
Brian Cant edition

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Islam need WIPING OUT

Today we must stand up. Today we must tell our Muslim brothers, sisters, and non-binary siblings that we love them, we support them, and that we hear them. We are united in this time, as we are united in all times. Our thoughts, prayers, and love are with the victims and their families; we hope that justice will come.

WA love and solidarity today, and always xxxxx

>tfw being wh*te


collectivism is slavery

The news is a joke today, as are the typical lefty nutjobs. "Islamophobic attacks aren't taken seriously enough in the uk" there literally wouldnt be any attacks on islam or its followers if they didn't repeatedly attack us and blow up innocent children. "Right wing terror attacks are roughly as prevelant in the uk as islamic terror attacks" Are they fucking serious with this shit, are they actually having a giggle? Fucking jk rowling, lefty godqueen. "Where was this white terrorist radicalized" ummmmm probably at home watching the news of infant children being blown to bits by a muslim, followed by three muslkm terror attcks in as many months in his home city. I would say that'd be a safe fucking guess as to what radicalized him.

Why do Brit posters become enraged when someone posts their success with women? It's better than most of the "conversation" here

done no less that 2 (two) washings today

first was bedsheets and second was clothes, all hanging out to dry now in the sun with a gentle breeze

hate collectivism, what about you lads?

*cracks whip*

poo pa-poo poo poo pa-poo poo WEE!

poo poo WEE poo WEE wooweewoo pooeeoooeeeooeoeoeoeoeo willy!

insurgency in colombia has been going on for like 6 decades now

lefties have their heads in the sand they always have

they know the truth but they won't admit it because it goes directly against their open borders/multiculture is great agenda

outstanding publication

doing a jerk off


paki bint

I did one. sock and undies and a couple of scrappy t-shirts (for bed, messy work etc). drying now

she is spanish

almost shagged this weekend but i got cold feet when she took her bra off
one of her boobs looked like someone stuffed a snooker ball into a sock

need her sweaty cunny in my face x

I feel the same way as everyone else about collectivism. That's the important thing.


>he doesn't mate with females

I bet your mums proud, do you not think she's embarrassed to have produced a 20 something year old virgin? Oh and she knows btw


just ate some chilled fig bars. very nice.


he uses the virgin word for sex

Having a walk by the river

I've got my anime so she can fuck right off

fig rolls you runt

covfefe shadilay maga fellow pedes

What's your status, lads?

Mating, dating, or masturbating?

still haven't met the new housemate
nice smell coming out of her room though

>girl on the right will grow into the woman next to her
Absolute nightmare

they're called fog rolls in uk

fig newtons in us after the brand name

but they're equally amazing

fit lads

meh, she still gets threats

Deano incoming at the back there wahey


no, individualism and property are



praying you kuffar

wondering why someone would call an election when they already had an absolute majority

>your mum has more sex than you do

Loving every laugh

Fig bar? Abhorrent.

>fog rolls


working at a call centre is fucking soul destroying lads

can't take this much longer tbqh

more like brian cunt

>jk rowling, lefty godqueen
umm no

Fellow call centre rodent here, what sort of call centre do you work in? Inbound / outbound?

Good Deano spotting skills

i'm a natural born citizen of the United States

me too wahey
applied at a publication that writes about sex

why does everyone in /brit/ work in a call centre?


really love porn

>It's better than most of the "conversation" here
No it isn't, it's vacuous shite and belongs on facebook

Does anyone else hate how many WHITE immigrants we get from the EU?? God. We need more brown people


The daily mail should be put in jail for hate speech like bloody choudary. They're spouting vile nonsense about that mosque and blurring the white man's face out.

>she's not a communist so she's not a lefty


working class runts

100 years ago they'd be working in factories.

quintessential runt job

inbound. not gonna go into details, but lets just say i work for a company that is nationally despised

More realistic than getting them to integrate into British society, rather than transform it into a disgusting, mongrelised united kingdom of Pakistan that we live in today.

Got 40 mins to sink as many pints as possible before the gf arrives


the Alt-Right GF

Why are her hands so big

have you finished x

There's a Ukrainian immigrant at my work so I must make mine, lads. I want to give her the American dream. Her milky skin and retarded accent is enough to make any man's heart melt

Both parties work for the same power structure, and it's not democracy. The exist only to give the illusion of democracy. The agenda of the overlords is currently best served by the left wing party, so the right wing party gets out of the way.

she doesn't have be a communist, but she certainly is not leftist. a liberal scumbag

hello leftypol

inbound is easy mode

Try and move to sales or retentions lad, piss easy and its almost slightly challenging in selling idiots shit they don't need.



Ukrainian women are gorgeous. Definitely get her while you still have the chance

want to suck a cock

nonsensical post

fuck off alex jones



>/brit/ needs more relationship drama
Female detected.

she's probably a nazi mong like most of her compatriots from that fake shithole of a "country"

Nice, I do inbound as well (though some outbounding is required but thankfully not selling anything).

Do you have to deal with customer complaints?

why would you want to drink before shagging

>i work for a company that is nationally despised
That describes nearly every company with call centres

umm sweetie I mate with males

3 days did you say

Just ate 2 tesco apple turnovers


how is it nonsensical?

the jewish deep state control everything and made may call the election and then run a shit campaign so they could destabilise the country

All the better to humiliate your penis, my dear.

Anyone remember that far-right attack on Muslims in London a couple of weeks back by that white, british male? Can't believe whitey stabbed that many people, so soon after the 2017 Manchester Al'iana Grackbar Mosque bombings too. It's almost like white males are inherently violent and prone to mental illness.

The news is a joke today, as are the typical racist nutjobs. "Anti-western attacks aren't taken seriously enough in the uk" there literally wouldnt be any attacks on the west or its inhabitants if they didn't repeatedly attack us and blow up innocent children. "Right wing terror attacks are roughly as prevelant in the uk as islamic terror attacks" Are they fucking serious with this shit, are they actually having a giggle? Fucking Tommy Mair, right wing superhero. "Where was this islamic terrorist radicalized" ummmmm probably at home watching the news of infant children being blown to bits by a westernern, followed by multiple bombing sorties in a single months in his home city. I would say that'd be a safe fucking guess as to what radicalized him.

*strides toward you outside Lowestoft train station*

EXCUSE ME MATE can you explain why you're here to meet what you believe to be a THIRTEEN YEAR OLD CHILD?


You say that like it's a bad thing