Hacksaw Ridge was pure kino

Hacksaw Ridge was pure kino

Based Mel

>look at the box-office
>disgusting Marvel capeshit is earning more
What the fuck is wrong with people?

It was completely Jewish influence free. It was so refreshing.

It was nice but i don't understand how it could be called "anti-war"

Who said it was anti-war?

Mel said it is but only begrudgingly. He said he mostly views it as a love story. I don't think being anti-war was his main focus.

A bigger budget would make it a classic.

>generic soundtrack with the blatant overuse of temp tracks
>the Hobbit like extra duplicates in every bigger scale war shot, resulting in a movie with 90% medium and close-up shots
>the CGI slow mo grenades and explosions
>those fucking playstation 2 battle ships

Otherwise prime kino, will get an oscar for Best Sound Editing mark my words

It was nice but i don't understand how it could be called "a love story" exept if the love interest is
the word of the Gospels

the love interest is human life

Stuttershit where? Sorry Mel but im not giving the Hollywood jew my shekels

You sure he said it was anti-war? Or did he simply state it shows that war is awful? Because they aren't the same. Mel is very keen on showing that war is atrocious but that doesn't mean he disagrees with there being a war. He is an honest filmmaker.

This was made in Australia, not Hollywood.

there are way more plebs who enjoy capeshit than patricians enjoying kike-free warkino

I've already seen SPR and BHD and Restrepo and Letters From Iwo Jima and FMJ and Platoon and Starship Troopers

Meanwhile I've seen nothing like Doctor Strange.

Jews allowed Mel to make this movie at all, and even gave him an award for directing it.

Mel Gibson is winning.

>I've seen nothing like Dr Quips
>literally an Iron Man copypasta
I want Mickey Mouse shills to kill themselves slowly.

>an established franchise has put out an another "safe formula" movie to their millions of fans against a yet another WWII movie with a relatively small budget

Gee I wonder how

>p-please go watch my capeshit #1231255 focus-tested garbage, give the jews more money instead of an actual director who has geniune passion past making money

He was straight up asked and his reply was "yeah I guess but I see it more as a love story"

>anti-war kike-pandering hollywood trash starring a kike
yeah, based mel. only a numale would make a movie like this

You can calm down now Disney goon.

so had this guy been accepted back into hollywood?

Desmond Doss was truly a hero.

Imagine the strength of spirit and endurance that took him not to mention he was a vegan for several months.

>Mel will never spot for you in gym

It brandished a somewhat "anti-war" symbology though, but then again, any war epic that portrays war in its genuine sense will always become "anti-war" if it unveils to the viewers the mess war really is.

And nowadays, being "anti-war" is more than ever about shutting up the few remaining advocates for war, which is to say CoD kiddies who believe that war would be anything akin to their games, with them piling up "enemy tangos", running freely throughout battlefields with bullets only ever harming them for mere seconds, etc... and that it would let live out those things in a true settings.
But with this movie, you experience what stepping into a battlefield really dooms you out: a) whether you die or live is usually a matter of luck, b) most of deaths on the battlefield occur from artillery shells rather than by the hand of an enemy soldier, c) deaths are rarely ever quick or painless, but instead it's more likely that you'll wither away still in the mud and blood of the blood, your legs or arms blown off, d) most of what you're doing during battle is either cowering behind cover or running into enemy fire.

It wasn't necessarily "anti-war", but realistic enough in its treatment of the fight scenes that proponents for war can reflect for themselves that "gee, war doesn't sound so cool war nao :/".

Hollywood loves a redemption story, user.

Main actor is a jew.

Why is there no torrent of this yet? Shit's ridiculous, when I saw it in theaters there was like ten people in the room, this is an easy movie to record. I would have done it if I had a decent camera.