Stopped making excuses and started taking action

>Stopped making excuses and started taking action
>Suddenly the world doesn't feel so bleak anymore and I'm actually happy to spend every moment alive working towards my goals

How are things going with you, int?

happy for you canadabro, im trying to do the same

Do you spend your entire day reading self-help articles?

Does this mean you are going to stop making these threads everyday?

Job is ok

Family is ok

Life is ok

No I don't read those because they are a meme. I only read actionable advice I can use to solve problems I encounter.

Im at work right now on break and taking a shit. Its alright i guess.

How come I was born in one of the best countries in the world and some pretty great genes, yet I feel like I fucked it all up. Maybe because I'm only 18

Because you made the wrong choices and now should start making the right ones

But those wrong choices keeps following you in life preventing or making it harder to make right choices

>wh*te boi
>great genes

You're only 18 there's literally nothing you could have done that couldn't be fixed within 1-2 years at the most.

bully free zone pls
Sure it can be fixed and I'm working on that everyday but they come up at random times either destroying parts of the progress or creating new problems. Time only makes it worse but also sometimes fix the problems itself so it's complicated to figure out what choice to make


>>/r9k is over yonder, leafscum

youre a little baby though, you know you've fucked up when you unironically start posting on wizchan when you're middle aged. You still have your life ahead of you.

Nah I'm probably overreacting and comparing myself to the best ones of my own age

Same. It excites me knowing I'll probably be able to retire before I'm out of my 20s.


High paying job

Retiring is boring though.