigrate to if you were me?
Gypsie hate thread
How does a poor dago get a German gf who's into cuckolding and black cocks?
/sag/ South Asia General
Sverigetråden - Hell tråden upplagan
/MENA/ /MOAN/ /ⵎⴻⵏⴰ/
/österreich/ ehemals /deutsch/
/balt/ + /ausnz/
World War 3
What is the most biased moment in your countries history?
Language Learning - /lang/
What's the "ugliest" language?
Meanwhile, in the deep Australian Abyss
Do westerners really do this to asians?
/CUM/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Why americans like beer which taste like water and is poluted by tons of chemicals which give you cancer?
/fug/ - Finno-Ugric / Uralic
Post you national sports teams, so we can determine how white your country is
Sverigetråden - Trådstart-tans upplaga
Euroshits complain that it's hot
Culture Pals - /cp/
/fr/ - Fil Francophone
What happened during the 1920's in your country?
East asia
Nippon genocide when?
Just a friendly reminder that you're NOT truly white if you have brown eyes and/or brown hair
1. Your country
/ita/ il filo
Would you racemix with a North African girl?
Have I figured it out?
What kind of immigrants from the developing world would you gladly accept into your country?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
5 favorite female and male names
People who wave the spanish flag are being threatened and receiving death calls in madrid
Which is the best South American nation?
I actually can't think of the benefit of multiculturalism other then food can you name one just one Sup Forums
Why Japaneses communicate each other their own language in the thread? Not just a japan thread. When I start Sup Forums...
ITT post only memes from your own country
Tfw no french bf
Had 24°C 99% humidity couple of days a week ago, almost winter
America thread
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/sino/ - 中文
1. country
Perfect countries don't exis-
/SymphonyX/ ehemals /deutsch/
What will happen to your country in 10 years?
Do mixed people want to be white?
Be ausfag
How are boys raised in your country
Why is there so much terrorism in england?
Sverigetråden: Stormiga upplagan
Nigga culture is amerigan culture
Ask a normie why the west supports israel
Are you proud of who you are and what you've achieved Sup Forums?
Only 1
When the most powerful country on earth does the pic related
I've never ever even seen a gun in real life
/hell/-/Νήμα Ελλήνων/-
Autism Test
What do you call an white woman who fucks an Asian male?
If you are East Asian, you have 5 seconds to explain this
How can 3D girls even complete?
Autism general
The English LITERALLY consider a run of low 30s to be a """heatwave"""
How much butt do women in your country show off at the beach?
Anyone living or who has lived in Singapore tell me the worst thing about it...
What went wrong?
Barcelona from above
Can we agree American architecture > European architecture?
/ex-ussr/ general
Why does Sup Forums think if you are Muslim you are automatically Arab?
/esp/ + /tuga/ = /ibe/
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Why do Yugoslavs (particularly Serbs) love basketball so much?
Have eaten nothing but PB for FOUR fucking days
Does Sup Forums prefer London style buildings or Parisian style?
Which is in your opinion the most beautiful country in Europe??
What happens here?
Kurva anyátok
/Бaлк/ - /balk/ - Balkan Thread
Be American
/balt/ + /ausnz/
When did snow niggers get the idea that they were Europeans and could claim the achievements of Mediterraneans...
Good morning Sup Forums
"Greater" versions of countries that you would like to see happen one day
/sag/ /desi/ South Asia General
Popularity of Hitler
His ""country"" can't into the koyak project
Only americans wear the same shoes outside and inside
Why are southern europeans so swarthy despite having roughly the same climate as northern europe?
I'm temporarily moving to Mexico City for 4 months. What advice can Mexanons give me?
How would Sup Forums be different during the Cold War?
Stop bullying India
Why do french posters always come off as sad? Most of them just give into french bullying rather than fight back
Why do Lebanese people look so much like Iberians?
Tfw no latina gf
Tell me an interesting fact about Argentina
Seriously, what's wrong with Brits?
How strong is the bully culture in your country?
What make Canadian """""people""""" such prolific shitposters?
During World War II, Finland allied with Nazis
His country doesn't use common law
Ask a south american anything
What are the most recognizable elements of Mexican culture besides food, drug cartels, sombreros, maracas, ponchos...
I hate this country
Ask your answers about Russia here
French people think napoleon was a goody
This confuses, frightens, annoys, baffles, perplexes, discombobulates, befuddles, bamboozles, razzles, dazzles...
Is this accurate?
Post historic figures you would kill
Could they have won WW2 if they had teamed up till the end?
What the Dickens is their god damn problem?
Got called a "nigger" online
Do anything productive over the weekend, int?
Which kinds of drugs Sup Forums anons use? Which one is easier to get in you cunt?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
World War part II
Brexit negotiations start in the morning
Shadilay m'lads!
What's the difference between these countries?
If you could destroy one race, which would it be?
Why do Americans keep making space sci-fi movies? NASA has less money, they are falling into leftism and SJW
/v4/ + friends
Why do so many turkish names end with gay?
Hilo latino
/ita/ - il Filo
Sooo much wasted potential
Welcome to England user, please don't try to destroy the Anglo race while you stay here, we just want peace!!!!
Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1868
Tfw no qt Turkish gf
This car is bigger than most British peoples flats
Why do so many Mexicans look like Native Americans?
Sverigelålin - Arg låli
Sverigetråden - Kvällsupplagan
Father's Day
Kurva anyátok
Culture Pals - /cp/
Hey you, yes you !
Most mestizos in LatAm are actually of majority european heritage. I did not expect this
What do you think when you see this flag?
Why do we not have any culture?
/fr/ - Fil Francophone
All of this land could have been populated by Greeks
What would happen if Mexico occupied Clipperton Island? Would France or NATO actually attack us...
World grading system
How do you call this game in your country?
6 Reasons Never to Date Norwegian Girls
Stop bullying Poland
How fucked up is your cuntri?
"turks are dir-"
Stop worshipping a kike in a stick, a pedophile or a merchant
/MENA/ /MOAN/ /ⵎⴻⵏⴰ/
/balt/ + /ausnz/
The birth rate in Italy touched a new historic low. According to national statistics agency Istat...
Ugly language, bad cuisine, very shitty people, terrible politicians, boring countryside and shitty culture...
So two guys i fucked want to gay marry me into USA. How does this stuff work? Should I fall for american dream meme?
How does it feel to be ruled by a Frenchie Sweden?
Guys my house is surrounded by fire i don't want to be the 63 victim HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is the power...of Northeast Brazil? Why has no one told me?
Tfw no amerykański bf
Sverigetråden - socialistäckelupplagan
Where were you when BASED Peterson destroyed race based nationalism?
What's your most honest opinion about Colombia and colombian people?
Subhuman dogs
So I'm wondering if anyone can help me translate a letter from 1974 written to my great grandmother...
World War
I have no frens
How do you cope with this Sup Forums
USAmericans constantly lament the perceived browning of Europe; cannot stop preaching doom with regard to immigration...
Hello /int
ITT: we thank Poland for this masterpiece
Me walking very fast to pizzeria
Basically speaking, why are you so angry?
ITT get replies from a country you like
Why don't you respect the personal decision of an adult of ending his life...
Today is the big day lads. If I don't wake up, I want you to know that I hate each and every one of you
What European country has the best beaches and why is it Croatia?
Are there anyone here who unironically believe in God? If so, how can you possibly be that retarded?
It sucks to be poor in Russia
/fr/ - le fil de la francophonie solidaire
Slovakia & Slovenia
Sverigetråden - Sommarupplagan
/MENA/ - Middle East and North Africa
Holy shit, Iceland
ITT: overrated countries
Italy is a first world european count-
I'm just gonna leave this here
/ita/ il filo
Your cuntri
Melanin enriched mutts of South-Western Europe
Which one are you?
Languages you know, but you wish you forgot since they're useless
Is France fixable?
What happened to Poland?
At least you live in Europe
Why doesn't Japan accept more immigrants like other successful western countries...
Use Sup Forums a lot recently
How did the "Japanese are racist" meme start?
Vais a flipar
Does America have the best national animal?
Is this the perfect map of Europe?
June 18th, 2017
/balk/ ETERNAL ALLIES edition
Kurva anyátok
What are Chess pieces called in your language?
Scenery seen from home
If 90%+ of your country can't naturally grow cloudberries, that means you're not white
Is your country committed to the concept of 'Core' Europe?
I will be staying in the US for the next 2 years. How do I acquire the US citizenship in that time?
Portugal wildfires
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/hell/ - /gr/ Hellas General
Why White calling East Asians as Racist?
Anti-bully ranger here!
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you see this flag?
Americans put their eggs in the fridge
Are you currently living in the country you were born in ?
10% of my city population is from Ukraine
America doesn't have cultu---
How are the relations between Brazil and Spain...
Why is this board relying on being unoriginal and repeating same stuff over and over?
I want to believe
Math question
Why are american houses not build with stone?
Why slavic men are such subhumans?
1) Anti women's rights
I'm tired of living in a country that threats assasins like heroes
What is this known as in your country?
What is this African flag doing in Europe
Hi Sup Forums...
Polish weddings
Always listened past of western whito pigu is inferior to eastern asia, Asian spiritual culture is superior to western...
Tfw living euro in a manlet world
What do Europeans do on Sunday when all the shops are closed?
/dixie/ — Southern US & Friends
Be swedish
Stop saying your greek, greek is suffering
I am BURNING with curiosity to learn more about this alliance, this passion has really lit a FIRE under me
Why are Brits and Hungarians so fat?
/fug/ - /fr/+/brit/+/deutsch/
your country
I didn't chose to be valencian. I was just lucky
/fr/ - Le fil francophone
Why is russia so fucking weak?
/morgenmagazin/ ehemals /deutsch/
What does "being Latino" really means
How you imagine France in 200 years?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...